1. An institution which wishes to offer a
course of study and training for the education of teachers or other educational
personnel which is designed to provide the education required for the issuance
of an elementary, secondary or special license, a license to teach special
education or a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood
education, renewal of such a license or an endorsement in a field of
specialization must file with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, at
least 180 calendar days before the first date of instruction, an application
for approval of the course of study and training. The application must include:
(a) The name and location of the
(b) A copy of the
articles of incorporation or charter for the institution;
(c) Proof of the financial solvency of the
institution, including financial resources available to the institution in this
(d) If the institution is
accredited, as that term is defined in
394.006, information concerning the
(e) The proposed
operating budget for the course of study and training;
(f) A description of the governance of the
institution, including the name of the chief administrative officer of the
institution, and the system established for accountability of the course of
study and training at the institution;
(g) A description of the course of study and
training, including:
(1) If the course is
designed for teachers:
(I) A description of
the course's compliance with the standards for new teachers developed by the
Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model
Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC
391.556; and
(II) Documentation which verifies that the
course uses a performance-based assessment of its candidates;
(2) If the course is designed for
educational personnel other than teachers, a description of the course's
compliance with the standards established by a nationally recognized
association for the professional specialization for which the applicant seeks
the approval of the Board; and
If applicable, a description of the course's compliance with subsection 9 of
NAC 391.558;
(h) The qualifications a person must hold to
provide instruction for the course of study and training;
(i) The proposed course work for the course
of study and training;
(j) A
written statement that describes the manner in which the course of study and
training addresses the standards of content and performance established by the
Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools pursuant to
389.520; and
(k) Except as otherwise provided in this
paragraph, a written assessment plan that describes the:
(1) Conceptual framework for the course of
study and training;
(2) Knowledge
and skills that a student who is enrolled in the course of study and training
must demonstrate;
(3) Manner by
which the course of study and training will be assessed and
(4) Field experience and
clinical practice offered by the course of study and training;
(5) Diversity of the population of students
who participate in the course of study and training; and
(6) Performance and development of the
faculty who provide instruction for the course of study and training.
If an institution is accredited by the National Council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education, the institution may submit written proof of
such accreditation in lieu of the written assessment plan required by this
2. Upon receipt of an application for
approval of a course of study and training which is designed to provide the
education required for issuance of an elementary, secondary or special license,
a license to teach special education or a license to teach pupils in a program
of childhood education, renewal of such a license or an endorsement in a field
of specialization, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall notify the
Board that an application has been received.
3. The Department shall develop a manual
(a) Assists in the development of a
written assessment plan required by paragraph (k) of subsection 1;
(b) Describes the process for approval of a
course of study and training; and
(c) Includes:
(1) The procedures acceptable to the
Department to assess the results of students in a course of study and training
based upon the standards developed by the Interstate Teacher Assessment and
Support Consortium, as set forth in the Model Core Teaching Standards: A
Resource for State Dialogue adopted pursuant to NAC
(2) The standards of nationally recognized
professional associations of educational personnel other than teachers, as
applicable; and
(3) The program
standards adopted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
The Department shall maintain a copy of the manual and, upon
the request of an institution, the Department shall provide a copy of the
manual to the institution.
Added to NAC by Bd. of
Education, eff. 7-19-96; A by Comm'n on Prof. Standards in Education by
R023-00, 6-20-2000, eff. 7-1-2000; A by Bd. of Education by R008-03,
10-30-2003; A by Comm'n on Prof. Standards in Education by R028-11, 10-26-2011;
A by
eff. 6/14/2019