Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 704A - Facilities Placed Underground
Section 704A.300 - Conduits and preassembled cable in conduits
Current through December 12, 2024
1. Except at intersections on main thoroughfares and in places where the use of conduits is required by state law or local ordinance, the utility or the applicant may elect to install underground electric systems in conduits or by preassembled cable in conduits, subject to the following conditions:
2. Under an intersection on a main thoroughfare or in a place where the use of a conduit is required by state law or local ordinance, the installation of an underground electric system must be made in a conduit by the utility at its expense, without any refundable advance or nonrefundable contribution in aid of construction.
3. If neither the utility nor the applicant elects to have an underground electric system installed in a conduit or by preassembled cable in a conduit, or if a conduit is not required pursuant to subsection 2, the installation must be made by direct burial.
Pub. Service Comm'n, Gen. Order 9 Rule G, eff. 11-1-69; A 11-2-69-NAC A 3-15-84
NRS 703.025, 704.260, 704.280, 704A.300