Current through Register No. 40, October 3, 2024
(a) SUD treatment and recovery support
services shall be covered in accordance with this section.
(b) In order for the services described in
this section to be covered, they shall:
Be delivered in accordance with appropriate guidelines that are consistent with
generally accepted standards of care in the ASAM Criteria (2013), available as
noted in Appendix A;
(2) Include
continuing care, transfer, and discharge plans that address all domains in ASAM
Criteria (2013), available as noted in Appendix A, as follows:
a. Plans shall include the process of
transfer and discharge planning at the time of the recipient's intake to the
b. Plans for continuing
care shall include at least one of the 3 following criteria for continuing
1. The recipient is making progress
but has not yet achieved the goals articulated in the individualized treatment
plan, and continued treatment at the present level of care is assessed as
necessary to permit the recipient to continue to work toward his or her
treatment goals;
2. The recipient
is not yet making progress, but has the capacity to resolve his or her
problems, is actively working toward the goals articulated in the
individualized treatment plan, and continued treatment at the present level of
care is assessed as necessary to permit the recipient to continue to work
toward his or her treatment goals; or
3. New problems have been identified that are
appropriately treated at the present level of care and that requires services
at a frequency and intensity that can only safely be delivered by the
recipient's continued stay in the current level of care; and
c. Plans for transfer or discharge
planning shall include at least one of the 4 following criteria:
1. The recipient has achieved the goals
articulated in the individualized treatment plan thus resolving the problem or
problems that justified admission to the present level of care and continuing
chronic disease management of the recipient's condition at a less intensive
level of care is indicated;
2. The
recipient has been unable to resolve the problem or problems that justified the
admission to the present level of care despite amendments to the treatment plan
and has been determined to have met the maximum possible benefit from
engagement in services at the current level of care, so transfer or discharge
from treatment is indicated;
3. The
recipient has demonstrated a lack of capacity due to diagnostic or co-occurring
conditions that limit his or her ability to resolve his or her problem, so
treatment at a qualitatively different level of care or type of service, or
discharge from treatment is indicated; or
4. The recipient has experienced an
intensification of his or her problem or problems or has developed a new
problem or problems and can be treated effectively at a more intensive level of
(3) Be
evidence based, as demonstrated by meeting one of the following criteria:
a. The service shall be included as an
evidence-based mental health and substance abuse intervention on the SAMHSA
Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center available at;
b. The services shall be published in a
peer-reviewed journal and found to have positive effects; or
c. The SUD treatment and recovery support
service provider shall be able to document the services' effectiveness based on
the following:
1. The service is based on a
theoretical perspective that has validated research; or
2. The service is supported by a documented
body of knowledge generated from similar or related services that indicate
(4) When clinically appropriate, include
referral to, and assistance in accessing, medication assisted SUD treatment
either on site or off site;
Include an assessment of all recipients for risk of self-harm at all phases of
treatment, such as at initial contact, during screening, intake, admission,
on-going treatment services, and at discharge;
(6) With the exception of peer and non-peer
recovery and continuous recovery monitoring, be consistent with the "Addiction
Counseling Competencies, TAP 21" (2017 revision), available as noted in
Appendix A;
(7) Be provided in
accordance with the ASAM Level of Care service descriptions, as applicable,
noted in He-W 513.11; and
(8) Be
provided at a length of time and frequency of care based on individual client
need in accordance with ASAM Criteria (2013), available as noted in Appendix A,
and not on predetermined time or frequency limits.
