New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
Acp - Board of Acupuncture Licensing
Section Acp 301.02 - Application Form
Current through Register No. 52, December 26, 2024
The applicant shall supply, or cause to be supplied, the following on or with the "Acupuncture Initial License Application" form:
(a) Full legal name, as well as:
(b) Residence and business addresses and telephone numbers;
(c) Date of birth;
(d) Social Security number pursuant RSA 161-B:11;
(e) Email address;
(f) A list of colleges and universities the applicant attended, dates of attendance, and degrees, if any received, supported by one of the following:
(g) If the applicant is applying for a waiver of the degree requirement, the supporting documentation pursuant to Acp 302.03(b);
(h) A list of acupuncture schools attended, dates attended, date of graduation and degree or certificate awarded, supported by official transcripts from all acupuncture schools or colleges attended;
(i) If the applicant is applying for a waiver of the post-secondary acupuncture college requirement, the supporting documentation pursuant to Acp 302.05;
(j) A list of all other states and countries in which the applicant is currently licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice acupuncture, dates of issue and expiration, and the license or certificate numbers. Documentation of the status of all current acupuncture licenses held shall be sent directly from the issuing state or country;
(k) A list of other states and countries in which the applicant was ever previously licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice acupuncture, including dates of issue and expiration;
(l) A list of all states and countries in which the applicant was previously or is currently licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to practice a healing art other than acupuncture, including dates of issue and expiration;
(m) Information regarding the applicant's certification by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) supported by documentation of certification status sent to the board directly from the NCCAOM or downloaded from the official NCCAOM website, including the date of initial certification;
(n) Disclosure, and explanation where applicable, of the following information:
(o) A statement of the applicant's successful completion of the Clean Needle Technique Course supported by documentation of such directly from the NCCAOM or the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (CCAHM);
(p) A statement of good professional character from 3 persons other than relatives of the applicant, who have known the applicant for at least 3 years, at least one of whom shall be an acupuncturist, licensed in this state or in another jurisdiction; and
(q) The applicant's signature on the following statement:
I hereby certify that all statements made in this application and all information and documentation submitted in connection with this application are, to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate, complete, and unaltered. I understand that misstatements and omissions of material facts may be cause for denial of this application, or for suspension or revocation of a license, or other appropriate disciplinary action.
In the case that my application is approved and an acupuncture license is issued to me, I hereby agree to comply with all laws and administrative rules pertaining to the practice of acupuncture in New Hampshire. I understand that this includes the requirement to use only sterile disposable one-use needles, and to use Clean Needle Technique. I understand that I must follow the New Hampshire Code of Ethics for acupuncturists and the NCCAOM Code of Ethics for acupuncturists.
#7081, eff 8-26-99; ss by #7872, eff 4-14-03; ss by #10004, INTERIM, eff 9-22-11, EXPIRES: 3-20-12; New. #10158, eff 6-27-12