New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Elec - Electricians' Board
Pursuant to 2005, 122:1 and 122:2 and 2005, 177:105 and 177:106, effective 7-1-05, the Electricians' Board (Board) was transferred to the Bureau of Electrical Safety and Licensing in the Division of Fire Safety of the Department of Safety.
The Board's rules Elec 303.02 entitled "Passing Grade", Elec 303.04 entitled "Exam Fees and Refunds", Elec 305.01 on fees entitled "Corporation/Partnership", Elec 401.02 entitled "Armed Forces Inactive Status", and Part Elec 402 entitled "Disciplinary Action", as filed under Document #7231 and effective 5-1-00, expired 5-1-08.
The Department of Safety then filed Document #9631, effective 12-30-09. Document #9631, among other actions, repealed select rules in Chapter Elec 300 entitled "Licensing Requirements" and Chapter Elec 400 entitled "Continued Status", readopted with amendments and renumbered other select rules in the former Elec 300 and Elec 400 in a new Chapter Saf-C 9300 entitled "Bureau of Electrical Safety and Licensing Rules," and adopted other rules in Saf-C 9300.
The rules in Document #9631 for Saf-C 9300 replaced all prior filings for rules in the former Elec 300 and Elec 400. The filings of the Board affecting the former Elec 300 and Elec 400 included the following documents:
#1984, effective 3-22-82
#2695, effective 4-24-84
#4227, effective 2-18-87
#4764, effective 2-20-90
#5054, effective 3-1-91
#5503, effective 1-1-93
#5666, effective 7-15-93
#6139, effective 7-1-96
#6357, effective 10-22-96
#6673, effective 2-1-98
#6913, effective 7-1-99
#7231, effective 5-1-00
#7646, effective 2-14-02
#7744, effective 8-16-02
#7826, effective 5-1-03
#8283, effective 2-10-05
#8284, effective 2-10-05
Pursuant to 2012, 237:1-3, 5, and 7, and 2013:57:4, effective 6-4-13, the Board was transferred from the Department of Safety, with rulemaking authority under RSA 319:C:6-a, and placed under the administration of the Joint Board for Licensure and Certification.
Since no existing rules of the Department of Safety were transferred to the Board by 2012, 237:1-3, 5, and 7, and 2013:57:4, the Board adopted and filed Document #10356, effective 6-6-13, as an interim rule, containing Elec 300 entitled "Licensing Requirements" and Elec 400 titled "Continued Status." The rules in Document #10356 replaced all prior filings for rules in the former Saf-C 9300. The filings of the Department affecting the former Saf-C 9300 included the following documents:
#9631, effective 12-30-09
#9912, effective 4-20-11
#10251, effective 1-7-13
Document #10420, effective 9-25-13, readopted with amendments the rules in Chapter Elec 300 previously filed under Document #10356. Document #10807, effective 4-1-15, amended the rule then-numbered as Elec 301.04(j) on application forms, and readopted with amendments the rule then-numbered as Elec 304.03 on date and notification of examinations. Document #10859, effective 6-24-15, amended the rule then-numbered as Elec 304.01(a) on format and subject matter of examinations.
The Joint Board of Licensure and Certification was renamed the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification pursuant to 2015, 276:45, effective 7-1-15, which now administers the Electricians' Board pursuant to 2015, 276:57.
Document #12334, effective 7-22-17, adopted, amended, readopted with amendments, or repealed various rules in Chapter Elec 300 and readopted with amendments rule Elec 405.03 on procedure for disciplinary action in Chapter Elec 400. The new rules adopted in Document #12334 included Elec 301 on definitions and Elec 304.05 on qualification for all applicants. The former rule numbered as Elec 304.05 on destruction of examinations was repealed. These changes necessitated extensive renumbering of rules within Chapter Ed 300. The source note information for the existing rules in Ed 300 filed prior to Document #12334 applies to the former rule numbers, which are indicated in the source notes.
The Department of Safety repealed Saf-C 9300 by adopting and filing Document #12381, effective 9-15-17.
Document #13866, effective 4-6-24, readopted, readopted with amendment, or repealed various rules in Chapter Elec 300. This necessitated the renumbering of several rules as indicate din the source notes.
Document #13866 readopted with amendment Elec 302.01 titled "Forms", Elec 302.02 titled "Incomplete Form", and Elec 302.03 titled "Failure to Comply with Statute or Rule" in Part Elec 302 titled "Application Procedure", and renumbered them as a single rule Elec 302.01 titled "Application Process." Document #13866 also renumbered, but did not readopt, Elec 302.04 titled "Application Forms" as Elec 302.02.
The prior filings affecting the former Elec 302.01, Elec 302.02, and Elec 302.03 included the following documents:
#10356, INTERIM, effective 6-6-13 (See Revision Note #1 and Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Elec 300)
#10420, effective 9-25-13 (formerly Elec 301.01-Elec 301.03) (See Revision Note #3 at chapter heading for Elec 300)
Document #13866 also repealed Part Elec 306 titled "Additional Fees", which contained Elec 306.01 titled "Certified Copy of License", Elec 306.02 titled "Replacement Fee", and Elec 306.03 titled "Copy Fees for Videos and Digital Photographs". The prior filings affecting the repealed Part Elec 306 included the following documents:
#10356, INTERIM, effective 6-6-13 (See Revision Note #1 and Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Elec 300)
#10420, effective 9-25-13 (formerly Elec 305.01-Elec 305.03) (See Revision Note #3 at chapter heading for Elec 300)