(c) Screening, brief intervention, and
referral to treatment (SBIRT) shall be a covered service when provided as
(1) The screening shall be provided
for the purpose of identifying individuals who have an alcohol or drug use
problem or who are at risk for developing one;
(2) The screening shall be conducted by
evaluating responses to questions as described in (3) below about the context,
frequency, and amount of alcohol and other drug use;
(3) The screening shall be performed using a
screening instrument listed in Appendix E of "Systems-Level Implementation of
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment, TAP 33" (2013
edition), available as noted in Appendix A;
(4) SBIRT shall be provided with and billed
with another medical service;
SBIRT shall be conducted by a provider who has been trained in the SBIRT model
and is either:
a. A medicaid enrolled
physician or APRN;
b. A medicaid
enrolled physician assistant, or other practitioner under a physician's
supervision; or
c. A practitioner
working in an outpatient SUD program as defined in
He-W 513.02(q) (4)
He-W 513.02(q) (6)
who is either:
1. A physician or APRN; or
2. A physician assistant or other
practitioner under a physician's supervision;
(6) SBIRT shall be performed in the primary
care practitioner's office or other health care settings not specific to the
delivery of SUD treatment and recovery support services;
(7) The services provided by the providers
described in (5) a. above shall be billed by the medicaid enrolled
practitioner; and
(8) The services
provided by the providers described in (5) b. above shall be billed by the
supervising physician.
(d) SUD screening shall be a covered service
when provided as follows:
(1) The screening
shall be provided for the purpose of identifying individuals who have an
alcohol or drug use problem or who are at risk for developing one;
(2) The screening shall be conducted by
evaluating responses to questions as described in (3) below about the context,
frequency, and amount of alcohol and other drug use;
(3) The screening shall be performed using a
screening instrument listed in Appendix E of "Systems-Level Implementation of
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment, TAP 33" (2013
edition), available as noted in Appendix A;
(4) Except as allowed in (5) and (6) below,
the screening shall be performed by medicaid enrolled psychotherapy providers
licensed by the NH board of mental health practice, medicaid enrolled
psychotherapy providers licensed by the NH board of psychology, medicaid
enrolled MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other
drug use professionals, LADCs who are permitted to engage in independent
practice in accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II, Laws of 2008, and Chapter
Law 249:24, V, Laws of 2010, medicaid enrolled outpatient SUD programs, or
medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD programs; and
(5) The screening may be performed by
individuals who are allowed to do such screenings under the supervision of the
providers in (4) above in accordance with RSA 329-B, RSA 330-A, or RSA 330-C as
a. The restrictions described in
He-W 513.04(c)
shall not apply; and
b. Such screenings shall be billed by the
supervising practitioner or the outpatient or comprehensive SUD
Opioid treatment services shall be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Opioid treatment services shall be
provided by medicaid enrolled providers who meet the medical services clinic
requirements in He-W 536 and are certified as an opioid treatment program in
accordance with
(2) Opioid treatment providers shall operate
and provide services in accordance with He-A 304;
(3) Opioid treatment services shall be
delivered in accordance with a treatment plan;
(4) Opioid treatment services shall be
limited to treatment with methadone or buprenorphine;
(5) Opioid treatment services shall be
inclusive of the necessary components of the daily opioid treatment services,
such as intake services, medication counseling, administration, medical
supervision of vitals, observation afterwards, urine testing, and blood and lab
(6) SUD treatment and
recovery support services may be provided in conjunction with the opioid
treatment services and may be billed separately from the opioid treatment
service; and
(7) Except as
specified in (5) above, opioid treatment services shall be billed in accordance
with He-W 536.
Pharmaceuticals prescribed for SUD treatment services shall be covered in
accordance with He-W 570.
Office-based medication assisted SUD treatment shall be a covered service when
provided as follows:
(1) Office-based
medication assisted SUD treatment via buprenorphine shall be provided by
medicaid enrolled providers who:
a. Have
obtained a waiver in accordance with the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000
(DATA 2000), Title XXXV, Section 3502 of the Children's Health Act of 2000, to
treat opioid addiction with Schedule III, IV, and V narcotic medications;
b. Provide services in
accordance with TIP 63: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (2018), available
and as noted in Appendix A;
(2) Office-based medication assisted SUD
treatment shall be provided by medicaid enrolled providers who meet the
physician requirements in He-W 531 or the advanced practice registered nurse
requirements in He-W 534;
Office-based medication assisted SUD treatment shall be delivered in accordance
with a treatment plan;
(4) The
writing of the prescription shall be a component of an office visit;
(5) The provider shall:
a. Refer the recipient to clinically
appropriate SUD treatment and recovery services as described in He-W 513;
b. Coordinate care with the SUD
treatment and recovery provider within or external to the office based
Office-based medication assisted SUD shall be billed by the prescribing
provider, outpatient SUD program, or comprehensive SUD program; and
(7) The prescribing provider shall be listed
as the rendering provider on the claim.
