New Jersey Administrative Code
Subchapter 10 - LIFE SAFETY
Section 10:47-10.1 - Fire safety

Universal Citation: NJ Admin Code 10:47-10.1

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024

(a) The facility shall have an annual fire inspection conducted by a State or local fire official.

1. A written statement or certificate shall be on file at the facility stating that the building(s) are satisfactory for occupancy and meet the minimum requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Safety Act, and rules promulgated in accordance with that Act.

2. Deficiencies noted during the inspection shall be corrected within time limits established by the State or local enforcement agency.

(b) An automatic fire detection and alarm system shall be comprised of the following:

1. Smoke detectors
i. In each bedroom;

ii. In living and dining rooms;

iii. In all hallways;

iv. In recreation areas; and

v. At the top of all stairs.

2. Thermal detectors
i. In the kitchen (135 fixed); and

ii. In the furnace area (190 fixed).

3. A manual pull station within five feet of each exit;

4. Signalling devices as needed to be audible in all areas throughout the building;

5. Emergency standby power capable of operating the system for four continuous minutes after 24 hours on emergency power; and

6. A.C. power which shall be on a dedicated branch circuit. The circuit disconnection means shall be accessible to authorized personnel and shall be clearly marked "fire alarm circuit."

(c) Any area used for the storage of combustible supplies and equipment shall be separated from other parts of the building by fire resistant construction approved by the State or local fire official.

(d) The boiler and heating room shall be separated from the rest of the building and enclosed with one hour rated material.

(e) Portable fuel burning space heaters and electric space heaters shall not be used in any facility.

(f) Non-ambulatory individuals shall not be placed in bedrooms above the first floor of any facility.

(g) Individuals shall not be placed in bedrooms above the second floor, unless the bedroom is provided with a comprehensive automatic sprinkler system.

(h) The telephone number of the local fire department serving the facility or "911" shall be posted at each telephone.

(i) All passages leading to fire exits shall be properly illuminated by natural or artificial light 24 hours a day.

1. Signs bearing the word, "EXIT" in plain legible letters shall be placed at each exit opening.
i. Additional signs shall be placed in corridors, where necessary, to indicate the direction of exit.

ii. Letters shall be at least six inches in height.

2. Letters of internally illuminated exit signs shall be at least four and one-half inches in height.

3. All exit and directional signs shall be clearly legible by electric illumination when natural light fails.

(j) Two separate means of egress leading directly to the exterior of the building of each floor occupied by individuals shall be provided.

1. Means of egress must be kept free of obstructions at all times.

2. Existing fire escapes shall be examined annually by the fire official and repairs completed as recommended.

(k) Doors shall be outward opening and equipped with self-closing and positive latching devices.

1. Doors shall be placed so that traffic to and from any room shall not be through bedrooms, kitchens, or bathrooms.

2. All closets, bedrooms and bathrooms equipped with locks shall have keys readily accessible and visible within the same location as the door.

(l) Basements may be used as activity rooms if they are dry, warm, adequately illuminated with natural or artificial light and separated from laundry, heating, and other hazardous equipment.

1. Two means of egress shall be provided if a basement is used as an activity room.

(m) Basements shall be kept in good order, clear of excess furniture and equipment, and shall not be used for indiscriminate storage.

1. Doors at the head of basement stairways shall be constructed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23.

2. Basement ceilings shall be protected with material in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23.

3. Side walls and ceiling enclosing basement stairways shall be protected with material in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23.

4. Paint and other highly flammable material should be stored outside residential buildings.

5. Combustible partitions shall be prohibited.

(n) Installation of oil furnaces and equipment shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23.

1. In cases where oil burning equipment has already been installed in properties, the vent pipe and fill pipe shall be located outside the building.

(o) Electrical wiring shall be in accordance with National Electrical Code, available from the National Fire Protection Association, One Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.

(p) Annually, the licensee shall obtain a written statement by a registered electrical inspector that the electrical circuits and wiring are satisfactory.

1. The electrical inspector's report shall include:
i. The date of inspection;

ii. Assurance that circuits are not overloaded;

iii. A statement that all wiring and permanent fixtures are maintained in good condition; and

iv. A statement that all portable electrical appliances, including lamps, are equipped with heavy duty cord and maintained in good condition.

2. Temporary wiring shall be UL listed rated appropriate to the anticipated load unless approved by the electrical inspector.

3. Extension cords shall be prohibited.

(q) The facility shall have a procedure describing its smoking rules.

(r) The facility shall provide an adequate number of fire extinguishers in the basement and on each floor of every building, in accordance with the recommendation of the National Fire Protection Association Standard Number 10, available from the NFPA, One Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.

1. All fire extinguishers shall bear the seal of the Underwriter's Laboratories. (Available from Publications Stock, 333 Princeton Road, Northbrook, IL 60062.)

2. Extinguishers shall be recharged and inspected in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
i. Each extinguisher shall be labelled to show the date of such inspection and refilling.

3. One portable fire extinguisher shall be placed next to each fire alarm box.
i. All other fire extinguishers shall be placed as directed by the fire official.

4. The following types of fire extinguishers shall be provided:
i. A 20 BC rating in kitchen areas where a domestic range is used;

ii. A hood and duct suppression (extinguishing) system, with both automatic and manual actuation, in kitchen areas where a commercial range is used. There should be an automatic fuel shut off; and

iii. A 4A:BC fire extinguisher with a 40 BC rating in the basement area.

(s) All personnel and individuals shall be trained in: fire prevention; the use of fire protection equipment and devices; and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency. The training shall be given to all employees prior to their duty assignment and should be reviewed at 12 month intervals.

(t) Every facility shall have a written plan for the evacuation of the individuals to safe areas away from the building, in the event of fire or any other type of disaster, as follows:

1. All employees shall be instructed in their duties under this plan;

2. A diagram of each floor indicating location of fire extinguishers and the means of egress for each individual shall be prominently posted on each floor; and

3. The facility shall provide an emergency lighting system.

(u) Fire alarm systems shall be checked monthly by an employee designated by the licensee. A record shall be maintained showing the date checked, the name of the person checking the system, and any findings.

(v) The facility shall conduct a fire drill at least once a month in every building in which individuals are housed or services provided.

1. The drills shall be unannounced and held at various hours of the day and night.

2. A record shall be maintained of the date of the drill, time required for evacuation, the number of staff and individuals participating in the drill, a brief synopsis of what occurred during the drill and the signature and title of the staff person completing the report.

3. Arrangements shall be made to have a fire drill supervised by the local fire department at least annually.

(w) Kitchen exhaust fans, filters, and metal ducts shall be kept free of grease and dirt at all times, and metal ducts from such fans shall extend at least two feet beyond the building.

1. Areas around kitchen ranges shall be kept free of grease at all times.

2. Kitchens containing commercial cooking appliances, deep fryers, grills, etc. shall have approved kitchen exhaust system (rangehood) complete with an automatic fire suppression system in accordance with B.O.C.A. National Building Code, Article 17, Section 1702.20 and B.O.C.A. Basic National Mechanical Code.

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