New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Emp - Commissioner, Department of Employment Security
Appendix - APPENDIX

Universal Citation: NH Admin Rules
Current through Register No. 40, October 3, 2024


Specific State Statute the Rule Implements

Emp 100

RSA 541-A:16, I, a

Emp 101.01 -101.04

RSA 282-A:107; 108; 109; 136

Emp 101.06

RSA 282-A: 31, I(d)

Emp 101.07

RSA 282-A: 112, I

Emp 101.08

RSA 282-A: 32, I(d)

Emp 101.09 (repealed)

RSA 282-A:12, 72, 74, 75, 76

Emp 101.10

RSA 282-A: 31, I(d); 32, I(d)

Emp 101.11

RSA 282-A: 31, I(d); 32, I(d); 31-a, II; 31-b, I(j)

Emp 101.12

RSA 282-A: 31, I(c)

Emp 101.13

RSA 282-A: 31, I(d); 32, I(d)

Emp 101.14

RSA 282-A: 31, I(d); 32, I(d); 31-b, I(e)

Emp 101.15

RSA 282-A:112

Emp 102.01

RSA 282-A: 108; 112

Emp 102.02

RSA 282-A: 109

Emp 102.03

RSA 282-A: 136

Emp 102.04-Emp 102.06

RSA 282-A: 113

Emp 103

RSA 541-A: 16, I(a)

Emp 201

RSA 282-A:96

Emp 202.01

RSA 541-A:16, I(b)(2); 30-a; 56

Emp 204

RSA 282-A:158

Emp 205.01 -205.03

RSA 541-A:16, I(d)

Emp 205.04

RSA 541-A:16, II

Emp 206

RSA 282-A:119, 120

Emp 207

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 541-A:16, I; 30-a; RSA 282-A:56;96;

Emp 207.03

RSA 282-A:42, III

Emp 207.05

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(k)

Emp 207.06

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(j)

Emp 207.07

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(a)

Emp 207.08, 207.09

RSA 541-A:16, I; 30-a; 30-a, III(a); RSA 282-A:56; 96

Emp 207.10

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(f)

Emp 207.11

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(e)

Emp 207.14

RSA 541-A:31, III

Emp 207.15

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(b)

Emp 207.16

RSA 541-A:31, V

Emp 207.17

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(g)

Emp 207.18

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(g)

Emp 207.19

RSA 541-A:32

Emp 207.22

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(e)

Emp 207.23

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(e)

Emp 207.24

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(e)

Emp 207.25

RSA 541-A:31, VII; RSA 282-A:64, III; 117-123;

Emp 207.26

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(d), (e)

Emp 207.27

RSA 541-A:33

Emp 207.28

RSA 541-A:33

Emp 207.29

RSA 541-A:35

Emp 207.30

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(i)

Emp 207.31

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(j)

Emp 207.32

RSA 541-A:30-a, III(c)

Emp 207.33

RSA 282-A:60, 67

Emp 207.34

RSA 282-A:60, 67

Emp 208

RSA 541-A:16, I(c)

Emp 209.01 -209.02

RSA 541-A:11

Emp 209.03

RSA 541-A:6, I; 11

Emp 209.04

RSA 541-A:11

Emp 209.05

RSA 541-A:11, II

Emp 209.06

RSA 541-A:11, I, II, IV

Emp 210

RSA 541-A:11, VII

Emp 211

RSA 282-A:51

Emp 301.01-Emp 301.04

RSA 282-A:117-a

Emp 301.05

RSA 282-A:69, I

Emp 301.06 - Emp 301.09

RSA 282-A:117-a

Emp 302.01 -302.03

RSA 282-A: 14; 15, I; 16

Emp 303.01

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 282-A:8; 9, III; 9, IV; 91; 91-a; 117; 118

Emp 303.01(b)(8)

RSA 282-A:69, II

Emp 303.01(b)(15)

RSA 282-A:8, I

Emp 303.01(b)(20)

