New Jersey Administrative Code
Section - Executive Orders Table - Gov. Chris Christie

Universal Citation: NJ Admin Code
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024

Order Date Current
Number Subject Issued status
1 Orders and Directs All Proposed 1-20-10
Regulations and Rules, Except as
Herein Provided, Are Hereby Frozen
and Suspended for a Period of 90
2 Orders and Directs All Agencies, 1-20-10
Boards, Commissions, Departments
and Authorities Over Which the
Governor Has the Power to Veto
Minutes to Implement and Adhere to
Common Sense Principles Concerning
Regulatory Burdens
3 Creates a Red Tape Review Group 1-20-10 Rescinded by
Christie No.
4 Orders and Directs All Agencies, 1-20-10
Boards, Commissions, Departments
and Authorities Over Which the
Governor Has the Power to Veto
Minutes to Implement and Adhere to
Common Sense Principles Concerning
Local Governments
5 Establishes a Governor's Council 1-20-10
of Economic Advisors
6 Orders and Directs Monitors and 1-20-10
Other Employees of the New Jersey
Casino Control Commission Whose
Attendance Is Required for New
Jersey Casinos to Be Permitted to
Operate Are Essential Attendance
Employees within the Meaning of
Title 4A of the New Jersey
Administrative Code and Other
Applicable Laws and Regulations
7 Modifies Prior Executive Orders 1-20-10
Implementing "Pay-to-Play"
8 Orders and Directs the 1-20-10
Department of the Treasury Publish
Quarterly Reports on All State
9 Tribute to United States Marine 1-21-10
Sergeant Christopher R. Hrbek
10 Tribute to United States Marine 1-27-10
Lance Corporal Jeremy Kane
11 Creates New Jersey Gaming, 2-3-10 Amended by
Sports, and Entertainment Advisory Christie No.
Commission 34(2010), No.
69(2011), No.
97(2012), No.
136(2013), No.
12 Establishment of the Housing 2-9-10 Rescinded by
Opportunity Task Force Christie No.
13 Declaration of State of 2-9-10
Emergency in Atlantic, Burlington,
Camden, Cape May, Cumberland,
Gloucester, and Salem Counties
14 Declare and Proclaim that a 2-11-10
State of Fiscal Emergency Exists in
the State of New Jersey
15 Orders and Directs All Spending 2-23-10
by State Authorities to Be Closely
16 Tribute to United States Army 3-3-10
Sergeant Marcos Gorra
17 Establishment of the New Jersey 3-11-10
Privatization Task Force
18 Declaration of State of 3-14-10
19 Rescinds Executive Orders No. 3-15-10
103 (2008) and No. 135 (2009)
20 Rescinds Executive Order No. 12 3-20-10
21 Tribute to Congressman Robert 4-14-10
Douglas "Bob" Franks
22 Tribute to United States Army 4-15-10
Corporal Michael D. Jankiewicz
23 Creation of The Governor's 4-22-10
Passaic River Basin Flood Advisory
24 Orders and Directs that Every 4-27-10
Public Employee and Public Officer
Shall File a Sworn and Duly
Notarized Financial Disclosure
25 Tribute to United States Army 4-27-10
Sergeant Ronald Alan Kubik
26 Establishment of the New Jersey 5-7-10
Higher Education Task Force
27 Tribute to United States Army 5-7-10
1st Lieutenant Salvatore S. Corma
28 Tribute to Senator Frank J. 5-21-10
"Pat" Dodd
29 Tribute to United States Army 5-26-10
Colonel John M. McHugh
30 Tribute to New Jersey State 6-7-10
Trooper Marc K. Castellano, Badge
31 Tribute to United States Army 6-7-10
Specialist Stanley J. Sokolowski,
32 Composition of Judicial Advisory 6-9-10
33 Creation of County Prosecutor 7-16-10
Study Commission
34 Continuation of New Jersey Superseded by
Gaming, Sports and Entertainment 7-21-10 Christie No.
Advisory Commission 69(2011), No.
97(2012), No.
136(2013), No.
35 Tribute to United States Marine 7-29-10
Major James M. Weis
36 Tribute to United States Army 8-23-10
Specialist Carlos Javier Negron Sr.
37 Tribute to United States Army 9-1-10
Sergeant Jamal M. Rhett
38 Tribute to United States Army 9-1-10
Specialist Pedro A. Millet
39 Tribute to All of Those Lost in 9-9-10
the September 11th Attacks, and
Particularly, Those Lost from New
40 Termination and Abolishment of 9-9-10
Certain State Authorities
41 Establishes a Red Tape Review 9-23-10 Amended by
Commission Christie No.
