Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 445A - Water Controls
General Provisions
Section 445A.9592 - Adoption of publications by reference
Current through September 16, 2024
The following publications are hereby adopted by reference:
1. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 2006 edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. A copy of this publication is available by mail from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 20001 Walnut Drive South, Walnut, California 91789-2825, by telephone at (800) 854-2766 or at the Internet address, for the price of $93.
2. Design Manual: On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems, published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, October 1980, document number EPA 625/1-80-012, which is available free of charge at the Internet address
3. The On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual, published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, February 2002, document number EPA 625/R-00/008, which is available free of charge at the Internet address
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n by R194-07, eff. 8-26-2008
NRS 445A.425