Nebraska Administrative Code
Chapter 2 - Procedures for Standards
Current through September 17, 2024
Copies of the following documents referred to in the Standards are on file in the NDOR Central Administration Complex, 1500 Highway 2, Lincoln, Nebraska:
AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 6th Edition 2011"
AASHTO "Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads (ADT [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 400) Edition 2001"
AASHTO "Roadside Design Guide 4th Edition 2011"
Mitigation Strategies for Design Exceptions, U.S. Dept. Of Transportation, FHWA, Washington, D.C., 2007
Special Report 214, Designing Safer Roads, Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council
NDOR, Nebraska Department of Roads, 2007 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) adopted pursuant to Chapter 60, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-6,118
The following abbreviations and symbols are used in the Standards:
% |
Percent |
%HT |
heavy trucks as a percentage of all traffic |
+ |
Plus |
< |
Less than (fewer than) |
= |
Equal to |
> |
Greater than (more than) |
Equal to or less than (equal to or fewer than) |
Equal to or greater than (equal to or more than) |
3R |
Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation |
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
average daily traffic (volume) |
Board |
Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards |
Back-of-curb |
Directional Design Hourly Volume |
Design Hourly Volume |
DS |
design speed |
emax |
maximum superelevation |
edge of traveled way |
ft. |
foot or feet |
Gross Vehicle Weight |
H |
Horizontal (used in slopes, e.g. 1V:4H) |
HL93 |
AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specification |
HS15 |
Standard vehicle live loads (15-ton GVW, 3 tons applied to front axle, 12 tons to rear axle) established by AASHTO for use in bridge design and rating. |
HS20 |
Standard vehicle live loads (36-ton GVW, 4 tons applied to front axle, 16 tons to rear axle, 16 tons to semi-trailer axle) established by AASHTO for use in bridge design and rating. |
Lt. |
left |
miles per hour (speed) |
Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards |
Nebraska Department of Roads |
Roadside Safety Analysis Program |
Rt. |
right |
V |
Vertical (used in slopes, e.g. 1V:4H) |
vehicles per day |
(1) |
The design speed shall at least be equal to the anticipated posted speed limit. |
(2) |
DDHV and ADT are based on the project design year. |
(3) |
This area, measured from the edge of the through travel lane, shall have 1:6 side slopes or flatter which may have crashworthy or break-away obstacles and shall be free of non-shielded obstacles except: |
1. Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, and traffic control devices; |
2. Other obstacles if the NDOR, in its sole discretion, determines based upon an accident review and a Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) review or a comparable AASHTO approved economic analysis, that the cost to remove or treat such obstacle exceeds the benefits from such removal or treatment. |
Outside of the horizontal clear zone it is expressly understood that the following non-exclusive list of items may be present within the roadside environment: |
Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, traffic control devices, trash cans, parking meters/facilities, handrails, concrete barrier, barrier curb, trash receptacles, drainage facilities, wetlands, bodies of water, culverts, culvert end sections, culvert headwalls, utility facilities, trees, vegetation, mailboxes, and critical and non-recoverable slopes. |
(4) |
This area, measured from the edge of the through travel lane, shall have 1:6 side slopes or flatter which may have crashworthy or break-away obstacles and shall be free of non-shielded obstacles except: |
1. Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, trash cans, parking meters/facilities, fire hydrants, handrails, concrete barrier, barrier curb, and traffic control devices; |
2. Other obstacles if the NDOR, in its sole discretion, determines based upon an accident review and a Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) review or a comparable AASHTO approved economic analysis, that the cost to remove or treat such obstacle exceeds the benefits from such removal or treatment. |
Outside of the horizontal clear zone it is expressly understood that the following non-exclusive list of items may be present within the roadside environment: |
Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, traffic control devices, trash cans, parking meters/facilities, handrails, concrete barrier, barrier curb, trash receptacles, drainage facilities, wetlands, bodies of water, culverts, culvert end sections, culvert headwalls, utility facilities, trees, vegetation, mailboxes, and critical and non-recoverable slopes. |
(5) |
This area, measured from the edge of the through travel lane, may have crashworthy or break-away obstacles and shall be free of non-shielded obstacles except: |
1. Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, side slopes, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, parallel drainage culverts, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, and traffic control devices; |
2. Other obstacles if the NDOR, in its sole discretion, determines based upon an accident review and a Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) review or a comparable AASHTO approved economic analysis, that the cost to remove or treat such obstacle exceeds the benefits from such removal or treatment. |
(6) |
This area, measured from the edge of the through travel lane, may have crashworthy or break-away obstacles and shall be free of non-shielded obstacles except: |
1. Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, side slopes, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, parallel drainage culverts, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts with flared end sections, erosion control devices, trash cans, parking meters/facilities, fire hydrants, handrails, concrete barrier, barrier curb, and traffic control devices; |
2. Other obstacles if the NDOR, in its sole discretion, determines based upon an accident review and a Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) review or a comparable AASHTO approved economic analysis, that the cost to remove or treat such obstacle exceeds the benefits from such removal or treatment. |