42 Establishment of the New Jersey 9-28-10
Effectiveness Task Force for School
and District-level Education
43 Tribute to United States Navy 10-1-10
Special Warfare Operator 3rd Class
(SEAL) Denis C. Miranda
44 Governor's Office of Employee 10-8-10
Relations; Rescission of Executive
Order Nos. 21 (1994) and 33 (1995)
45 Tribute to W. Cary Edwards 10-22-10
46 Tribute to United States Marine 10-28-10
Lance Corporal Francisco R. Jackson
47 Full Effect of Public Access 11-3-10
Exemption Rules as if Adopted
Pursuant to the APA through
November 15, 2011
48 Tribute to United States Army 11-9-10
Sergeant Michael D. Kirspel
49 Declaration of State of 12-26-10 Terminated by
Emergency Christie No.
50 Termination of State of 12-27-10
51 Establishment of the University 1-4-11
of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Jersey Advisory Committee
52 Creation of the Governor's 1-4-11
Higher Education Council
53 Tribute to Lakewood Police 1-19-11
Officer Christopher Anthony Matlosz
54 Tribute to United States Army 1-20-11
Private First Class Benjamin G.
55 Declare and Proclaim that a 1-25-11
State of Emergency Exists within
the Passaic Valley Sewerage
56 Tribute to United States Army 2-14-11
Specialist Ryan A. Gartner
57 Declaration of Weather Related 3-9-11
State of Emergency
58 Creates New Jersey Education 4-4-11
Transformation Task Force
59 Tribute to Congressman John H. 4-6-11
60 Pilot Program to Reduce 4-20-11
Emissions from Nonroad Diesel
Powered Equipment Used in Selected
Publicly Funded State Construction
61 Tribute to United States Army 4-27-11
Corporal John W. Lutz
62 Tribute to United States Army 4-27-11
Sergeant Keith Buzinski
63 Tribute to Coach Harry Shatel 5-9-11
64 Orders and Directs the 5-9-11
Governor's Advisory Council on
Higher Education to Examine the
Disclosure Requirements in the
Higher Education Community and Make
a Recommendation to the Governor as
to the Appropriate Level and
Content of Financial Disclosure
Applicable to the Trustees of the
State's College and University
65 Tribute to United States Army 5-9-11
First Lieutenant Omar J. Vazquez
66 Tribute to United States Army 6-10-11
Specialist Richard C. Emmons, III
67 Tribute to Clarence A. Clemons, 6-21-11
68 Tribute to United States Army 6-22-11
Sergeant James W. Harvey, II
69 Continuation of the New Jersey Superseded by
Gaming, Sports and Entertainment 6-30-11 Christie No.
Advisory Commission 97(2012), No.
136(2013), No.
70 Tribute to United States Army 7-15-11
Specialist Rafael A. Nieves, Jr.
71 Tribute to United States Army 8-10-11
Sergeant Alessandro Plutino
72 Tribute to United States Marine 8-16-11
Corporal Nicholas S. Ott
73 Declaration of State of 8-25-11
74 Tribute to All of Those Lost in 9-7-11
the September 11th Attacks, and
Particularly, Those Lost from Our
Home State
75 Tribute to United States Marine 10-3-11
First Lieutenant Ryan K. Iannelli
76 Tribute to Mount Arlington 10-17-11
Police Officer Joseph S. Wargo, Jr.
77 Creation of the New Jersey 10-18-11
Commission for Early Learning and
78 Creation of the State Strategic 10-19-11
Plan Steering Committee
79 Tribute to United States Army 10-26-11
Staff Sergeant Jorge M. Oliveira
80 Declaration of State of 10-30-11
81 Tribute to United States Army 11-4-11
Sergeant John A. Lyons
82 Tribute to Assemblyman Peter J. 11-14-11
83 Creation of the Governor's Task 11-28-11
Force on Recidivism Reduction
84 Tribute to United States Army 1-5-12
Specialist Ronald H. Wildrick, Jr.
