Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 704 - Regulation of Public Utilities Generally
Section 704.Sec. 2.7 - NEW
Current through December 12, 2024
1. If, during the first or second year of the applicable action plan period, the total amount of energy and capacity applied for by eligible customers from providers of new electric resources through transactions approved by the Commission is less than the annual limit on such transactions set forth in a plan filed with the Commission pursuant to NRS 704.741 and accepted by the Commission pursuant to NRS 704.751, the amount of energy and capacity which remains available by the end of the year may be carried forward and added to the annual limit for the following year.
2. No amount of energy and capacity allocated to annual limits within an action plan period may be carried forward or added to the annual limits established for a year within any subsequent action plan period.
Added to NAC by Pub. Utilities Comm'n by R195-22A, eff. 9/16/2024
NRS 703.025, 704.210, 704.741