Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
Annually, prior to July 31, each county shall be notified of the amount of
local aid funds allotted to the county for the current State fiscal year. Any
unencumbered funds from prior year allotments, not subject to rescission
pursuant to
16:20A-6.4, shall be available in addition to
the current annual allotment. Balances from prior year allotments must be
encumbered before a county uses its current annual allotment.
(b) An ATP shall be submitted by each county
for approval through the Department's online grant management system, SAGE
found at:
Each county shall submit an application for funding by December 1st of each
1. The ATP shall list a pool of
eligible projects by name and location, including municipality, with a brief
description of each project, project limits, and an estimate of the
construction cost. The total cost of the pool of projects may exceed the amount
of the countys annual allotment of local aid funds.
2. All projects from prior approved ATP(s)
that have not been awarded may be carried over to the current year ATP. All
projects approved from prior ATP(s) that remain active shall be listed by the
county and made part of its current ATP.
3. The ATP shall contain a statement
describing how the projects in the program are consistent with all applicable
State and regional planning documents, including, but not limited to, the State
Development and Redevelopment Plan, the State long-range transportation plan,
the regional long-range transportation plan of the appropriate metropolitan
planning organization, and the county master plan.
4. The ATP shall be approved by the
appropriate county governing body before submission to the Department for final
approval and shall include a certification that allotted funds shall only be
spent on eligible costs for projects set forth in the countys approved
5. Upon Department approval,
the county will be notified through SAGE and an ATP agreement will be provided
for execution. The ATP agreement will be for 100 percent of the annual
allotment. Disbursement of funds from the annual allotment will be made on a
project-by-project basis pursuant to
i. All ATP agreements shall contain
provisions for the indemnification of the State and its employees and
6. Additions
or deletions of projects in the ATP shall be requested in writing by the
appropriate governing body or the County Engineer, as authorized by the
governing body, and must be approved by the Department prior to modifying the
(c) The Department
shall execute an agreement with each county concerning the project or projects
for which the aid is allotted to the county within 90 days from the date that
the Department receives the application from the county or by April 1st of the
following year, whichever is later.