(h) Outpatient, individual treatment
consistent with Level 1, as set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as
noted in Appendix A, shall be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Outpatient, individual treatment shall be
delivered in accordance with a treatment plan;
(2) Outpatient, individual treatment shall be
covered when provided by medicaid enrolled psychotherapists licensed by the NH
board of mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists, medicaid
enrolled MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other
drug use professionals, LADCs who are permitted to engage in independent
practice in accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II, Laws of 2008, and Chapter
Law 249:24, V, Laws of 2010, medicaid enrolled physicians or advanced practice
registered nurses (APRNs), medicaid enrolled outpatient SUD programs, or
medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD programs; and
(3) Outpatient, individual treatment shall be
billed by the medicaid enrolled individual or group practitioner or by the
outpatient or comprehensive SUD program.
(i) Group treatment consistent with Level 1,
as set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as noted in Appendix A, shall
be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Group treatment shall meet the
requirements in
He-W 513.04(f)
(2) Group treatment shall be delivered in
accordance with a treatment plan;
(3) Group treatment shall be covered when
provided by medicaid enrolled psychotherapists licensed by the NH board of
mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists, medicaid enrolled
MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other drug use
professionals, LADCs who are permitted to engage in independent practice in
accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II, Laws of 2008, and Chapter Law 249:24, V,
Laws of 2010, medicaid enrolled physicians or APRNs, medicaid enrolled
outpatient SUD programs, or medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD programs;
(4) Group treatment shall be
billed by the medicaid enrolled individual or group practitioner or by the
outpatient or comprehensive SUD program.
(j) Family treatment consistent with Level 1,
as set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as noted in Appendix A, shall
be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Family treatment shall be provided to
a. The recipient; or
b. The recipient's family members or
significant others, either with or without the recipient present, if treatment
is related to the recipient's SUD;
(2) Family treatment shall be delivered in
accordance with a treatment plan;
(3) Family treatment shall be covered when
provided by medicaid enrolled psychotherapists licensed by the NH board of
mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists, medicaid enrolled
MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other drug use
professionals, LADCs who are permitted to engage in independent practice in
accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II, Laws of 2008, and Chapter Law 249:24, V,
Laws of 2010, medicaid enrolled physicians or APRNs, medicaid enrolled
outpatient SUD programs, or medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD programs;
(4) Family treatment shall be
billed by the medicaid enrolled individual or group practitioner or by the
outpatient or comprehensive SUD program.
(k) Intensive outpatient SUD services
consistent with Level 2.1, as set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as
noted in Appendix A, shall be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Intensive outpatient SUD services shall
be covered when they are:
a. Provided by
medicaid enrolled outpatient or comprehensive SUD programs; and
b. Delivered by the following practitioners:
1. Psychotherapists licensed by the NH board
of mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists; or
2. MLADCs licensed by the NH board of
licensing for alcohol and other drug use professionals;
(2) Intensive outpatient SUD
services shall be comprised of a combination of individual and group treatment
services at least 9 hours per week for recipients age 21 and over and at least
6 hours per week for recipients under age 21;
(3) Group treatment shall meet the
requirements in
He-W 513.04(f)
(4) Intensive outpatient SUD services shall
be delivered in accordance with a treatment plan;
(5) Intensive outpatient SUD services shall
be comprised of a range of outpatient treatment services and other ancillary
alcohol or drug treatment services to include all of the following:
a. Evaluation;
b. Individual, group, or family
c. Crisis
d. Activity
therapies; and
e. Substance use
prevention education; and
(6) Intensive outpatient SUD services shall
be billed by the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program.
