New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
He - Department of Health and Human Services
Subtitle He-W - Former Division of Human Services
Section He-W 401.01 - Definitions
Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) "Annual" means the recurring one year period that coincides with the federal fiscal year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.
(b) "Arrearage" means the total unpaid support which has accrued under a legal order which stipulates a periodic support amount due.
(c) "Assistance debt" means the amount of unreimbursed assistance that accrued prior to the issuance of a legal order which makes the payor liable for that debt.
(d) "Assistance expended" means the amount of financial aid provided to an individual under Title IV-A, Title IV-E, or Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
(e) "Assistance reimbursed" means payments disbursed to the state as reimbursement for assistance provided.
(f) "Child support monthly support obligation (CSMSO) " means the amount derived from multiplying the ordered child support obligation amount by the number of payment due dates during the month.
(g) "Conditionally assigned arrearages" means arrearages:
(h) "Current assistance case" means any child support case where the family is also receiving temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) benefits under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act or foster care provided under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
(i) "Debt type" means child support, spousal support, medical support, assistance debt, miscellaneous, or another state's arrearages.
(j) "Disbursement" means the payment of money to a payee, individual, state, or other entity.
(k) "Distribution" means the allocation of receipts to obligations.
(l) "Family" means, for a child support case that is currently receiving TANF, the TANF casehead and all dependents included in that TANF case irrespective of the number of child support cases, or the payee for the individual member obligations, or the check recipient for the individual obligations.
(m) "Former assistance case" means any child support case where the family formerly received aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) or TANF benefits.
(n) "Futures" means money held by the department that either represents payment on the required support obligation(s) for future months and is applied to future months, or is non-distributable.
(o) "Medical support monthly support obligation (MSMSO) " means the amount derived from multiplying the ordered medical support obligation amount by the number of payment due dates during the month.
(p) "Never-assigned arrearages" means all arrearages in never-assistance cases, and in former assistance cases, those arrearages that accrue after the family's most recent period of assistance ends.
(q) "Never-assistance case" means any child support case where the family has never received AFDC, TANF, or foster care IV-E benefits.
(r) "Non-distributable" means any received amount that remains after satisfying the monthly support obligation for the current month and all arrearages, for which no allocation obligation exists, and which is therefore refundable.
(s) "Non-IV-D case" means a case that is not being enforced by the division of child support services, is subject to an income assignment pursuant to RSA 458-B, and where ordered support payments are monitored, collected, and disbursed through the IV-D state disbursement unit.
(t) "Obligation" means any combination of case member and debt type as specified in a legally enforceable order to pay support.
(u) "Overpayment" means a disbursed support payment that becomes monies presumably owed to the State of New Hampshire as a result of:
(v) "Payee" means:
(w) "Payment type" means the classification of an obligation to a specific category, such as TANF, Medicaid-only, IV-E foster care, or non-TANF.
(x) "Payor" means an individual who is obligated to make a support payment.
(y) "Permanently assigned arrearages" means those arrearages which are assigned to the department of health and human services under an assignment entered into prior to 10/1/1997, and all arrearages which accrue on or after 10/1/1997, while a family is receiving TANF benefits.
(z) "Recoupment" means the process of recovering from a payee a monetary loss arising from an overpayment.
#2396, eff 6-30-83; amd by #2437, eff 8-1-83; ss by #2920, eff 12-4-84, EXPIRED: 12-4-90
New. #9206, eff 7-19-08; ss by #9549, eff 10-1-09