Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 445A - Water Controls
Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance
Section 445A.66795 - Treatment facilities: Submission of information regarding application of chemicals
Current through December 12, 2024
If the design of a treatment facility includes the application of chemicals, a supplier of water shall submit to the Division or the appropriate district board of health with the information required pursuant to NAC 445A.6677:
1. Descriptions of the equipment for feeding the chemicals, including the minimum and maximum rates of feeding.
2. A description of the location of the feeders, layout of piping and points of application.
3. A description of the facilities for the storage and handling of the chemicals.
4. Specifications for the chemicals to be used.
5. A description of the procedures for operation and control, including proposed rates of application.
6. Descriptions of the testing equipment and monitoring procedures to be used.
7. The results of any chemical, physical or biological tests, and any other tests, performed to determine the optimum chemical treatment.
8. A description of the assemblies for the prevention of backflow proposed to be used for protection against cross-connections.
9. A plan for the safety of persons operating the facility which conforms to any applicable state or federal requirements for occupational safety and health.
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health, eff. 2-20-97; A by Environmental Comm'n by R194-08, 10-27-2009
NRS 445A.860