Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) The trustees
shall prepare and, after the approval by resolution of the governing body of
each participating member, shall adopt bylaws for the joint insurance fund. The
bylaws shall:
1. Set forth a statement of
purpose of the group;
2. Set forth
provisions for organization of the group, including governance by a board of
3. Provide for the
delivery of a risk management program in conjunction with any joint
self-insurance fund or funds which the board of trustees shall
4. Set forth procedures
to enforce the collection of any contributions or payments in
5. Set forth membership
standards as required in
N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-3;
6. Require that, for each joint
self-insurance fund, a contract or contracts of specific and aggregate excess
insurance or reinsurance is maintained;
7. Set forth procedures for:
i. Withdrawal from the group and a fund by a
member, including any requirement that a terminated or withdrawing member
provide security in a form and amount acceptable to the Commissioner or
trustees, as applicable, as a guarantee for the continued payment of the
member's obligations pursuant to
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.1 0(c);
ii. Termination of the group or fund and
disposition of assets; and
Determining the obligations, if any, of a member in the event that the group is
unable to pay indemnification obligations and expenses payable from a fund
administered by it;
Require an annual certified audit and an actuarial opinion statement on loss
reserves pursuant to the Loss Reserve Opinions rules, N.J.A.C. 11:1-21, to be
prepared and filed with the Commissioner;
9. Require an annual, supplemental
semi-annual, and quarterly financial reporting schedule, as applicable, to be
filed on a form prescribed by the Commissioner;
10. Require that any joint self-insurance
fund or funds be developed and operated in accordance with accepted and sound
actuarial practices;
11. Provide
that any expenditure of moneys in a fund be in furtherance of the purpose of
the fund;
12. Provide for expulsion
of a member;
13. Provide procedures
governing trust fund accounts, including transfers, withdrawals and
distribution surplus therefrom and supplemental assessments; and
14. Set forth other provisions as desired for
operation and governance of the group.
(b) The bylaws of a joint insurance fund
shall provide for governance of the fund by a board of trustees selected in
accordance with the provisions of the bylaws. The bylaws shall provide for
trustee powers and duties and shall include, but not be limited to, the
following powers of the board of trustees:
To determine and establish contributions and rates, loss reserves, surplus,
limits of coverage, limits of excess insurance or reinsurance, coverage
documents, refunds and other financial and operating policies of the group or
2. To invest moneys held in
trust under any fund in investments which are approved for investment by
regulation of the State Investment Council for surplus public moneys of the
State or, at the discretion of the board, to transfer moneys held in trust
under any fund to the Director of the Division of Investment in the Department
of the Treasury for investment on behalf of the board in accordance with the
standards governing the investment of other funds which are managed under the
rules and regulations of the State Investment Council. However, any moneys
transferred to the Director for investment may not thereafter be withdrawn
except upon withdrawal of a member from the group or a fund or termination of
the group or a fund or in specific amounts in payment of specific claims,
administrative expenses or member dividends upon affidavit of the director or
other chief executive officer of the group;
3. To purchase, acquire, hold, lease, sell
and convey real and personal property, all of which property shall be exempt
from taxation under
N.J.S.A. 54:4-1 et seq.;
4. To collect and disburse all money due to
or payable by the fund, or authorize such collection and
5. To enter into
contracts with other persons or with public bodies of this State for any
professional, administrative or other services as may be necessary to carry out
the purposes of the fund;
6. To
purchase and serve as the master policyholders, if desired, for any insurance,
including excess insurance or reinsurance;
7. To prepare, or cause to be prepared, a
risk management program for the joint insurance fund;
8. As the need arises, from time to time, to
amend the bylaws and risk management program of the fund pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-4 and this subchapter;
9. To do all other things
necessary and proper to carry out the purposes for which the fund is
(c) In
addition, the bylaws shall:
1. Include the
fund's name, location of its principal office, date of organization, and name
and address of each initial member;
2. Specify the insurance coverages to be
provided by the fund and the minimum participation required of any
3. Describe the
responsibilities and obligations of the participants, the terms and conditions
of continued participation and discontinuance of participation in the
4. Be accompanied by a pro
forma financial statement, with underlying assumptions and methodology, on a
form acceptable to the Commissioner showing the financial strength and
liquidity of the fund to assure that all obligations will be met
5. Where self-insured,
provide a plan for specific and aggregate excess insurance or reinsurance and
for retention in accordance with sound actuarial principles and the risk
management program;
6. Be
accompanied by proof of competent personnel and ample facilities within the
fund organization with respect to claims administration, underwriting matters,
loss prevention and safety engineering or present a contract with a servicing
organization(s) for the provision of such services;
7. Establish the claims handling procedure to
be utilized by the fund which procedure shall provide for the prompt, fair and
equitable settlement of claims;
Establish the complaint handling procedure to be utilized by the
9. Be accompanied by a sample
copy of the resolution and written agreement adopted by each participating
member as specified at
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.3. Within 30 days of
approval, the fund shall send certified copies of the resolution and written
agreement from each participant to the Commissioner;
10. Be accompanied by a sample copy of its
indemnity and trust agreement as defined in
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.2, and in a form
satisfactory to the Commissioner.
