Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 489 - Mobile Homes and Similar Vehicles; Manufactured Homes
Section 489.605 - Duties upon commencement of proceedings pursuant to NRS 461A.140 regarding substandard mobile home
Current through December 12, 2024
1. An agency that has begun proceedings pursuant to NRS 461A.140 to abate a nuisance caused by a substandard mobile home shall send to the Division a copy of all orders and notices entered in those proceedings.
2. If the Division receives notice that an agency has begun proceedings pursuant to NRS 461A.140 to cause a mobile home determined to be substandard to be repaired, vacated or demolished, it will not issue or transfer a certificate of ownership to the mobile home that is the subject of the proceeding until the agency or a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the conditions which render the mobile home substandard have been abated or do not exist.
3. As used in this section, "agency" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 461A.030.
Added to NAC by Mfd. Housing Div., eff. 3-26-93
NRS 489.231, 489.541