(7) |
Vertical clearance shall be provided over the entire roadway including traveled lanes and paved shoulder width. For sign trusses and pedestrian overpasses, the vertical clearance is 1 ft. greater. |
(A) |
The minimum value is based on the 2011 edition of AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" and the selected design speed. |
(B) |
The surfaced shoulder slope should not be less than the slope of the adjacent lane. |
(C) |
The clear bridge width shall be at least the width of the paved approach lanes and the nominal paved shoulders. |
(D) |
On roadways where there are more than two lanes inclined in the same direction, the cross slope may be increased by 0.5% to 1% for each additional lane, up to a maximum of 3%. |
(E) |
A 2 ft. turf shoulder adjacent to a paved surface may be at the same slope as the paved surface. |
(F) |
The Design Loading used shall be the original design loading or, if unknown, use HS20. |
(G) |
The clear bridge width shall be 1 ft. wider than the gutter line width of the approach roadway. The gutter line is defined as being 1 ft. inside the back of the roadway curb. |
(H) |
The maximum grade for rolling terrain may be two percent steeper for tangent lengths less than 500 ft. and one-way downgrades. For extreme cases, at some underpass and bridge approaches, steeper grades for relatively short lengths may be used. |
(1) |
AASHTO standards in effect at time of most recent New and Reconstruction project on the section of the Interstate. |
(J) |
If a 4-lane divided facility exists, the minimum inside shoulder width is 3 ft. paved and the minimum outside shoulder is 8 ft. paved. |
(K) |
The allowable speed for the available stopping sight distance as computed from the 2011 edition of AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" shall not be less than the stopping sight distance computed for a speed 20 MPH below the posted speed limit in a crest vertical curve or less than the stopping sight distance computed for a speed 25 MPH below the posted speed limit in a sag vertical curve. |
(L) |
The allowable speed for the available stopping sight distance as computed from the 2011 edition of AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" in a crest vertical curve shall not be less than the stopping sight distance computed for a speed 20 MPH below the posted speed limit. The existing conditions in a sag vertical curve will be allowed. |
(M) |
The minimum clear bridge width shall be adjusted upwards for any changes in lane width and/or nominal paved shoulder width. |
(N) |
For rehabilitated bridges it is desirable to use the new and reconstructed clear bridge width. |
(O) |
The face of the curb is defined as being 1 ft. inside the back of the roadway curb. |
(P) |
The "nominal shoulder width" is defined as the shoulder width presented in this table. |
(R) |
6 ft. measured from the edge of the through travel lane or 2 ft. measured from the back of the curb, whichever is the greater distance from the edge of the through travel lane. |
(S) |
Use the applicable New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System design standards. |
(T) |
Use the applicable Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (3R) Rural - State Highway System design standards. |
# |
Municipal - State Highway System design standards may be used in residential and commercial areas lying outside municipal boundaries when the anticipated posted speed limit is LESS THAN EQUAL TO 45 MPH. |
* |
When the anticipated posted speed limit is GREATER THAN EQUAL TO 50 MPH, use the 001.02E New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table. |
** |
When the anticipated posted speed limit is GREATER THAN EQUAL TO 50 MPH, use the 001.02F New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table. |
*** |
When the anticipated posted speed limit is GREATER THAN EQUAL TO 50 MPH, use the 001.02G New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table. |
**** |
When the anticipated posted speed limit is GREATER THAN EQUAL TO 50 MPH, use the 001.02P Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (3R) Rural - State Highway System Table. |
Directional Design Hourly Volume - The higher of the two directional volumes which combine to form the DHV. |
Design Hourly Volume - The one-hour vehicular volume in both directions of travel for the design year selected for highway design. The DHV is typically the 30th highest hourly volume during the design year. |
Average Daily Traffic - The average of 24 hour traffic counts collected over a number of days greater than one day but less than one year. |
Vehicles Per Day |
Horizontal Clear Zone |
"The unobstructed, traversable area provided beyond the edge of the through traveled way for the recovery of errant vehicles." (Source: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Roadside Design Guide, Washington, D.C., 2011) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
"The distance from the edge of traveled way, shoulder, or other designated point to a vertical roadside element. Examples of these elements are curbs, walls, barriers, bridge piers, sign and signal supports, trees, and utility poles. Lateral offset can be thought of as an operational offset - vertical roadside elements offset to the extent that they do not affect a driver's speed or lane position." (Source: William J. Stein, P.E. and Timothy R. Neuman, P.E., Report No. FHWA-SA- 7-001, Mitigation Strategies for Design Exceptions, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, Washington, D.C., July 2007) |
State Functional Classification: Interstate
National Functional Classification: Interstate
Design Speed (1) |
70 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
4-Lane: Lt. = 4 ft. paved and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Rt. = 12 ft. paved [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6-Lane: Lt. and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Lt. and Rt. = 12 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
1,810 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
247 (A) |
Sag K Value |
181(A) |
Maximum Grade |
3% Level (A) 4% Rolling (A) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
