New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
He - Department of Health and Human Services
Subtitle He-M - Former Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services
Section He-M 510.02 - Definitions
Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
The words and phrases used in these rules shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Applicant" means any person under the age of 3 whose parent requests services pursuant to He-M 510.06;
(b) "Area agency" means "area agency" as defined in RSA 171-A:2, I-b, namely, "an entity established as a nonprofit corporation in the state of New Hampshire which is established by rules adopted by the commissioner to provide services to developmentally disabled persons in the area in accordance with 42 CFR 441.301.";
(c) "Assessment" means the procedures used by personnel, as identified in He-M 510.11 (b)(1), throughout the period of a child's application and eligibility under this part to identify the child's unique strengths and needs and the services appropriate to meet those needs, and includes:
(d) "Assistive technology device" means any item, piece of equipment or product, whether acquired commercially "off the shelf", modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child. The term does not include medical devices that are surgically implanted, or the optimization, such as mapping, maintenance, or replacement of such devices.
(e) "At risk for substantial developmental delay" means a child is a substance-exposed newborn, or experiences 3 or more of the following, as reported by the family and documented by personnel listed in He-M 510.11 (b)(1):
(f) "Atypical behavior" means behavior reported by the family and documented by personnel listed in He-M 510.11 (b)(1) that includes one or more of the following:
(g) "Child" means an infant or toddler with a disability who is under 3 years of age and:
(h) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the New Hampshire department of health and human services or their designee;
(i) "Consent" means that:
(j) "Department" means the New Hampshire department of health and human services;
(k) "Developmental delay" means that a child has a 33% delay in one or more of the following areas as determined through completion of the multidisciplinary evaluation pursuant to He-M 510.06 (k):
(l) "Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)" means the organizational unit of the department of health and human services that provides services to children and youth referred by courts pursuant to RSA 169-A, RSA 169-B, RSA 169-C, RSA 169-D, and RSA 463;
(m) "Early intervention specialist" means an individual certified by the bureau in accordance with the criteria in He-M 510.11 (k)-(m);
(n) "Established condition" means that a child has a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay, even if no delay exists at the time of referral, as documented by the family and personnel listed in He-M 510.11 (b)(1), including, at a minimum, conditions such as:
(o) "Family-centered early supports and services (FCESS)" means a wide range of activities and assistance, based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable, that develops and maximizes the family's and other caregivers' ability to care for the child and to meet the child's needs in a flexible manner;
(q) "Family-centered early supports and services (FCESS) program" means a program under contract with the department to provide FCESS as defined in these rules;
(r) "Family support council" means the regional council established pursuant to RSA 126-G:4;
(s) "Foster parent" means a person with whom a child lives and who is licensed pursuant to He-C 6446 and certified pursuant to He-C 6347;
(t) "Frequency and intensity" means the number of days or sessions a service will be provided and whether the service will be provided on an individual or group basis;
(u) "Homeless children" means children under the age of 3 years who meet the definition given the term "homeless children and youths" in section 725 (42 U.S.C. 11434a) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq;
(v) "Individualized family support plan (IFSP)" means a written plan developed in accordance with He-M 510.07 for providing supports and services to an eligible child and family;
(w) "Informed clinical opinion" means the conclusion of a professional identified pursuant to He-M 510.11 (b)(1) based on:
(x) "Length" means the period of time the service is provided during each session of that service;
(y) "Local education agency (LEA)" means "local education agency" as defined in Ed 1102.03 (n);
(z) "Medical home" means a model of delivering primary care that is accessible, continuous, comprehensive, family-centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective;
(aa) "Method" means how a service is provided;
(ab) "Multidisciplinary" means the involvement of 2 or more individuals from separate disciplines or professions;
(ac) "Native language" means:
(ad) "Natural environment" means places and situations where the child's age peers without disabilities live, play, and grow;
(ae) "Natural supports" means people including but not limited to family, relatives, friends, neighbors, childcare providers, clergy, and social groups such as religious organizations, co-workers, and social clubs, available to provide assistance as part of everyday living as well as during critical events;
(af) "Notification" means referral of a child to the LEA and the NH department of education;
(ag) "Parent" means:
(ah) "Personally identifiable information" means:
(ai) "Potentially eligible" means that an estimation has been made by the IFSP team, as described in He-M 510.07 (c), that a child might be eligible to receive preschool special education services from the child's LEA;
(aj) "Provider" means a person receiving any form of remuneration for the provision of services to a child or family applying for or receiving FCESS under He-M 510;
(ak) "Record" means, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and 34 CFR 99.3, any information recorded in any way including, but not limited to:
(al) "Region" means a geographic area designated pursuant to He-M 505.04 for the purpose of providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families;
(am) "Scientifically-based research" means "scientifically-based research" as defined in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title IX, Part A, section 9101(37) and 20 U.S.C. 7801(37);
(an) "Service coordinator" means a person who:
(ao) "Setting" means the actual place(s) the services will be provided;
(ap) "Substance-exposed newborn" means "substance-exposed newborn" as defined in RSA 171-A:18-a, namely, "a newborn who was exposed to alcohol, or other drugs in utero, which may have adverse effects, whether or not this exposure is detected at birth through a drug screen or withdrawal symptoms."; and
(aq) "Surrogate parent" means a person who:
(See Revision Note at part heading for He-M 510) #5745, eff 12-1-93, EXPIRED: 12-1-99
New. #7234, eff 4-22-00; amd by #7822, eff 2-8-03; ss by #9135, INTERIM, eff 4-22-08, EXPIRED: 10-19-08
New. #9594, eff 11-11-09; ss by #10325, eff 4-26-13