(l) Partial hospitalization services
consistent with Level 2.5, as set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as
noted in Appendix A, shall be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Partial hospitalization services shall
a. Provided to recipients with moderate
to severe co-occurring SUD and mental health disorders as described in DSM-5
(2013), available as noted in Appendix A;
b. Provided by a medicaid enrolled outpatient
or comprehensive SUD treatment program; and
c. Delivered by the following practitioners:
1. For all partial hospitalization services,
except medication management:
Psychotherapists licensed by the NH board of mental health practice or the NH
board of psychologists; or
MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other drug use
professionals; and
For medication management services:
Psychiatrists licensed by the NH board of medicine; or
(ii) APRNs with a psychiatric
(2) Partial hospitalization shall address
both disorders and be comprised of a range of outpatient treatment services and
other ancillary mental health and alcohol or drug treatment services to include
all of the following:
b. Individual, group,
or family treatment;
c. Crisis
d. Activities
e. Medication
management, which shall include psychiatric services, including psychotropic
medication management services as applicable; and
f. Substance use prevention
(3) Services
shall be provided at least 20 hours per week;
(4) Group sessions shall meet the
requirements in
He-W 513.04(f)
; and
(5) Services shall be billed by the
outpatient or comprehensive SUD program.
(m) Rehabilitative services shall be a
covered service when provided as follows:
Rehabilitative services shall be:
a. Provided
by a medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD program;
b. Delivered by the following practitioners:
1. Psychotherapists licensed by the NH board
of mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists;
2. MLADCs licensed by the NH board of
licensing for alcohol and other drug use professionals;
3. Physicians; or
4. Advanced practice registered nurses
(APRN); and
c. Provided
as a planned program of professionally directed evaluation, care, and treatment
for the restoration of functioning for persons with SUDs;
(2) Recipients who are being treated at an
ASAM 3.5 level of care shall be present in the facility at least 22 hours per
day; and
(3) Recipients who are
being treated at an ASAM 3.1 level of care shall receive at least 5 hours of
clinical service per week..
(n) Medically monitored outpatient withdrawal
management (WM) consistent with Level 1-WM, as set forth in ASAM Criteria
(2013), available as noted in Appendix A, shall be a covered service when
provided as follows:
(1) Medically monitored
outpatient withdrawal management services shall be provided by a medicaid
enrolled outpatient or comprehensive SUD program and supervised by a licensed
physician or APRN who is on the staff of, or under contract with, the
outpatient or comprehensive SUD program;
(2) Medically monitored outpatient withdrawal
management services shall be organized and delivered by SUD treatment and
mental health personnel and other health care providers who provide a planned
regimen of care in the outpatient setting;
(3) Personnel required in (2) above shall be:
a. Psychotherapists licensed by the NH board
of mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists on the staff of, or
under contract with, the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program;
b. MLADCs licensed by the NH board of
licensing for alcohol and other drug use professionals on the staff of, or
under contract with, the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program;
c. Licensed physicians on the staff of, or
under contract with, the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program; or
d. Licensed APRNs on the staff of, or under
contract with, the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program;
(4) Medically monitored outpatient
withdrawal management services shall be delivered in accordance with a
treatment plan;
(5) Medically
monitored outpatient withdrawal management services shall be provided in
regularly scheduled sessions in accordance with defined policies and procedures
consistent with ASAM Criteria (2013) standards, available as noted in Appendix
(6) Medically monitored
outpatient withdrawal management services shall be provided under an integrated
or collaborative service model; and
(7) Medically monitored outpatient withdrawal
management services shall be billed by the outpatient or comprehensive SUD
(o) Medically
monitored residential withdrawal management consistent with Level 3.7-WM, as
set forth in ASAM Criteria (2013), available as noted in Appendix A, shall be a
covered service when provided as follows:
Medically monitored residential withdrawal management services shall be
provided by a medicaid enrolled comprehensive SUD program;
(2) Medically monitored residential
withdrawal management services shall be organized and delivered by SUD
treatment and mental health personnel and other health care providers who
provide a planned regimen of care in a 24-hour live-in setting;
(3) Personnel required in (2) above shall be:
a. Psychotherapists licensed by the NH board
of mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists on the staff of, or
under contract with, the comprehensive SUD program;
b. MLADCs licensed by the NH board of
licensing for alcohol and other drug use professionals on the staff of, or
under contract with, the comprehensive SUD program;
c. Licensed physicians on the staff of, or
under contract with, the comprehensive SUD program; or
d. Licensed APRNs on the staff of, or under
contract with, the comprehensive SUD program; and
(4) Medically monitored residential
withdrawal management services shall be billed by the comprehensive SUD
(p) Medically
managed withdrawal in an acute care setting shall be covered for recipients in
accordance with the provisions of He-W 543.
