New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Saf - Department of Safety
Subtitle Saf-C - Commissioner, Department of Safety
Statutory Authority: RSA 265:A:5, V
Pursuant to 2003, 319:80, II, effective 1-1-04, rules He-P 2202 entitled "Alcohol and Controlled Drugs", last filed by the Department of Health and Human Services under Document #6612, effective 11-1-97, were transferred to the Department of Safety. The Department of Safety subsequently filed Document #8454, effective 11-1-05, which readopted and renumbered as interim rules in Saf-C 6400 most of the rules in the former He-P 2202.
The following rules in He-P 2202 were not included within Document #8454 and are deemed by the Department of Safety to have expired on 11-1-05:
Selected definitions in He-P 2202.01, including (h), "Collection site personnel";
(i) "Commissioner"; (m) "Director"; (o) "Laboratory"; (q) "Mean";
(r) "Metabolite"; (v) "Proficiency testing program"; (x) Requesting agency";
(z) "Seal"; and (ad) "Specimen";
He-P 2202.05 relative to specimen collection containers;
He-P 2202.06 relative to transmittal slip;
He-P 2202.20 relative to mail release form.
He-P 2202.22 relative to independent laboratory personnel;
He-P 2202.23 relative to receipt and handling of remaining sample received by an independent laboratory;
He-P 2202.25 relative to recording of analytical data by an independent laboratory;
He-P 2202.26 relative to quality assurance by an independent laboratory; and
He-P 2202.30 relative to proficiency testing by an independent laboratory.
The rules in Document #8454 therefore replaced all prior filings for rules in the former He-P 2202. The filings of the Department of Health and Human Services or its Division of Public Health Services affecting the former He-P 2202 include the following documents:
#1104, eff 2-16-78
#1930, eff 1-26-82
#2476, eff 9-14-83
#2477, eff 9-14-83
#2764, eff 6-19-84
#3068, eff 7-23-85
#4044, eff 4-25-86
#5174, eff 7-8-91
#5396, eff 5-19-92
#6532, INTERIM, eff 7-8-97
#6612, eff 11-1-97