i. The
agreement shall create a trust and govern the operation thereof under which
monies shall be held by the trustees as fiduciaries for the benefit of fund
ii. Where a fund shall
provide for the retention on a self-insured basis of any or all of the risks or
liabilities specified below, the agreement shall require and provide for the
establishment of separate trust accounts from which monies shall be disbursed
solely for the payment of claims, allocated claims expenses and excess
insurance or reinsurance premiums for each risk or liability, and may provide
for the establishment of contingency accounts, each by fund year, as follows:
(1) Workers' compensation and employers'
(2) Liability, other
than motor vehicle;
(3) Property
damage, including automobile physical damage;
(4) Automobile liability;
(5) Defense costs for claims against the
board, district, officer, employee or servant pursuant to N.J.S.A.
(6) General
contingencies, if deemed appropriate by the fund, to replenish the
administrative account established pursuant to
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.1 4 for that specific fund
year; and
(7) Loss fund
contingencies, if deemed appropriate by the fund, to replenish a trust account
established pursuant to (c)10ii(1) through (5) above for that specific fund
year; and where the total amount of monies assessed and allocated to the
accounts established pursuant to (c)10ii(1) through (5) and this subparagraph
are utilized to satisfy the amounts estimated by the fund's actuary to be
necessary to pay claims, allocated claims expenses and excess insurance or
reinsurance premiums for each risk or liability set forth in (c)10ii(1) through
(5) above for that fund year.
iii. A fund shall not be otherwise required
to establish separate trust accounts as required by (c)10ii above for each fund
year, or for each risk or liability as specified in (c)10ii above, provided the
fund provides a plan in its bylaws which provides for the recording and
accounting of all transactions by fund year for each risk or liability as
specified in (c)10ii above, as applicable.
iv. Within 30 days of approval, the fund
shall send certified copies of the indemnity and trust agreement from each
participant to the Commissioner;
11. Provide procedures for the establishment,
maintenance and administration of reserves for unearned assessments, loss
reserves and loss expense reserves and for the determination and distribution
of assessment and/or investment refunds, in accordance with sound actuarial
principles, including the assumptions and methodology used;
12. With respect to funds providing for
self-insurance of workers' compensation liabilities, the bylaws of each fund
i. Guarantee benefit levels equal to
those required by the workers' compensation law and other applicable statutes
and provide a plan for the prompt payment of such benefits. Information
documenting an individual member's financial strength and liquidity shall be
made available to the Department upon the Department's written request and in a
form specified by the Department;
ii. Mandate a minimum contribution of at
least $ 250,000 for the fund's first year of operation and thereafter the
minimum contribution shall be at least $ 500,000 for each subsequent year of
operation unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner; and
iii. Unless otherwise approved by the
Commissioner, provide for assessments based upon the Experience Rating Plan
provided for in the New Jersey Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability
Insurance Manual on file with the Commissioner; and
13. Be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing
fee in the amount of $ 1,500.
(d) The bylaws shall be accompanied by the
following information and documentation and any amendments thereto:
1. Designation of the trustees, administrator
and custodian of the fund's assets, as well as the chairman and secretary, if
2. Copies of the fund's
prospective and executed agreements or contracts and any renewal or new
agreements or contracts with any administrator, servicing organization or
custodian of the fund's assets. Such agreements or contracts shall specify the
duties of, and compensation to be paid to, each such entity. Copies of the
above shall be accompanied by a list of all parties having or deriving any
interest, right or benefit in the servicing organization or administrator;
i. To the extent the terms and conditions of
any renewal agreement or contract and the parties thereto remain unchanged from
the prior year, a copy of the renewal agreement or contract shall not be
required. In lieu of filing a copy of the renewal agreement or contract, the
fund shall file a notice with the Department in the format of Exhibit A in the
Appendix incorporated herein by reference, that the agreement or contract and
parties thereto remain unchanged from the prior year;
ii. Copies of any changes to the agreements
or contracts shall be filed with the Department within 10 days after such
changes are approved by the fund;
3. A fidelity bond for all persons handling
fund assets in a form and amount acceptable to the Commissioner;
4. A surety bond for the claims
administrator, or any other servicing organization deemed necessary by the
Commissioner in a form and amount acceptable to the Commissioner, and a surety
bond for any other servicing organization as deemed appropriate by the trustees
in a form and amount acceptable to the trustees;
5. Evidence of errors and omissions insurance
coverage for the servicing organization(s), administrator and producer, if
employed by the fund, who negotiates excess insurance or reinsurance on behalf
of the fund;
6. A designation and
appointment of an agent in New Jersey to receive service of process on behalf
of the fund as well as the address in this State where the books and records of
the fund will be maintained at all times;
