New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
He - Department of Health and Human Services
Subtitle He-M - Former Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services
Chapter He-M 1000 - HOUSING
Section He-M 1002.03 - Administrative Requirements
Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) A community residence shall be located in areas where other family housing is located.
(b) A community residence shall not erect any sign that labels the individuals or functions of the residence.
(c) A community residence shall have providers on site whenever there are individuals present in the residence.
(d) A community residence shall have no more than 8 persons receiving paid services in the residence.
(e) Any community residence serving 4 or more individuals shall be licensed in accordance with RSA 151 and He-P 800.
(f) A community residence intending to provide or providing services to 2 or more persons not receiving services through a CMHP shall be licensed in accordance with RSA 151 and He-P 814, as applicable.
(g) A community residence shall serve persons who are 18 years of age or older.
(h) Prior to hiring or contracting with a person to work in a community residence, the provider agency shall, after obtaining signed and notarized authorization from the person or persons for whom information is being sought:
(i) A provider agency may hire a person with a criminal record listed in (h) above for a single offense that occurred 10 or more years ago in accordance (j) and (k) below;
(j) Employment of a person pursuant to (i) above shall only occur if such employment:
(k) Upon hiring a person pursuant to (i) above, the provider agency shall document and retain the following information in the individual's record:
(l) Unless a waiver is granted pursuant to (m) below, a provider agency shall not hire a person with a criminal record, other than as specified in (i) above.
(m) The department shall grant a waiver of (l) above if, after reviewing the underlying circumstances, it determines that the person does not pose a threat to the health, safety, or well-being of individuals.
(n) All personnel shall sign a statement annually, which shall be maintained in the personnel file, stating that since the time of hire they:
(o) The provider agency shall obtain the same approval as required in (j) and the same documentation are required in (k) above each time the hired person begins providing services in a new location or to a new individual.
(p) A family residence shall have a written agreement with the provider agency that requires, at a minimum, that a list of the names of all persons living in the residence be disclosed to the provider agency.
(q) A family residence shall notify the provider agency of any change(s) in the list required in (p) within 30 days.
(r) If a provider is not selected by the individual to participate in the service-planning meeting, the case manager shall contact the provider prior to the meeting so that his or her input can be considered.
(s) The provider shall ensure implementation of the provisions of the residential service plan and the individual service agreement as written.
(t) No provider or other person living or working in a community residence shall serve as the legal guardian of an individual living in that community residence.
(u) Community residences shall have personal injury liability insurance for the residence and for vehicles used to transport individuals.
(v) Community residences shall maintain certificates of insurance obtained pursuant to (p) above, on file at the premises.
(w) A community residence shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with local health and building codes.
(x) Living space shall be arranged and maintained as to provide for the health and safety of all household members, as follows:
(y) A community residence shall provide the following:
(z) A community residence shall protect an individual's right to privacy to the maximum extent possible while continuing to monitor the health and safety of each individual.
#1914, eff 2-1-82; ss by #3071, eff 7-25-85, EXPIRED: 7-25-91
New. #7762, eff 9-26-02; amd by #8210, eff 11-23-04; amd by #9795, INTERIM, eff 9-26-10, EXPIRES: 3-25-11; ss by #9894-A, eff 3-25-11