New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 17:11-1.3 - Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
"Advertisement" means a public notice of a need for available space that is advertised in newspapers, periodicals and/or the internet.
"Change order request" means a document requesting authorization for modification or variation from an original scope of work.
"Committee" means the State Leasing and Space Utilization Committee.
"Construction documents" means the drawings and specifications, as prepared, signed and sealed by licensed architects and engineers, necessary to obtain all applicable permits for the construction/renovation of space and the associated certificate of occupancy. These drawings and specifications may include, but are not limited to, general construction, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, fire protection and telecommunications.
"Cost effective" means the least expensive space procurement alternative that can be demonstrated to conform to criteria provided by DPMC in the Request for Leased Space Proposal and to the operational concerns and restrictions of the State agency.
"Coterminous amendment" means a change that amends the substance of an existing lease to include additional space and provides that the lease term for the additional space will terminate on the same date as the original lease.
"Disclosure Statement" means a document formulated by DPMC, and required of all lessors seeking to do business with the State, that elicits information related to ownership and other interests in the property, tax liabilities and possible conflicts of interest.
"Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC)" is the organization formed pursuant to a reorganization which occurred subsequent to the passage of P.L. 1992, c. 130. Pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 003-1997 (filed May 8, 1997, effective July 7, 1997), 29 N.J.R. 2498(a) (June 2, 1997), Governor Whitman abolished the General Services Administration and reorganized the Department of the Treasury's Division of Building and Construction, Division of Facilities Management, the Office of Real Property Management, and the Office of Leasing Operations into the newly created Division of Property Management & Construction (DPMC) in the Department of the Treasury, and transferred the functions of the General Services Administrator under P.L. 1992, c. 130, to the Division Director (the Director).
"Lease" means the agreement, approved by the Committee in accordance with 52:18A-191.4 and 52:18A-191.5, and fully executed by the State and the lessor that contains the terms and conditions under which the lessor will provide and the State will take a leasehold interest in certain specified real property.
"Leased space proposal" means the documents formulated by prospective lessors that contain pertinent cost and site information including rental, renovations and services. Leased space proposals serve as the basis for DPMC's evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of each proposal submitted in response to the competitive process.
"Notice of proposed lease (NPL)" means the documents submitted to the Committee prior to the execution of the lease that contain statutorily required information and recommend the proposed lease agreement to the Committee.
"Proposed lease agreement" means the terms and conditions of the leased space proposal submitted by a prospective lessor, as modified by negotiations between DPMC and the prospective lessor, and recommended by DPMC to the Committee.
"Project description" means a brief outline of the State agency's project requirements.
"Property Profile Form (PPF)" means a standardized document formulated by DPMC that provides an overview of property offered to the State by a potential lessor. Information requested on the form includes property size, location, names of property owners and authorized negotiator.
"Renewal option" means a provision in a previously negotiated and approved lease by which the State, at its sole option, may exercise a right to continue to occupy a space for a specified time period beyond the expiration date of the original lease term.
"Request for Leased Space Proposal (RFP)" means the solicitation document developed by DPMC for a specific space requirement. The RFP consists of a Scope of Work based on the SPR, the time and date specified for the submission, the format of the proposal, and other information specified by DPMC.
"Scope of Work (SOW)" means a document developed by DPMC that identifies in detail the components of the space planning request or components of the project description, which the potential lessor must address in the leased space proposal. The SOW outlines the components of the space as it pertains to construction-related practices and finishes and identifies schedules and cost breakdowns required to be addressed by each potential lessor.
"Space Planning Request (SPR)" means a document developed by DPMC to be completed by State agencies to document pertinent information and justify requests for the authorization, development, procurement and management of space. Information to be provided includes position numbers, employee names and titles, square footage requirements and special program needs, such as site requirements, location, legislative mandates, computer and client space provisions.
"State agency" means any department, division, office, board, commission, council, or bureau in the Executive branch of State government.
"State Space Plan" means the space utilization plan developed by DPMC, in accordance with 52:18A-191.3.
"Tenant agency" means any State agency that is occupying a State leased facility.
"Tenant Service Request (TSR)" means a document developed by DPMC and used by a tenant agency to request that DPMC obtain a cost proposal from the landlord or a contract vendor for specific work to be performed for the tenant agency. Information to be provided includes building location, specific need, site of requested service, full description of work, funding source and contact person.