Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) During the
adoption family application process, the child-placing agency shall obtain:
(1) A signed application as provided by the
child-placing agency;
(2) A signed
medical statement from a licensed physician, physician's assistant, or nurse
practitioner on each applicant based on an examination given within one year of
the application;
(3) A financial
statement which includes:
a. The monthly
income available to the household from all sources including adoption subsidies
for children with special needs;
Monthly expenses such as rent or mortgage, food, clothing, utilities,
insurance, loan and credit card payments; and
c. Assets such as savings, investments, and
real estate;
Information on the adoptive parent applicants' religious preferences, if any;
(5) A minimum of 5 personal
references provided by persons who have known the applicants for at least 2
years, one of whom is a relative and the remaining 4 unrelated to the applicant
by blood or marriage.
(b) The child-placing agency shall provide
the adoptive family applicant with an agency-specific adoptive family handbook
informing them of policies, procedures, and forms, which are relevant to its
specific agency.
(c) A family
assessment and application shall be completed as described in
6446.04 -.13 for an adoptive applicant family which:
(1) Includes at least 3 meetings with at
least one meeting in the home;
Consists of individual and joint meetings, when applicable, with the
(3) Involves all adults and
children of sufficient understanding in the household;
(4) Shall be completed within 120 days of the
date that the application and all required documents were received, unless the
applicants agree in writing that the child-placing agency may extend the time
allowed to complete the family assessment;
(5) Provides written results to the applicant
of the adoptive family assessment within 30 days after completing the family
assessment; and
(6) Includes
consideration of the following factors to assess the adoptive parent
applicant's compatibility with a child and any problems the adoptive parent
applicants might encounter following the adoption:
a. The adoptive parent applicants' motivation
to adopt;
b. If applicable, how the
adoptive parent applicants have dealt with issues of their
c. The adoptive parent
applicants' expectations of the child and preferred child characteristics;
d. The adoptive parent
applicants' feelings about adoption and how adoption will be explained to the
child, including:
1. Searches for birthparents
or other relatives;
Reunification with birthparents or other relatives;
3. Open adoption which is the private and
non-legally binding agreement between birth parents that the adoptive child can
remain in contact with the birth parents or other biological
4. Attitude toward
parents who place their child for adoption; and
5. The background of the child.
(d) The
minimum requirements for acceptance of the adoptive parent applicants shall be
as follows:
(1) Each adoptive parent applicant
shall be at least 18 years of age;
(2) Each prospective adoptive parent shall
confirm their commitment to adopt;
(3) The adoptive parent applicant shall not
have been convicted of child abuse or neglect or any other serious crime that
would affect the ability to care for children;
(4) The adoptive parent applicants and all
household members shall be screened by the department, pursuant to
170-B:18, VII, for any
founded reports of child abuse or neglect on file with DCYF, and:
a. If a founded report is on file for any
member of the adoptive parent applicant's household, DCYF staff in cooperation
with staff from the child-placing agency shall conduct a complete review of the
circumstances surrounding the report; and
b. After review, if DCYF determines that the
household member poses no further threat to any child, the child-placing agency
shall proceed with the application process;
(5) Adoptive parent applicants, whether
married or single, shall have established a stable and consistent home life in
that the applicant shall be self-sufficient and shall have adequate support
systems such as extended family and friends in the community who are able to
assist the family;
(6) The
applicants shall demonstrate good physical and emotional health, with a
reasonable expectation that the good health will continue throughout the
minority of the child;
Sufficient physical space and accommodations in the home shall exist for the
adoptive child; and
(8) The
applicants shall have sufficient income to support the family and the child
they wish to adopt.
Approved adoptive families who have waited a year for a placement shall have an
annual home visit and family assessment update which includes:
(1) Any changes to the original family
(2) An update of the
household members medical health;
(3) Updated criminal checks for all household
members; and
(4) Updated child
protective services checks for child abuse or neglect.
(f) Adoptive parents must wait at least 6
months after the placement of a child for adoption, and until the adoption is
final before submitting an application for an additional unrelated child or
children. The requirements in (a) -(d) above shall apply to applications and
family assessment for additional children.
(g) A child-placing agency shall approve a
home as an adoptive home if the completed application and assessment
demonstrate that the adoptive applicant can provide care in compliance with the
requirements of RSA
#7866, eff 4-2-03; ss by #9895, eff