RSA 282-A:45; 42 USC 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.02

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:69, 70; 71; 94; 96; 117; 117-a; 118

Emp 303.02(f)(10)

RSA 282-A:69; 86

Emp 303.02(f)(19)

RSA 282-A:117; 117-a, III; 118; 42 USC 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(a),(a)(s),(a)(3); (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.02(f)(20)

RSA 282-A:117; 117-a, III; 118; 42 USC 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(a),(a)(s),(a)(3); (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.021

RSA 282-A:69; 70; 71; 117; 117-a, III; 118

Emp 303.021 (b)

RSA 282-A:142

Emp 303.021(c)

RSA 282-A:142

Emp 303.022

RSA 282-A:69; 70; 71; 117; 117-a, III; 118

Emp 303.022 (a) (8)

RSA 282-A:142

Emp 303.022 (a) (11)

42 USC 503 (f); 1320b-7(a)(1), (2), (3); (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.022 (k)

RSA 282-A:118; Social Security Administration Publication No. 42-007, EFTW2 Tax Year 2010 (available at

Emp 303.022(i)

RSA 282-A:142

Emp 303.023

RSA 282-A:69; 70; 71; 117; 117-a, III; 118; 142; 42 USC 503 (f); 1320b-7(a)(1), (2), (3); (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20; Social Security Administration Publication No. 42-007, EFTW2 Tax Year 2010 (available at

Emp 303.03

RSA 541-A:1, XV(a), (b); RSA 282-A:9; 14; 15; 31, I (c), (d); 117; 118; 26 U.S.C. 3304; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 303.04

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:45, II; 45-a, I; 117; 118; 26 U.S.C. 3304; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 303.05

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 161-B:11; RSA 282-A:14; 15, I; 16; 117; 117-a, III; 118

Emp 303.05(a)

RSA 161-B:11; 14; 16; 117; 117-a, III; 118; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (b)(3); 20 C.F.R. 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.05(a)(2)

RSA 282-A:14; 16; 117; 117-a, III; 118; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(1),(2),(3); (b)(3); 20 C.F.R. 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.05(b)

RSA 282-A:9, III, IV, V

Emp 303.05(c)

RSA 282-A:31, I(c), (d)

Emp 303.05(d)

RSA 282-A:145

Emp 303.08

RSA 282-A:14; 32; 44; 45;118; 26 U.S.C. 3303 (f)

Emp 303.09

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:45, II; 45-a, I; 112; 118; 26 U.S.C. 3304; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 303.10

RSA 282-A:14; 32; 44; 45; 69; 70; 71; 94; 96; 117; 117-a; 118

Emp 303.11

RSA 282-A;69, I, II; 118

Emp 303.12

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:2 (applies to Emp 303.12(a)(2)(c)); RSA 282-A:45, II; 45-a, I; 112; 118; 26 U.S.C. 3304; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320-7(a), (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.13

RSA 262-B:11; RSA 282-A:14, II;:45-a; 117; 118; 42 U.S.C. 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(1),(2),(3); (b)(3); 20 C.F.R. 603.2; 603.20

Emp 303.15

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 282-A:91-a

Emp 303.15 (c)(5)

42 USC 503(f); 1320b-7(a)(1), (2),(3); (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 304.01

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 282-A:69, I

Emp 304.01(d)

RSA 282-A:8; 91; 91-a; 93

Emp 304.01(e)

RSA 282-A:102

Emp 304.01(h)

RSA 282-A:14; 32; 44; 45; 69; 70; 71; 94; 96; 117; 117-a; 118

Emp 304.01(i)

RSA 282-A:14; 32; 44; 45; 69; 70; 71; 94; 96; 117; 117-a; 118

Emp 304.02

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 282-A:2, 14; 16; 44; 45; 45-a; 69-75

Emp 304.02(a)(1)

RSA 282-A:69, II; 71, II

Emp 304.02(a)(2)