85 Tribute to Assembly Republican 1-13-12
Leader Alex DeCroce
86 Tribute to United States Marine 1-26-12
Corporal Kevin J. Reinhard
87 Tribute to Whitney Houston 2-15-12
88 Tribute to United States Marine 2-16-12
Lance Corporal Osbrany Montes De
89 Creation of the New Jersey 3-5-12
Education Funding Task Force
90 Tribute to Congressman Donald M. 3-12-12
91 Tribute to United States Marine 4-2-12
Staff Sergeant Joseph D'Augustine
92 Creation of Interagency Council 4-18-12
on Homelessness
93 Tribute to United States Marine 4-17-12
Corporal Derek A. Kerns
94 Tribute to United States Army 5-7-12
Sergeant Shauna Brocklebank Adams
95 Tribute to United States Navy 5-17-12
Lieutenant Christopher E. Mosko
96 Tribute to United States Army 6-6-12
Private First Class Leroy DeRonde
97 Continuation of New Jersey Superseded by
Gaming, Sports and Entertainment 6-29-12 Christie No.
Advisory Commission 136(2013), No.
98 Tribute to Patrolman Christopher 7-11-12
99 Tribute to United States Army 7-16-12
Specialist Jonathan Batista
100 Tribute to the Victims of the 7-23-12
Shootings in Aurora, Colorado
101 Tribute to United States Army 8-28-12
Sergeant First Class Gunther H.
102 Tribute to Those Lost in the 9-7-12
September 11th Attacks, and
Particularly, Those Lost from Our
Home State
103 Tribute to United States Army 10-4-12
Sergeant Jonathan Gollnitz
104 Proclamation of State of 10-27-12
Emergency in the State of New
105 Rescheduling of Halloween 10-31-12
106 Declaration of State of Water 11-1-12 Rescinded by
Emergency Christie No.
107 Protect Storm-Impacted New 11-2-12
Jersey Homeowners from Higher
Insurance Deductibles
108 Establishment Declares a Limited Rescinded by
State of Energy Emergency with 11-2-12 Christie No.
Regard to the Supply of Motor Fuel 114(2012)
and Implementing Odd-Even Rationing
for Gasoline Purchases in 12 New
Jersey Counties
109 Establishment Suspending Sunday Rescinded by
Sales Restrictions in Bergen County 11-3-12 Christie No.
Due to the State of Emergency 117(2012)
Caused by Hurricane Sandy
110 Establishment Suspends 11-3-12
Restrictions in State Law that
Place Limitations on the Source of
Fuel Particular and Branded Fuel
Retailers Are Allowed to Sell
111 Authorization for a Local 11-5-12
Government Unit that Has
Established a Snow Removal Fund to
Utilize Existing Resources to
Protect Its Citizens from Damage
from Hurricane Sandy
112 Tribute to United States Navy 11-7-12
Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew G.
113 Grace Period for Payment of 11-9-12
Fourth-Quarter Property Taxes for
Municipalities Other Than Those
Municipalities with Accelerated Tax
Sales Extended to November 16, 2012
114 Rescission of Executive Order 11-12-12
No. 108; Odd-Even Rationing,
Exclusive Fueling for Medical
Personnel to Conclude
115 Extends the Action Taken in 11-13-12
Executive Order No. 110 to Ease
Restrictions on Fuel Sales in New
Jersey, Removing Limitations on the
Source of Fuel Particular and
Branded Fuel Retailers Are Allowed
to Sell
116 Directs the Director of the 11-16-12
Division of Taxation to Take All
Appropriate Actions to Effectuate
the Fuel agreement between FEMA and
the State
117 Rescission of Executive Order 11-16-12
No. 109; Reinstatement of Bergen
County Blue Laws
118 Tribute to United States Marine 12-3-12
Corporal Christopher M. Monahan Jr.
