New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Fis - Executive Director, Fish and Game Department
Document #9636-B, effective 1-12-10, readopted with amendments and renumbered Fis 214 titled "License Revocations and Suspensions" as Fis 1801, which contained only Fis 1801.01. Fis 214 had contained only Fis 214.01. Document #9636-B replaces all prior filings for rules in Fis 214.01 and predecessor rules in this area.
The prior filings for former Fis 214.01 or predecessor rules included the following documents:
#4900, effective 8-3-90 (as Fis 1217.01)
#6289, INTERIM, effective 7-20-96, EXPIRED 11-17-96 (as Fis 1217.01)
#6435, effective 1-22-97 (as Fis 1217.01)
#6843, effective 8-29-98 (as Fis 1217.01)
#8673, INTERIM, effective 7-6-06, EXPIRED 1-2-07 (as Fis 1205.01)
#9541, INTERIM, effective 9-10-09 (as Fis 214.01)
Document #12562, effective 6-28-18, effectively readopted with amendments Chapter Fis 1800, formerly titled "License Revocations and Suspensions" and now titled "Agency Action Against Holders of Licenses, Registrations, and Permits." Specifically, Document #12562 adopted a new Part Fis 1801 titled "Definitions".
Document #12562 also readopted with amendments and renumbered the former Fis 1801.01 titled "License Revocations and Suspensions" as Fis 1802.01(a) through (e) and readopted with amendment the former Fis 1502.03 titled "Periods of Suspension" from Chapter Fis 1500 on OHRVs and snowmobiles and renumbered Fis 1502.03 as Fis 1802.01(f) and (g), with Fis 1802.01 now titled "Actions Against Licensees, Registrants, and Permit Holders." Document #12562 readopted with amendment and numbered former Fis 1801.02 as Fis 1802.02.
Document #12562 also readopted with amendment and renumbered former Fis 207.06 titled "Order of Revocation or Suspension" in Chapter 200 on rules of practice and procedure and renumbered Fis 207.06 as Part Fis 1803 titled "Modification of Action by the Executive Director." Document #12562 also adopted Fis 1803.03 titled "Further Appeal."
Document #12562 replaces all prior filings for rules in the former Fis 1800, Fis 1502.03, and Fis 207.06. The prior filings for these rules include the following documents:
Fis 1800 (since Document #9636-B)
Document #10709, effective 1-1-15
Fis 1502.03
#8518, effective 12-17-05
#9661, effective 2-25-10
Fis 207.06
#7382, effective 10-25-00, EXPIRED 10-25-08
#9332, INTERIM, effective 11-27-08, EXPIRED 5-26-09
#9636-A, effective 1-12-10
The rules in the former Fis 1800 as last filed under Document #9636-B, effective 1-12-18, did not expire on 1-12-18, and the former Fis 1502.03 did not expire on 2-25-18, but were extended pursuant to RSA 541-A:14-a until replaced by the rules in Document #12562, effective 6-28-18. The former Fis 207.06 did not expire as a practice and procedure rule pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.