730 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5 % to 2.5% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (3) |
35 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal paved shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
44 ft. (C) (M) |
37.5 ft. with 3.5 ft. minimum shoulder width left. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Expressway (Access Only At Interchanges)
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed (1) |
55 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
4-Lane: Lt. = 4 ft. paved and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Rt. = 12 ft. paved [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6-Lane: Lt. and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Lt. and Rt. = 12 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
960 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
114 (A) |
Sag K Value |
115 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
3% Level (A) 4% Rolling (A) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
495 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (3) |
30 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) |
Clear Bridge Width |
42 ft. (C) (M) |
Not Applicable |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
Not Applicable |
State Functional Classification: Expressway #
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed (1) |
55 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width |
Lt. = 4 ft. paved and Rt. = 8 ft. paved [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6-Lane: Lt. = 8 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
960 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
114 (A) |
Sag K Value |
115 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
4% Level (A) 5% Rolling (A) (May be up to 1% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
495 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (3) |
30 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
40 ft. (C) (M) |
35 ft. (4-lane with twin bridges) 30 ft. (2-lane with single bridge) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial #
National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials or Minor Arterial
Design Speed (1) |
50 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 8 ft. paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 8 ft. total with 2 ft. paved ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 4 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
758 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
84 (A) |
Sag K Value |
96 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
4% Level (A) 5% Rolling (A) (May be up to 1% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
425 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) 4% to 6% aggregate |
Horizontal Clear Zone (2) (3) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 30 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 23 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 16 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 44 ft. (C) (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 40 ft. (M) |
ADT < 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (M) |
ADT < 400 VPD: 32 ft. (M) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial #
National Functional Classification: Major Collector, Minor Collector or Local
Design Speed (1) |
50 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 8 ft. paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 8 ft. total with 2 ft. paved ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 4 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
758 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
84 (A) |
Sag K Value |
96 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
6% Level (A) 7% Rolling (A) (May be up to 2% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
425 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% paved surfaces 2% to 4% aggregate surfaces |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) 4% to 6% aggregate |
Horizontal Clear Zone (2) (3) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 30 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 23 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 16 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 44 ft. (C) (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 40 ft. (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (M) |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 26 ft. |
ADT< 400 VPD: 32 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 24 ft. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Major Arterial
National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials, Minor Arterial, Major Collector or Minor Collector
Design Speed (1)(2) |
Lane Width |
Design Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: 12 ft. Design Speed < 50 MPH: 11 ft. |
Slioulder Width |
Design Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: 6 ft. Design Speed < 50 MPH: 2 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
A |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
A |
Sag K Value |
A |
Maximum Grade (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 6% (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 7% (H) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
(A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% paved surface 2% to 4% aggregate surfaced |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) 4% to 6% aggregate |
Horizontal Clear Zone (2) (3) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 10 ft. ADT 400-1,999 VPD: 8 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 6 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD Approach roadway width ADT 400 -1,999 VPD Traveled way width plus 3 ft each side ADT < 400 VPD Traveled way width plus 2 ft each side |
Existing |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Interstate
National Functional Classification: Interstate
Design Speed (1) |
50 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
4 Lane: Lt. = 4 ft. paved and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Rt. = 12 ft. paved [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6-Lane: Lt. and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Lt. and Rt. = 12 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