(q) Crisis intervention shall be a covered
service when provided as follows:
(1) Crisis
intervention shall be covered when a recipient, family member, or significant
other is facing a crisis or emergency situation and the crisis intervention is
related to the recipient's SUD;
Crisis intervention shall be covered when provided by medicaid enrolled
psychotherapists licensed by the NH board of mental health practice or the NH
board of psychologists, medicaid enrolled MLADCs licensed by the NH board of
licensing for alcohol and other drug use professionals, LADCs who are permitted
to engage in independent practice in accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II,
Laws of 2008 and Chapter Law 249:24, V, Laws of 2010, medicaid enrolled
physicians or APRNs, medicaid enrolled outpatient SUD programs, or medicaid
enrolled comprehensive SUD programs; and
(3) Crisis intervention shall be billed by
the medicaid enrolled individual or group practitioner or by the outpatient or
comprehensive SUD program.
(r) Peer recovery support shall be a covered
service when provided as follows:
(1) Peer
recovery support services shall include non-clinical services delivered by
peers who self-identify as having lived experience to help recipients age 12
and above and families identify and work toward strategies and goals around
stabilizing and sustaining recovery and, as applicable, providing links to
professional treatment and community supports;
(2) Peer recovery support services shall
a. Skill restoration therapy
intended to reduce or remove barriers to achieving and maintaining
b. Emergency or crisis
services available by telephone;
Assistance in accessing transportation services for individuals who lack safe
d. Individual
skills development and restoration to prevent continuation or recurrence of
substance misuse;
Psychoeducation interventions to support recovery;
f. Development and periodic revision of a
specific recovery plan based on the information collected through the
assessment that shall specify the goals and actions to address the recovery
goals and other services needed by the individual; and
g. Working with the individual to develop and
refine recovery goals;
(3) Peer recovery support services shall be
provided by a medicaid enrolled peer recovery program;
(4) Peer recovery support services shall be
delivered by a peer recovery coach who shall have:
a. Completed 30 contact hours of recovery
coach training approved by:
1. NH Training
Institute on Addictive Disorders;
2. The NH Board of Licensing for Alcohol and
Other Drug Use Professionals;
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals;
4. AdCare Education Institute, Inc., of New
5. Addiction Technology
Transfer Center; or
6. Connecticut
Communities for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coach Academy
b. Completed a
minimum of sixteen contact hours of training in ethics approved by any of the
providers in (r) (4) a.1.-6.;
Completed a minimum of 6 contact hours of training in suicide prevention
approved by any of the providers in (r) (4) a.1.-6.; and
d. Completed a minimum of 3 contact hours of
training on co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders approved by
any of the providers in (r) (4) a.1.-6.;
(5) The individual providing the services
shall be supervised by a practitioner in accordance with
He-W 513.04(c) (2)
who is on the staff of, or under contract
with, the peer recovery program who shall have:
a. Completed the training described in He-W
513.05(r) (4); and
b. Completed 6
contact hours of training in the supervision of individuals delivering peer
recovery support services approved by:
1. NH
Training Institute on Addictive Disorders;
2. The NH Board of Licensing for Alcohol and
Other Drug Use Professionals;
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals;
4. AdCare Education Institute, Inc., of New
5. Addiction Technology
Transfer Center; or
6. Connecticut
Communities for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coach Academy (RCA)
(6) Peer
recovery support services shall be billed by the peer recovery program;
(7) The supervising
practitioner in (5) above shall be listed as the rendering provider when
billing for services.
