Nevada Administrative Code
Chapter 319 - Assistance to Finance Housing
Section 319.995 - Compliance with certain provisions during compliance period; preparation of compliance manual by Division; records and reports; annual certification; inspections; notification of noncompliance; fees
Current through December 12, 2024
1. Each project sponsor shall, for the compliance period, comply with the provisions of NAC 319.951 to 319.998, inclusive, any commitments made by the sponsor in its application for tax credits, the declaration of restrictive covenants and conditions and the Code. The failure of the project sponsor to comply with those provisions may result in a revocation of the allocated tax credits by the Internal Revenue Service and other action by the Division, including, without limitation, placing the project sponsor on probation, as set forth in the qualified allocation plan.
2. The Division will prepare and periodically revise a compliance manual specifying the forms that must be used and any other requirements for project sponsors. The Division will provide a copy of the compliance manual to each applicant when tax credits are allocated pursuant to the provisions of NAC 319.951 to 319.998, inclusive. The Division will post on its Internet website a copy of the compliance manual for the current and immediately preceding plan year. A project sponsor may obtain copies of the compliance manuals for other plan years from the Division upon the payment of a fee to cover the costs of those copies.
3. Each project sponsor shall maintain records for each building in the project. The records must include the following information for each year of the compliance period:
4. The project sponsor shall maintain:
5. The project sponsor shall, at least annually, certify to the Division under penalty of perjury that, during the immediately preceding 12 months:
6. Each project sponsor shall, on or before the first day of each calendar quarter, provide a report to the Division on the form provided in the compliance manual. The report must include, without limitation:
7. The Division will review each report submitted pursuant to subsection 6. The Division will periodically conduct reviews of any portion of the records of the low-income units in each project. The Division will notify each project sponsor of those units that are designated by the Division for review. The notice must include a request for copies of documents, including:
8. The Division will review the annual certifications and quarterly reports for compliance with the requirements of the Code and compliance manual. Each year, the Division will:
The Division will notify the project sponsor before it conducts the inspection. The notice will not specify the records that will be examined.
9. The Division may perform inspections of any low-income housing project and each unit in the project during the compliance period. The inspection is in addition to any review of certifications of annual income, supporting documents and rental records specified in this section.
10. If the Division determines that a project sponsor has not complied with any provision of the Code or NAC 319.951 to 319.998, inclusive, the Division will notify the project sponsor and the Internal Revenue Service of the noncompliance. The Division will notify the project sponsor in writing if the Division does not receive the annual certification or does not receive or is not allowed to inspect the certifications of annual income of the tenants, supporting documents and rental records as specified in this section or in the compliance manual, or determines that the project is not in compliance with the provisions of the Code. The Division will file Internal Revenue Service Form 8823 with the Internal Revenue Service and indicate on the form the nature of the noncompliance or failure to certify and whether the project sponsor has corrected the noncompliance or failure to certify. Any change in the applicable fraction or eligible basis that results in a decrease in the qualified basis of the project pursuant to section 42(c)(1)(A) of the Code constitutes noncompliance that will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service. The Division will notify the Internal Revenue Service of any noncompliance regardless of whether the noncompliance is corrected by the project sponsor.
11. The Division will charge such fees as are necessary to cover the costs and expenses it incurs for any review conducted pursuant to this section.
Added to NAC by Housing Div. by R057-97, eff. 1-15-98; A by R115-14, eff. 10/27/2015
NRS 319.145