RSA 282-A:71; 74; 75

Emp 304.02(a)(3)

RSA 282-A:72

Emp 304.02(a)(4)

RSA 282-A:14

Emp 304.02(a)(5)

RSA 282-A:44

Emp 304.02(a)(6)

RSA 282-A:78

Emp 304.02(b)

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:69, II; 70; 71; 72

Emp 304.02(b)(1)

RSA 282-A:45, III: 45-a, III; 69, II; 70; 71; 72

Emp 304.02(b)(3)

RSA 282-A:73; 74; 75

Emp 304.02(b)(4)

RSA 282-A:44

Emp 304.02(b)(5)

RSA 282-A:78

Emp 304.03

RSA 282-A:74

Emp 304.04

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below.

RSA 282-A:14, II I(a); 74, 75, 76, 77, 78

Emp 304.04(a)

RSA 282-A:74; 75; 76; 77; 78

Emp 304.04(b)

RSA 282-A:14, III(a); 74; 75; 76; 78

Emp 304.04 (b)(3)b

RSA 282-A: 14, III(a); 74; 75; 76; 78

Emp 304.05

RSA 282-A:86; 87; 91; 92

Emp 304.11 (a)

RSA 282-A:91-a

Emp 304.11(b), (c)

RSA 282-A:91-a, I(a)(1)

Emp 304.11(d)

RSA 282-A:91-a, I(a)(2)

Emp 304.11(e)

RSA 282-A:91-a, I(a)(1), (2)

Emp 304.11(f)

RSA 282-A:69, I; 91-a, I(a)(1)

Emp 304.11(g)

RSA 282-A:91-a, I(j)

Emp 305.01

RSA 282-A:157; 166, I(g)

Emp 306.01

RSA 282-A:169-171

Emp 307.01

RSA 282-A:69, I

Emp 307.02

RSA 277-B:2

Emp 307.03

RSA 282-A:69, I;78

Emp 307.04

RSA 277-B: 9, III, IV; RSA 282-A:69, I; 78

Emp 307.05

RSA 277-B:9, IV, V, IX; RSA 282-A:69, I;78; 79

Emp 308.01

RSA 282-A:117-a

Emp 308.02 (a), (b)

RSA 282-A:117-a, I; 42 U.S.C. 653a(a)(2)(C)

Emp 308.02(c) - (g)

RSA 282-A:117-a, IV

Emp 308.02(h)

RSA 282-A:117-a, I (c)

Emp 308.02(i)

RSA 282-A:117-a, IV

Emp 308.03(a), (b)

RSA 282-A:117-a, II

Emp 308.03(c), (d)

RSA 282-A:117-a, III

Emp 308.04

RSA 282-A:117-a, IV

Emp 402.01

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 6:11-a; 69; 70; 71; 112; 26 U.S.C. 3301; 3302; 3303; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a)(3), (b)(3)

Emp 402.02

RSA 282-A:141; 165, II

Emp 402.03

RSA 282-A:69-71

Emp 403.01

RSA 282-A:8, II; 9, IV; 175; 26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(6)(A); (a)(13); 3306(c)(7), (8); 3309 (a) (1)

Emp 403.02


Emp 403.03

RSA 282-A:16

Emp 403.06

RSA 282-A:4, 175; 26 USC 3304(a)(7)

Emp 404

RSA 282-A:181; 182

Emp 405

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:44; 45; 118

Emp 405.01

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:12;43; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a)(3), (b)(3);

Emp 405.02

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:12;

Emp 405.03

RSA 282-A:32; 44; 45; 53; 77

Emp 405.04

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:12; 45; 77; 26 U.S.C. 3301; 3302; 3303; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a)(3), (b)(3)

Emp 405.05

RSA 282-A:32; 44; 45; 53; 77

Emp 405.06

RSA 282-A:32; 44; 45; 53; 77

Emp 406

RSA 282-A:43; Section 3 of the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010, H.R. 4213 effective July 22, 2010

