Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) The prescription required in
571.04(a) -(c) above shall be
written by the provider and include the following:
(1) The recipient's name, address, date of
birth, and NH medicaid identification number (MIN);
(2) The specific monthly quantity(s) to be
dispensed, not to exceed the limits set forth in this rule;
(3) The specific type of item(s) to be
(4) The frequency of use
for the medical supply(s) being dispensed; and
(5) The dated signature or electronic
signature of the provider.
(b) The LMN required in
571.04(b) -(c) above shall be
written by the provider and include the following:
(1) The recipient's name, address, date of
birth, and NH MIN;
(2) A narrative
description of the recipient's medically diagnosed health condition, illness,
or injury, including an indication of whether the diagnosis is a pre-existing
condition or a presenting condition;
(3) The recipient's prognosis;
(4) An estimation of the effect on the
recipient if the requested item(s) is not provided;
(5) The medical justification for the item(s)
being requested, including its contribution to the treatment of the recipient's
illness or injury or to the improvement of the recipient's physical
(6) The anticipated
length of time the item(s) is expected to be needed;
(7) The expected outcome of providing the
requested item(s);
(8) The
recommended timeframe to achieve the expected outcome;
(9) A summary of any previous treatment
plans, including outcomes, which were used to treat the diagnosed condition for
which the requested item(s) is being recommended;
(10) A statement, with supporting
documentation, assuring that the requested item(s) is the least restrictive,
least costly item available to meet the recipient's needs;
(11) Supporting documentation that
demonstrates the medical need for the item(s); and
(12) The dated signature, or electronic
signature, of the provider.
(c) The prescription and LMN described in (a)
and (b) above shall:
(1) Not be written
retroactively; and
(2) Be valid for
one year from the date written so long as the medical treatment remains
(d) All PA
requests shall be sent to the department for review and approval, and include
the following documentation:
(1) A copy of
the prescription, as described in (a) above;
(2) An LMN containing all of the information
specified in (b) above; and
(3) A
completed PA form specific to the item being requested, as follows:
a. For all DME, a completed Form 272D,
"Durable Medical Equipment Prior Authorization Request" form (January 2016)
shall be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the NH medicaid
enrolled dispensing provider;
For all disposable incontinence supplies, a completed Form 272DIA,
"Incontinence Products Prior Authorization Request Form" (January 2016) shall
be completed by an authorized representative of the NH medicaid enrolled
dispensing provider;
c. In addition
to submitting the forms required by a. above, requests for all wheelchairs,
scooters, and customized strollers must also include a completed Form 272M,
"Mobility Evaluation Form" (January 2016), including the following:
1. A dated signature and printed name of the
provider completing the evaluation;
2. A dated signature and printed name of the
recipient or the recipient's parent or legal guardian, if applicable;
3. A dated signature and printed name of an
authorized representative of the NH medicaid enrolled dispensing provider;
4. A copy of the manufacturer's
invoice or quote, which includes the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
(MSRP) and acquisition cost;
d. In addition to the requirements specified
in (3) c. above, PA request for the purchase of accessories for a wheelchair
shall also include the following documentation from the ordering physician:
1. Documentation that the ordering physician
has assessed the recipient for the accessory within 60 days of making the PA
2. A written diagnosis,
including a brief medical history justifying the need for the accessory;
3. When applicable, an estimate
of the length of time the accessory will be required; and
e. In addition to submitting the form
required by a. above, requests for all standers, gait trainers, and bath and
toileting items shall also include a completed Form 272EQ, "Medical Equipment
Request Evaluation Form Non-Wheelchair" (January 2016), including the
1. A dated signature and printed
name of the provider completing the evaluation;
2. A dated signature and printed name of the
recipient or the recipient's parent or legal guardian, if applicable;
3. A dated signature and printed name of an
authorized representative of the NH Medicaid enrolled dispensing provider;
4. A copy of the manufacturer's
invoice or quote, which includes the MSRP and acquisition cost.
(e) A
dispensing provider may complete and submit Form 272REV "Incontinence Products
Prior Authorization Revision Request Form" (October 2015) in order to provide
products which better suit a recipient's needs when such changes are to:
(1) Product size that will result in a new
T-code or modifier;
(2) Product
absorbency that will result in a new T-code or modifier; or
(3) Product style that will result in a new
T-code or modifier.
Requests for PA shall be approved by the department if the department
determines the following:
(1) With the
exception of disposable incontinence supplies, the item meets the definition of
DME, prosthetic devices, medical supplies, or orthotic devices as defined in
(2) The medical documentation was completed
and submitted in accordance with (d) above;
(3) The PA request demonstrates that the item
is consistent with the established diagnosis or treatment of the recipient's
illness, injury, disease, or its symptoms as determined by a review of the
coverage criteria set forth in
571.04 above; and
(4) The item is cost effective, as determined
by a finding that:
a. There is no other less
costly item, as identified by the department that would effectively meet the
recipient's needs; or
b. Less
expensive, appropriate alternatives are not covered or generally not
(g) A dispensing provider shall request and
obtain prior authorization from the department before providing the item(s)
(h) A provider shall conduct and
document a face-to-face encounter with the recipient no earlier than 60 days
prior to submitting a prior authorization request and the provider's written
order shall include the date of the encounter and the primary clinical reason
the recipient needs the item(s) .
(i) Requests for a PA shall be denied by the
department if the department determines that the requirements set forth in (f)
above have not been met.
Decisions made by the department in accordance with this section shall not be
superseded by the treating, ordering, or consultative health care provider's
prescription, orders, or recommendations.
(k) If the department approves the PA
request, the state's fiscal agent shall send written confirmation of the
approval to the dispensing provider.
(l) If the department denies the PA request
or partially denies it, the state's fiscal agent shall forward a notice of
denial to the recipient and the provider, which includes the following
(1) The reason for, and legal
basis of, the denial or partial denial; and
(2) Information that a fair hearing on the
denial may be requested within 30 days of the date on the notice of the denial,
in accordance with He-C 200.
(m) The dispensing provider shall be
responsible for determining that the recipient is eligible for NH medicaid on
the date of service as defined in
571.01(a) .
(See Revision Note at chapter heading He-W 500); ss by
#6158, eff 12-29-95, EXPIRED: 12-29-03
New. #8961, eff 8-20-07; amd by
#8983, INTERIM, eff 9-21-07, EXPIRES: 3-19-08 (deletion of former subparagraph
(b)(6) and renumbering remaining