758 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
84 (A) |
Sag K Value |
96 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
4% Level (A) 5% Rolling (A) (May be 1% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
425 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2.5% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (4) |
30 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal paved shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
44 ft. (C) (M) |
37.5 ft. with 3.5 ft. minimum shoulder width left. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Expressway (Access Only At Interchanges)
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed (1) |
50 MPH |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
4 Lane: Lt. = 4 ft. paved and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Rt. = 12 ft. paved [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 6-Lane: Lt. and Rt. = 10 ft. paved; Truck Traffic DDHV > 250 VPD: Lt. and Rt. = 12 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
758 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
84 (A) |
Sag K Value |
96 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
4% Level (A) 5% Rolling (A) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
425 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (4) |
30 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) |
Clear Bridge Width |
42 ft. (C) (M) |
Not Applicable |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
Not Applicable |
State Functional Classification: Expressway *
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed (1) |
30 MPH |
Lane Width |
11 ft. |
Shoulder Width |
Curbed: Not Applicable Lt. = 4 ft. paved Rt. = 8 ft. paved |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
6% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
231 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
19 (A) |
Sag K Value |
37 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
8% Level (A) 9% Rolling (A) (May be up to 1% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
200 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 3% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) |
Horizontal Clear Zone (4) |
30 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed: 1.5 ft. beyond the face of the curb (O) Non-Curbed: The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
Curbed: Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side Non-Curbed: 34 ft. (C) (M) |
28 ft. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification Major Arterial **
National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials or Minor Arterial
Design Speed (1) |
30 MPH |
Lane Width |
11 ft. (curb not included) |
Shoulder Width (2) |
Curbed: Not applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 8 ft. paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 8 ft. total with 2 ft. paved ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 4 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
4% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
250 ft. (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
19 (A) |
Sag K Value |
37 (A) |
Maximum Grade |
8% Level (A) 9% Rolling (A) (May be up to 1% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft.) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
200 ft. (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 3% |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) 4% to 6% aggregate |
Horizontal Clear Zone (4) |
Curbed: (R) Non-Curbed: Posted Speed < 50 MPH: 15 ft. Non-Curbed: Posted Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: (S) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed: 1.5 ft. beyond the face of the curb (O) Non-Curbed: The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R)(N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
Curbed |
Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side |
Curbed: 23 ft. (G) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit < 50 MPH |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 38 ft.(C) (M) |
Non-Curbed: 28 ft. |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 38 ft. (M) |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 34 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 30 ft. (M) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 mph |
Use the 001.02F New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial ***
National Functional Classification: Major Collector or Minor Collector
Design Speed (1) |
30MPH |
Lane Width |
11 ft (curb not included) |
Shoulder Width (2) |
Curbed Not applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD 8 ft paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD 8 ft with 2 ft paved ADT 400-1,999 VPD 6 ft ADT < 400 VPD 2 ft |
Honzontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
4% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
250 ft (A) |
Vertical Alignment |
Crest K Value |
19(A) |
Sag K Value |
37(A) |
Maximum Grade |
9% Level (A) 11% Rolling (A) (May be up to 2% steeper for tangent lengths < 500 ft) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
200 ft (A) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1 5% to 3% |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf (E) 4% to 6% aggregate |
Honzontal Clear Zone (4) |
Curbed (R) Non-Curbed Posted Speed < 50 MPH 15 ft Non-Curbed Posted Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH (S) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed 1 5 ft beyond the face of the curb (O) Non-Curbed The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
145ft |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
Curbed |
Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side |
Curbed: 23 ft. (G) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit < 50 MPH |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 38 ft.(C) (M) |
Non-Curbed: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 28 ft. ADT 1, 500-1,999 VPD: 24 ft. ADT < 1,500 VPD: 22 ft. |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 38 ft. (MJ |
ADT 400 -1,999 VPD: 34 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 26 ft. (M) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit > 50 mph |
Use the 001.02G New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Interstate
