Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) The owner of an
off-premise advertising device shall acquire a permit from the bureau of
traffic for each such device.
An applicant shall file DOT form No. HASP 904, entitled "Application for Permit
to Locate Outdoor Advertising Sign", and supply the following information:
(1) Name of applicant ;
(2) Mailing address;
(3) Telephone number;
(4) Detailed location information for the
device, including:
a. A sketch map showing
directions and distances from physical reference points; and
b. A statement as to whether the applicant
believes the proposed sign location is within the area owned or used by the
State of New Hampshire for transportation purposes;
(5) A sketch depicting the shape of the
(6) Advertising subject
matter and copy;
(7) Device size
including the following;
a. Number of faces
displaying advertising;
Dimensions of each face; and
Overall height of the structure above ground;
(8) Type of construction of the device
including the following:
a. Construction
materials; and
b. Illumination
and/or animation;
Date the device was initially established, if pre-existing;
(10) Zoning classification at the device
location as established by the municipality, if any;
(11) A signed statement completed by an
authorized municipal official:
a. Verifying
the claimed local zoning classification; and
b. Noting any additional conditions placed
upon the location by the municipal zoning ordinance or decision of a local land
use board;
(12) Unless
located in the State's right of way area, a signed statement of the landowner
of the property upon which the device is or will be located indicating consent
for placement of the device;
The amount of rental compensation paid to the landowner;
(14) Signature of the applicant;
(15) Capacity and authority of the applicant,
if signing for a trust, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company;
(16) Date of
(c) The
applicant shall submit the fee required by
(d) Upon receipt of a completed application
form and the required fee, the application shall be reviewed in the following
(1) The bureau of traffic shall review
the application for completeness, conformance to
601.11 through Tra 601.15, and
236:69 to
(2) If it appears to the bureau of traffic
that the proposed sign location could be within the state right of way, the
application shall be forwarded to the bureau of right of way and the bureau of
highway design in order to:
a. Determine if
the proposed sign location is within the state owned or maintained right of
way, and
b. Determine if the
proposed sign location:
1. Presents potential
dangers to the traveling public; and
2. Whether the location can be made safe, or
must be denied in accordance with Tra 601.15.
(e) At the conclusion of the
review process described in (e) above, either:
(1) A permit allowing the applicant to erect
a new device as proposed on the application shall be issued;
(2) A permit for an existing device as
presently erected in the field shall be issued; or
(3) The application shall be denied, and a
written notice provided to explain why the application could not be approved,
and how the applicant may request a hearing to review the decision.
(f) Each permit shall expire on
April 1 following the date of issue.