New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
He - Department of Health and Human Services
Subtitle He-M - Former Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services
Chapter He-M 1000 - HOUSING
Section He-M 1001.06 - Health and Safety
Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) The residence administrator shall arrange for an annual health assessment of each individual by a physician or other licensed practitioner for the purpose of evaluating health status and making recommendations regarding strategies for promoting and/or maintaining optimal health.
(b) The residence administrator shall, in conjunction with the service coordinator, have arrangements to access medical services at all times, including emergency services. The residence shall have a written plan that specifies the procedures to be followed in medical emergencies.
(c) In the event of emergency concerning an individual including hospitalization, serious illness, serious injury, imminent death, or death, the residence administrator or service coordinator shall:
(d) Providers having personal knowledge of an emergency as described in (c) above shall notify the individual's service coordinator immediately, and in writing within 24 hours.
(e) The written notification shall be kept on file at the area agency and a copy of the notice retained in the individual's residential record.
(f) In the event of the death of an individual:
1.The individual's name, address, date of birth, gender, race, and ethnicity;
2.The date and place of death and whether or not hospice was involved;
3.The individual's medical diagnoses;
4.The names and phone numbers of any family members and guardians notified, and the date of notification;
5.A description of the individual's living situation and whether it had changed within the previous 6 months;
6.The apparent cause of death as recorded by the attending licensed practitioner; and
7.A detailed description of the events surrounding the individual's death, including what happened, what care was provided, and who was involved; and
(g) Each area agency shall assess the relationship of any individual's unanticipated death to service provision and the natural course of any illness or underlying condition.
(h) Such a mortality review shall evaluate and, where applicable, document the following:
(i) In any case of known or suspected neglect, abuse, or exploitation, the provider aware of the situation shall:
(j) All agency staff and providers who administer medications to any individual receiving services in a He-M 1001 certified setting shall be authorized in accordance with He-M 1201.
(k) A provider shall have the following responsibilities with respect to an individual's food and fluids:
(l) Providers shall label toxic substances as to contents and antidote and safely store such substances away from food preparation and food storage areas.
(m) Prior to providing services, a community residence shall develop an emergency evacuation plan that indicates the location of all evacuation routes and exits and provides for the safe evacuation of all persons within 3 minutes.
(n) An individual and his or her guardian shall be notified if any current or prospective household member smokes within the home.
(o) Upon moving to a new community residence, each individual shall be oriented to evacuation procedures by the provider.
(p) Within 5 business days of an individual's moving into a community residence or a change in residential provider, a service coordinator and licensed nurse shall visit the individual in the home to determine if the transition has resulted in adverse changes in the health or behavioral status of the individual.
(q) A service coordinator shall document the visit described in (o) above in the individual's record.
(r) If negative changes are noted, a service coordinator shall develop a remediation plan and include it within the individual's record.
(s) Within 5 days of an individual's moving into a community residence, the provider shall:
(t) The fire safety assessment shall indicate:
(u) For each individual unable to evacuate his or her residence within 3 minutes, a fire safety plan shall be developed and approved by the individual or guardian, provider, and residential administrator that identifies:
(v) Evacuation drills shall:
(w) A written record of each evacuation drill shall:
(x) If a community residence for 3 or fewer individuals has been evacuated in 3 minutes or less during each of 6 consecutive monthly drills, one of which has been a sleep-time drill, the residence shall thereafter conduct a drill at least once quarterly, with one drill per year to be during sleep hours.
(y) If a community residence serves 4 or more individuals, the residence shall conduct monthly drills, with at least 3 drills per year to be held during sleep hours.
(z) A community residence that has a complete sprinkler system and fire alarm system that immediately notifies the local fire department shall be exempt from the requirement to complete a fire drill in less than 3 minutes if documentation is provided that such systems are in compliance with local fire codes.
(See Revision Note at part heading for He-M 1001) #5867, eff 9-1-94, EXPIRED: 9-1-00
New. #7681, eff 4-23-02; amd by #8209, eff 11-23-04; ss by #9696, INTERIM, eff 4-23-10, EXPIRES: 10-20-10; ss by #9776-A, eff 10-1-10