New Jersey Administrative Code
Title 15 - STATE
Section 15:21-10.2 - Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
"Accessibility" means availability of materials for borrowing, consultation, in-house use or reproduction, depending on the nature and condition of the materials and the collections.
"Comprehensive preservation program" means the organization and operation of all activities associated with maintaining library materials for use.
"Comprehensive preservation program development" means the initial steps taken by a library in planning for the establishment of a comprehensive program for preservation of its materials, including consultant visits, reports, and self-studies.
"Condition survey" means a systematic study of a library collection to ascertain its physical state.
"Conservation treatment" means the direct use of chemical and physical procedures to ensure the preservation of library materials.
"Cooperative preservation planning and programs" means planning or programs carried out by a group of libraries concerned with the care, protection and salvage of their collections.
"Housing" means the provision of equipment, products, supplies and appropriate environmental conditions or their creation and maintenance for the long term storage and maintenance of a collection.
"Identification/inventory" means a descriptive list of items in a collection, giving as a minimum the title, dates, quantity, arrangement, description of significant subject content and estimate of uniqueness, in a format meeting appropriate bibliographic standards.
"Materials" means physical entities of any substance that serve as carriers of information.
"Materials conversion" means the process of converting library materials from one format to another for the purpose of preservation.
"Organization" means the systematic arrangement of the collection to facilitate access.
"Preservation" means the activities and organization associated with maintaining library and archival materials for use, either in their original physical form or in some other permanent and durable format.
"Protection" means any of the various activities, containers and materials which shield library materials from the harmful effects of storage, environmental conditions and use.
"Repair" means the partial rehabilitation of a worn item using high quality, long lasting materials and supplies and accepted, conservationally sound methods.
"Restoration" means any of various processes whereby a deteriorated book or paper document or other library material is returned as nearly as possible to its original condition.