Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 649 - Collection Agencies
Section 649.060 - Fee for supervision and related activities: Amount; collection; failure to pay
Current through December 12, 2024
1. A collection agency shall allow the Commissioner to conduct an examination, audit or investigation of any accounts, books and records of the collection agency at any time. The Commissioner may revoke the license of a collection agency that does not allow him or her to conduct an examination, audit or investigation of any such accounts, books and records.
2. The Commissioner will charge and collect a fee of $75 per hour from each collection agency for any supervision, examination, audit, investigation or hearing conducted pursuant to this chapter and chapter 649 of NRS, including, without limitation, any examination, audit or investigation conducted pursuant to subsection 1.
3. The Commissioner will bill each collection agency upon the completion of the activity for the fee established in subsection 2. The fee must be paid within 30 days after the date on which the bill is received. In addition to any other fee allowed by this chapter or chapter 649 of NRS, and except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any payment received after that date must include a penalty of 10 percent of the fee plus an additional 1 percent of the fee for each month, or portion of a month, that the fee is not paid. The Commissioner may waive the penalty for good cause.
4. Failure of a collection agency to pay the fee required in subsection 2 as provided in this section constitutes grounds for revocation of its license.
Added to NAC by Comm'r of Financial Institutions, eff. 4-20-88; A 11-27-89, eff. 7-1-89; R111-06, 6-28-2006; A by R054-16A, eff. 9/9/2016; A by R097-23A, eff. 6/5/2024
NRS 649.053 and 649.295