National Functional Classification: Interstate
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
(I) |
Shoulder Width |
(I) |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
(I) |
Vertical Alignment |
(I) |
Maximum Grade |
(I) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
(I) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2.5% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (5) |
(I) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal paved shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
44 ft. (C) (M) |
37.5 ft. with 3.5 ft. minimum shoulder width left. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Expressway (Access Only At Interchanges)
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
State Functional Classification: Expressway
National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
12 ft. |
Shoulder Width |
8 ft. paved (J) |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(K) |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance |
(K) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) 6 % to 8% turf (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (2) (5) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 25 ft. ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 20 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
40 ft. (C) (M) |
35 ft. (4-lane with twin bridges) 30 ft. (2-lane with single bridge) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial
National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials or Minor Arterial
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750 VPD = 12 ft. ADT < 750 VPD = 11 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 6 ft. paved (J) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 6 ft. total with 2 ft. paved (J) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. (J) ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment (2) |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf and aggregate (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (2) (5) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 25 ft. ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 20 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 44 ft. (C) (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 40 ft. (M) |
ADT < 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 32 ft. (M) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial National Functional Classification: Major Collector, Minor Collector or Local
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750 VPD = 12 ft. ADT < 750 VPD = 11 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 6 ft. paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 6 ft. total with 2 ft. paved ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment (2) |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (2) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% paved 2% to 4% aggregate |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf and aggregate (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (2) (5) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 25 ft. ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 20 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 44 ft. (C) (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 40 ft. (M) |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (M) |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 26 ft. |
ADT< 400 VPD: 32 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 24 ft. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Major Arterial National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials, Minor Arterial, Major Collector or Minor Collector
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
Existing |
Shoulder Width |
Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
Existing |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (2) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2% paved |
Shoulder |
2% to 8% |
Fixes Obstacle Clearance (5) |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: Approach roadway width ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: Traveled way width plus 3 ft. each side ADT < 400 VPD: Traveled way width plus 2 ft. each side |
Existing |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Interstate National Functional Classification: Interstate
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
(I) |
Shoulder Width |
(I) |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
8% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
(I) |
Vertical Alignment |
(I) |
Maximum Grade |
(I) |
Stopping Sight Distance |
(I) |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 2.5% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% (B) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (6) |
(I) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
The nominal paved shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
16 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
44 ft. (C) (M) |
37.5 ft. with 3.5 ft. minimum shoulder width left. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Expressway (Access Only At Interchanges) National Functional Classification: Principal Arterial - Other Freeways and Expressways
State Functional Classification: Expressway **** National Functional Classification: Other Freeways and Expressways
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
11 ft. (excluding curbs) 10% or more trucks: 12 ft. |
Shoulder Width |
Curbed: Existing Non-Curbed: 8 ft. total with 6 ft. paved (J) |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
6% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
Existing |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance |
Existing |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 3% (D) |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 2% to 8% turf (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (6) |
Curbed: 3 ft. from edge of the through travel lane. Non-Curbed: Posted Speed < 50 MPH: 10 ft. Non-Curbed: Posted Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: (T) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed: 1.5 ft. beyond the face of the curb or the nominal shoulder width, whichever is less (O) Non-Curbed: The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width |