7. A list of the board of trustees and
executive officers, updated annually;
8. Data forms, in the format set forth in
Exhibit B in the Appendix incorporated herein by reference, incorporating the
appropriate and necessary professional qualifications for senior officers and
directors of the administrator and servicing organizations providing services
to the fund updated and submitted to the Commissioner annually. An entity
providing services to more than one fund may submit one data form for all funds
formed pursuant to this subchapter which the entity services;
i. To the extent the information contained in
the data forms remains unchanged from the prior year, the fund need not file
updated forms, provided that the fund files a notice with the Department, in
the format of Exhibit C in the Appendix incorporated herein by reference, that
the same individuals are utilized and that the information in the data forms
remains unchanged from the prior year;
9. Copies of each insurance policy or excess
insurance contract purchased by the fund, including a copy of the cover note or
binder; and
10. A description of
any producer arrangement plan by which producers, who shall be licensed
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 17:22A-1 et seq., represent members in their dealings with
the fund. The description shall include, but not be limited to, copies of all
producer contracts, which shall include a description of the producer's
obligations, responsibilities and compensation; the duration of such contracts;
and an indication whether the contracts are subject to renewal. Copies of
renewal contracts or a notice of renewal shall also be provided consistent with
the requirements set forth in (d)2 above.
The compensation paid to producers shall be reasonable. The Commissioner may
disapprove any arrangement if he or she determines that the terms of the
arrangement are unreasonable;
11. A cash management plan, which shall
include the designation of depository institution(s) for the holding of fund
monies and the fund's investment policy; and
12. A copy of the application form to be
utilized by the fund for prospective new members applying for membership in the
(e) Each joint
insurance fund shall, concurrently with the filing of its bylaws as provided at
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.6(a),
file its risk management program and any amendments thereto with the Department
as specified in (f) below.
(f) The
trustees shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a risk management program for
the joint insurance fund. The program description shall include, but not be
limited to:
1. The perils or liabilities to
be insured against;
2. The limits
of coverages, whether self-insurance, direct insurance purchased from a
commercial carrier, or reinsurance;
3. The amount of risk to be retained by the
4. The amount of unpaid
claims to be established;
5. The
proposed method of assessing contributions to be paid by each member of the
6. Procedures governing loss
adjustment and legal fees;
Coverage to be purchased from a commercial insurer, if any;
8. Reinsurance to be purchased, if any, and
the amount of premium therefor;
Procedures for the closure of fund years including the maintenance of all
relevant accounting records;
The assumptions and methodology used for the calculation of appropriate
reserves required to be established, maintained and administered in accordance
with sound actuarial principles pursuant to (a)10 above; and
11. The maximum amount a certifying and
approving officer may approve for payment pursuant to
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.2 2.
(g) The Commissioner may, at the time of
filing of the bylaws and risk management program and whenever thereafter he or
she deems it expedient, make or cause to be made, an examination of the assets
and liabilities, financial condition, method of conducting business and all
other affairs of any fund. For the purpose of the examination, the Commissioner
may retain attorneys, appraisers, independent actuaries, independent certified
public accountants or other professionals or specialists as examiners, or may
request the trustees to authorize and employ such person or persons to conduct
the same or to assist therein as he or she deems advisable. The reasonable
expenses of the examination shall be fixed and determined by the Commissioner,
and such expenses shall be paid by the fund examined to the appropriate entity
or person upon presentation of a detailed account.
1. For purposes of completing an examination
of any fund pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-7 and this subchapter,
the Commissioner may examine or investigate any person, or the business of any
person, insofar as such examination or investigation is, in the sole discretion
of the Commissioner, necessary or material to the examination of the
2. Every fund or person from
whom information is sought, including its officers, directors and agents, shall
provide the Commissioner or other person appointed as an examiner pursuant to
this subsection, timely, convenient, and free access at all reasonable hours at
its offices to all books, records, accounts, papers, documents and any or all
computer or other recordings relating to the property, assets, business and
affairs of the fund being examined.
3. The administrator and servicing
organization(s), and their officers, directors, employees and agents, or other
person, shall facilitate the examination and aid in the examination so far as
it is in their power to do so. The Commissioner may, in accordance with the
procedures set forth in
N.J.A.C. 11:15-4.8, suspend or terminate
the authority of any fund, if the fund, by its administrator, servicing
organizations, or officers, directors, employees, or agents thereof, refuses to
submit to an examination or to comply with any reasonable request of the