119 Establishment Tribute to the 12-14-12
Victims in Newtown, Connecticut
120 Rescission of Executive Order 12-19-12
No. 106
121 Tribute to United States Army 12-19-12
Staff Sergeant Zoltan Dobovich
122 Moment of Silence at 9:30 A.M. 12-20-12
on Friday, December 21, 2012, in
Honor of Each Life that Was Taken
Far Too Soon at Sandy Hook
Elementary School
123 Tribute to General H. Norman 12-28-12
124 Creation of the New Jersey SAFE 1-17-13
Task Force on Gun Protection,
Addiction, Mental Health and
Families, and Education Safety
125 Orders and Directs the Office of 2-8-13
the State Comptroller to Conduct
Independent Review of Contracts,
Transparency Measures over
126 Allows the Seasonal Alcoholic 2-27-13
Beverage Licensees to Begin Serving
Alcohol on March 1, Two Months
Ahead of the Traditional Allowance
of May 1
127 Tribute to Former Attorney 3-7-13
General of New Jersey and Former
Speaker of the New Jersey General
Assembly William F. Hyland
128 Requires Every Local Government 3-15-13
Entity in the State that Can Meet
the Eligibility Requirements to
Apply for a FEMA Community Disaster
129 Tribute to the Victims and 4-16-13
Suffering Inflicted upon the City
of Boston during the Boston
Marathon Tragedy
130 Creation of a Mental Health and 4-19-13
Community Safety Working Group
131 Tribute to United States Marine 5-8-13
Staff Sergeant Eric Christian
132 Tribute to the Tornado Victims 5-21-13
in Oklahoma City, Moore, and
Surrounding Areas in the State of
133 Tribute to United States Senator 6-3-13
Frank R. Lautenberg
134 Establishes the New Jersey Amended by
Military Installation Growth and 6-13-13 ChristieNo.
Development Task Force 154(2014)
135 Tribute to James Gandolfini 6-21-13
136 Creation Continuation of the New Superseded by
Jersey Gaming, Sports and 6-30-13 Christie No.
Entertainment Advisory Commission 145(2013)
137 Order and Direct for the 7-9-13
Remainder of Calendar Year 2013,
Minors between Fourteen and
Seventeen Years of Age Shall Be
Permitted to Work as Volunteers for
Nonprofit Organizations Engaged In
Housing Construction
138 Establishment of the Pension 8-7-13
Fraud and Abuse Unit within the
Department of the Treasury
139 Tribute to All of Those Lost in 9-10-13
the September 11th Attacks, and
Particularly, Those Lost from New
140 Orders and Directs Attorney 9-25-13
General to Coordinate Acquisition
of Easements; Creates Office of
Flood Hazard Risk Reduction
Measures to Lead Effort
141 Tribute to United States Army 10-1-13
Staff Sergeant Timothy R. McGill
142 Tribute to United States Army 10-9-13
Master Sergeant Nicholas Oresko
143 Tribute to Nelson Mandela 12-6-13
144 Order and Direct that through, 12-27-13
and including, December 31, 2014,
Minors between Fourteen and
Seventeen Years of Age Shall Be
Permitted to Work as Volunteers for
Nonprofit Organizations Engaged In
Housing Construction
145 Continuation of the New Jersey 12-30-13
Gaming, Sports and Entertainment
Advisory Commission
146 Declaration of State of 1-2-14
147 Declaration of State of 1-21-14
148 Declaration of State of 2-3-14
149 Declaration of State of 2-4-14
150 Declaration of State of 2-12-14
151 For Calendar Year 2014, the Date 2-19-14
on which Seasonal Alcoholic
Beverage Consumption Licensees
Shall Be Permitted to Commence
Serving Alcoholic Beverages Shall
Be Advanced from May 1, 2014, to
March 1, 2014, and Shall End on
November 14, 2014, Inclusive
152 Directs Department of Community 2-28-14
Affairs Commissioner to Oversee the
State's Efforts to Demolish
Storm-Affected Structures that
Jeopardize Fire, Health, and
Community Safety
153 Declaration of State of 3-2-14
154 Expands the Membership of the 4-4-14
New Jersey Military Installation
Growth and Development Task Force
by One Member
155 Renews the Charter of the 4-30-14
Bi-Partisan Red Tape Review
156 Allows Steps to Be Taken to 5-20-14
Limit State Spending if it Appears
that Revenues Have Fallen Below
those Originally Anticipated in the
Appropriations Act by Ordering the
Director of the Division of Budget
and Accounting to Freeze Spending
and Place Items into Reserve
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27B-26
157 Extends the Existence of New 6-23-14
Jersey Hellenic-American Heritage
Commission to June 11, 2019
158 Tribute to Jersey City Police 7-14-14
Officer Melvin Santiago
159 Establishes Study Commission to 7-14-14
Review the Effectiveness of All
K-12 Student Assessments
160 Tribute to Waldwick Police 7-18-14
Officer Christopher Goodell
161 Creates a Non-Partisan "New 8-1-14
Jersey Pension and Health Benefit
Study Commission" to Address New
Jersey's Unfunded Liabilities
162 Tribute to All of Those Lost in 9-9-14
the September 11th Attacks, and
Particularly, Those Lost from Our
Home State

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