Emp 407

RSA 282-A:30; Section 3 of the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010, H.R. 4213 effective July 22, 2010

Emp 408

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:29

Emp 408.04(k)-(l)

RSA 282-A:165, II

Emp 408.07

31 C.F.R. 285.08 (f)-(g)

Emp 409

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

26 U.S.C. 6402(f); 31 C.F.R. 285.8

Emp 409.05, 409.06, 409.08

RSA 282-A:141-156, 163-165

Emp 409.07

31 C.F.R. 285.8(f)-(g)

Emp 410

RSA 282-A:15, II(a), RSA 282-A:41, 69-71; 8 USC Ch. 12 § 1101, (15) (F); 26 USC 3304(a)(14)(A); 22 CFR Part 62

Emp 411.01-Emp 411.02

RSA 282-A:31-g; 31-h

Emp 411.03

RSA 282-A:31-g,VI; 31-h, II

Emp 411.04

RSA 282-A:31-h, II (c), VIII (a)

Emp 411.05-Emp 411.06

RSA 282-A:31-h, II, V(a)-(d), VIII (c)

Emp 411.07

RSA 282-A:31-h, II (e)-(g)

Emp 411.08

RSA 282-A:31-h, III, IV

Emp 411.09

RSA 282-A:31-g; 31-h

Emp 411.10

RSA 282-A:31-h, VI.

Emp 501.01

RSA 282-A:31, I(a)

Emp 501.02

RSA 282-A:31, I (a)

Emp 501.03

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:42, II (a); 43; 112; 42 U.S.C 1320b-7(a), (b)(3);

Emp 501.04

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:42, II (b); 43; 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 501.06

RSA 282-A:43

Emp 501.07 (Repealed)

RSA 282-A:43

Emp 501.08

RSA 282-A:31,I(f)

Emp 501.10

RSA 282-A:112; RSA 282-A:31, I; RSA 282-A:43

42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 501.11

RSA 282-A:9, IV(x); 30, XI; 31, I, III

Emp 501.12

RSA 282-A:31, I, III; 32, I(d); 39

Emp 501.13

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:43

Emp 501.13(d)

RSA 282-A:14, 16, 31, 32, 46; 42 USC 1320b-7(a)(1), (2), (3), (b)(3); 20 CFR 603.2; 603.20

Emp 501.14

RSA 282-A:31, I(a); 42 U.S.C. 503(j); Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 08-22.

Emp 502.01

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A: 24, 112; 26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(1)

Emp 502.02

RSA 282-A:24

Emp 502.03

RSA 282-A:112; 165, II; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 502.04

RSA 282-A:16

Emp 502.05

RSA 541-A:1, XV; RSA 282-A:112;159; 42 USC 1320b-7(a)(1), (2), (3), (b)(3); 26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(18); 20 CFR 603.3

Emp 502.06

RSA 282-A:14, III(a)

Emp 502.07

Provisions implementing specific statutes or regulations are listed below

RSA 282-A:14, III(a)

Emp 502.07(e)

RSA 282-A:178; ACA, P.L. 111-148, as amended; 20 CFR 617.11(a)(I)(iv)

Emp 502.08

RSA 282-A:31, I(h), 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3); Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, Sec. 204(a)(2)

Emp 502.09

RSA 282-A:164

Emp 503.01

RSA 282-A: 32, I(a); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 503.02

RSA 282-A:32, I (a)(1), (d)

Emp 503.03

RSA 282-A:32, I(e); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 503.05

RSA 282-A:31, II

Emp 503.06

RSA 282-A: 32, I(a)(3); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 503.08

RSA 282-A: 32, I(a)(4); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 503.09

RSA 282-A: 32, I(a)(5); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 503.10

RSA 282-A: 32, I(a)(6); 112; 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a), (b)(3)

Emp 504.01

RSA 282-A:31, III; 112; 26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(8); 42 U.S.C. 1320b-7(a) and (b)(3)

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