(s) Recovery support services shall be a
covered service when provided as follows:
Recovery support services shall include non-clinical group or individual
services consistent with a recipient's treatment plan that help to prevent
relapse and promote recovery and community integration for the individual being
(2) Recovery support
services shall include:
a. Skill restoration
therapy intended to reduce or remove barriers to achieving and maintaining
b. Emergency and crisis
services available by telephone;
Assistance in accessing transportation services for individuals who lack safe
d. Individual
skills development and restoration to prevent continuation or recurrence of
substance misuse;
Psychoeducation interventions to support recovery;
f. Development and periodic revision of a
specific recovery plan based on the information collected through the
assessment that shall specify the goals and actions to address the recovery
goals and other services needed by the individual; and
g. Working with the individual to develop and
refine recovery goals;
(3) Recovery support services shall be
provided by a medicaid enrolled outpatient, comprehensive SUD treatment
program, or peer recovery program;
(4) Recovery support services shall be
provided by a CRSW certified by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other
drug use professionals, by a LADC or MLADC licensed by the board of licensing
for alcohol and other drug use professionals, or by a psychotherapist licensed
by the NH board of mental health practice or the NH board of
(5) The individual
providing the services shall be supervised by a practitioner in accordance with
He-W 513.04(c) (2)
(6) Recovery support shall be billed by the
outpatient, comprehensive SUD program, or peer recovery program; and
(7) The supervising practitioner in (5) above
shall be listed as the rendering provider when billing for services.
(t) Continuous recovery monitoring
shall be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) Continuous recovery monitoring shall
include recovery check-ups with recipients on a regular basis, evaluations of
the status of the recipient's recovery, consideration of a broad array of
recipient needs, and provision of active referral to community resources as
(2) Continuous recovery
monitoring shall be provided by a medicaid enrolled outpatient or comprehensive
SUD treatment program or a peer recovery program;
(3) When provided in a peer recovery program,
continuous recovery monitoring shall be provided by an individual described in
He-W 513.05(r) (4) above who is supervised in accordance with
He-W 513.04(c) (2)
(4) When provided in an outpatient or
comprehensive SUD program, continuous recovery monitoring shall be provided by
an individual described in He-W 513.05(s) (4) who is supervised in accordance
He-W 513.04(c) (2)
(5) Continuous recovery monitoring shall be
billed by the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program or peer recovery program;
(6) The supervising
practitioner in (3) above shall be listed as the rendering provider when
billing for services.
(u) Evaluations to determine the existence
and severity of the SUD and appropriate level of care for the recipient shall
be a covered service when provided as follows:
(1) An evaluation shall be covered when
provided by a medicaid enrolled psychotherapist licensed by the NH board of
mental health practice or the NH board of psychologists, medicaid enrolled
MLADCs licensed by the NH board of licensing for alcohol and other drug use
professionals, LADCs who are permitted to engage in independent practice in
accordance with Chapter Law 189:2, II, Laws of 2008 and Chapter Law 249:24, V,
Laws of 2010, or medicaid enrolled outpatient or comprehensive SUD
(2) The results of the
evaluation, which shall include the following, shall be maintained in the
recipient's file:
a. Client identified
b. Summary of data
c. Diagnostic evaluation
interpretive summary, including signs, symptoms, and progression of the
recipient's involvement with alcohol and other drugs;
d. Statement regarding provision of an
HIV/AIDS screening and referrals made; and
e. Documentation of the level of care
recommended in accordance with ASAM Criteria (2013), available as noted in
Appendix A;
Evaluations shall be billed by the medicaid enrolled individual or group
practitioner or by the outpatient or comprehensive SUD program; and
(4) Evaluations shall be completed within 3
sessions or within 3 days of client admission to services, whichever is
#10655, INTERIM, eff 8-15-14, EXPIRES: 2-11-15