Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 360 - Revenue and Taxation: Generally
Section 360.390 - Estimate for county, incorporated city or unincorporated town: Distribution by demographer; appeal; revised estimates
Current through December 12, 2024
1. The demographer employed by the Department shall distribute to the designated representative of each county, incorporated city and unincorporated town the estimates of the population of the county, incorporated city or unincorporated town not later than the first state working day in December.
2. A petition to revise the estimates of the population of a county, incorporated city or unincorporated town must be submitted in writing to the Department not later than 14 days after the date on which the estimates are distributed. The petition must set forth the grounds for the petition and include copies of all documentation supporting the petition.
3. Upon filing a petition to revise the estimated population of a county, incorporated city or unincorporated town, the petitioner shall give notice of the petition to the county and all incorporated cities and unincorporated towns within the county.
4. The Department will, within 5 state working days after the deadline to file a petition pursuant to subsection 2, notify all counties, incorporated cities and unincorporated towns in the State of the receipt of any petitions submitted to the Department.
5. A petition must be based on at least one of the following grounds:
6. The Department and the demographer employed by the Department will review the petition and may issue revised estimates. If revised estimates are issued, the Department will notify the petitioner in writing of the revised estimates as soon as practicable. If the revised estimates are agreed to by the petitioner not later than 30 days after the date on which the written notification is issued, or within such additional period as agreed to by the Department and the petitioner, the Department will issue a written decision on the petition adopting the revised estimates as the estimates of the population of the respective county, incorporated city or unincorporated town. If the revised estimates are not timely agreed to by the petitioner or if the Department and the demographer employed by the Department determine not to issue revised estimates within 30 days after the submission of the petition, the Department will set the petition for hearing.
7. The petition must be heard by a hearing officer of the Department in accordance with the provisions of NAC 360.043 to 360.200, inclusive. The Department will mail or transmit by electronic mail to the petitioner and all counties, incorporated cities and unincorporated towns a notice of the date for the hearing during which oral arguments will be heard. The notice must be mailed or transmitted by electronic mail not later than 5 state working days before the date of the hearing. Unless extended by the Department, an oral argument will be limited to 20 minutes.
8. A decision of the hearing officer may be appealed to the Commission. A decision of the Commission is a final decision for the purposes of judicial review.
9. An existing estimate of the population of any incorporated city or unincorporated town that does not submit a petition pursuant to this section will not be affected by any revised estimate that is agreed to by the Department and a petitioner pursuant to this section unless the Department determines that specific errors were made in the calculation of the existing estimate.
Added to NAC by Dep't of Taxation, eff. 9-1-89; A by Tax Comm'n by R102-98, 11-20-98; A by Dep't of Taxation by R150-10, 12-20-2012; A by R098-22A, eff. 6/11/2024
NRS 360.283