Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) The board of
psychology shall assume no role in the review, pre-approval, post program
approval, evaluation, accreditation, or certification of any continuing
education seminar, workshop, home study course, or academic course.
(b) The board shall recognize for continuing
education credit those educational experiences that are designed to continue
the education of the licensee in current developments, skills, procedures, or
treatment in the licensee's field of practice in the following settings:
(1) Seminars;
(2) Workshops;
(3) Home study courses; or
(4) Academic courses.
(c) All continuing education experiences
required by this chapter shall be permitted to be received remotely or in
(d) Category A seminars,
workshops, and home study shall consist of sessions or study materials that are
offered through or approved by one of the following groups:
(1) American Association of Group
(2) American
Association for Marriage and Family Therapy;
(3) American Association of Pastoral
Counselors or their accredited training programs;
(4) American Association of Sex Educators,
Counselors & Therapists;
American Counseling Association;
(6) American Medical Association;
(7) American Medical Seminars;
(8) American Mental Health Counselor
(9) American Nurses
(10) American Nurses
Credentialing Center;
(11) American
Psychological Association;
American Board of Professional Psychologists;
(13) American Psychiatric
(14) Association of
State and Provincial Psychology Boards;
(15) National Association of Social
(16) National Board for
Certified Counselors;
(17) National
Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology;
(18) National Association of School
(19) New Hampshire
Psychological Association;
(20) A
national, state, or county psychological or medical society;
(21) A state or provincial psychology
licensing board approved entity; or
(22) A department of psychology or other
department in the behavioral sciences, psychiatry, medicine, nursing, addiction
studies, holistic medicine, or integrated care at a regionally accredited
school, college, or university.
(e) Category A hours for academic activities
and presentations shall be granted as follows:
(1) Graduate courses, that the licensee is
registered in, is related to the licensee's psychology expertise, and is
offered by an entity qualified under (d) above, shall be counted as follows:
a. Each semester hour of course credit shall
count as equivalent to 6 continuing education hours; and
b. Each quarter hour of course credit shall
count as 4 continuing education hours;
(2) Teaching a graduate academic course
related to the licensee's psychology expertise shall be counted as follows:
a. Preparation of a syllabus and teaching of
a new semester or quarter length course shall count as 10 hours; and
b. Updating of a previously offered semester
or quarter length course, including preparation of a new syllabus, review of
the literature, preparation of reading lists and course assignments shall count
as 5 hours; and
Seminar preparation or presentation to professionals listed in 403.02 (b) shall
count as 10 hours.
Category B activities shall include any combination of the following:
(1) Participation in continuing education
experiences of (b) above not meeting the requirements of Category A;
(2) Researching, editing, writing, and
publishing articles related to the practice of psychology in professional
journals or books;
(3) Mental
health workshops or seminars to professionals, non-healthcare professionals, or
the public; or
(4) Teaching,
non-graduate courses related to the licensees' professional