New Jersey Administrative Code
Subchapter 2 - DEFINITIONS
Section 12:185-2.1 - Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
"Abandoned" means the relinquishment of rights, with the intention of not returning to perform work at any quarry or pit.
"Approval" means approved by the Commissioner.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development or his or her authorized representatives.
"Employee" means any person or persons who shall work on, in or about any mill excavation, quarry, sand pit, clay pit, gravel pit or shale pit of whatever kind or character as defined in this section.
"Employer" means any owner, agent, manager, superintendent, foreman, lessee or other person or persons, whether individual partnership, corporation or association, having charge of any mill, excavation, quarry, sand pit, clay pit, gravel pit or shale pit of whatever kind or character as defined in this section.
"Explosives" are as defined in 21:1A-129.
"Face" or "bank" means the sides from the bottom or floor of a pit or quarry to the surface surrounding the pit. Where one or more benches or levels are used in a pit, each bench or level has a separate face.
"Mill" means any ore mill, crushing, grinding or screening plant.
"Mineral" means any metalliferous or nonmetalliferous substance that can be extracted from the earth for profit.
"Pit" or "quarry" includes any excavation, pit, bank or open cut working for the extraction of stone, rock, gravel, sand or any other mineral and shall embrace any and all parts of the property of such quarry or open pit mine that contribute directly or indirectly to the extraction of such mineral.
"Shall" means a mandatory requirement.
"Should" means an advisory or recommended practice.