Curbed: Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side Non-Curbed: 34 ft. (C) (M) |
28 ft. |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial National Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterials or Minor Arterial
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
11 ft. (excluding curbs) 10% or more trucks: 12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
Curbed: Existing ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 8 ft. with 6 ft. paved (J) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 5 ft. (J) ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
4% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
Existing |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance |
Existing |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 3% |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf and aggregate (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (6) |
Curbed: 3 ft. from edge of the through travel lane Non-Curbed: Posted Speed < 50 MPH: 10 ft. Non-Curbed: Posted Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: (T) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed: 1.5 ft. beyond the face of the curb or the nominal shoulder width, whichever is less (O) Non-Curbed: The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
Curbed |
Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side |
Curbed: 23 ft. (G) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit < 50 MPH |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 38 ft.(C) (M) |
Non-Curbed: 28 ft. |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 38 ft. (M) |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 34 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 30 ft. (M) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 mph |
Use the 001.02D New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
State Functional Classification: Major Arterial National Functional Classification: Major Collector or Minor Collector
Design Speed |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width |
11 ft. (excluding curbs) 10% or more Trucks: 12 ft. |
Shoulder Width (2) |
Curbed: Existing ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 8 ft. with 6 ft. paved ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 5 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. |
Horizontal Alignment |
Maximum Superelevation |
4% |
Minimum Radius (Based on Maximum Superelevation) |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
Existing |
Maximum Grade |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance |
Existing |
Cross Slope |
Lane |
1.5% to 3% |
Shoulder |
2% to 6% paved (B) 6% to 8% turf and aggregate (E) |
Fixed Obstacle Clearance (6) |
Curbed: 3 ft. from edge of the through travel lane Non-Curbed: Posted Speed < 50 MPH: 10 ft. Non-Curbed: Posted Speed [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH: (T) |
Lateral Offset to Obstruction |
Curbed: 1.5 ft. beyond the face of the curb or the nominal shoulder width, whichever is less (O) Non-Curbed: The nominal shoulder width (P) |
Vertical Clearance (7) |
14.5 ft. |
Bridges |
New and Reconstructed |
Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) (N) |
Clear Bridge Width (2) |
Curbed Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit < 50 MPH |
Traveled Way plus 1.5 ft. each side |
Curbed: 23 ft. (G) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 38 ft. (C) (M) |
Non-Curbed: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 28 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. ADT < 1,500 VPD: 22 ft. |
ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 38 ft. (M) |
ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 34 ft. (M) |
ADT< 400 VPD: 26 ft. (M) |
Non-Curbed: Posted Speed Limit [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 50 MPH |
Use the 001.02R New and Reconstructed Rural - State Highway System Table |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 |
(F) |
New construction refers to a roadway, bridge, non-buried structure or culvert built on essentially new alignment. Full geometric standards are used to satisfy both the current as well as long-term traffic needs.
Reconstruction refers to rebuilding a roadway, bridge, non-buried structure or culvert along an existing alignment. Reconstruction work normally involves a substantial construction effort to rebuild the existing facility. Design deficiencies and functional obsolescence of the roadway and structures, as well as the future traffic needs of the area, should be addressed. Typical work includes:
* removal of the entire surfacing or pavement and modifying or adding a base,
* paving (any thickness) an existing unpaved road,
* significant modifications to the roadway's existing horizontal and/or vertical alignment, including alignment shifts.
* adding through travel lanes to the roadway,
* replacement of bridges, non-buried structures and culverts, and
* lengthening (parallel to roadway alignment) bridges or non-buried structures.
While reconstruction approximately follows an existing road corridor, it may deviate significantly in width and alignment from the present road to achieve the work's purpose and need and the required geometric standards.
Work done under 3R standards may not address all the deficiencies of the roadway. Some potential problem areas or substandard features may remain to be addressed as part of future reconstruction work.
Under 3R standards, the types of improvements to existing facilities include, but are not limited to:
* resurfacing,
* addition of auxiliary lanes,
* lane and shoulder widening,
* selected alterations to grades, and horizontal and/or vertical curves,
* guardrail and bridge rail upgrades,
* replacement of the entire superstructure of a bridge or non-buried structure (Rehabilitated bridges),
* extension (perpendicular to roadway alignment) of culverts,
*re-decking and/or widening a bridge or non-buried structure,
* thin Portland cement concrete overlay on a bridge or non-buried structure, and
* removal or protection of roadside obstacles within the horizontal clear zone.
For the purpose of these rules and regulations, certain types of work including but not limited to the following, do not by themselves require the application of 3R standards or New and Reconstructed standards:
* elimination of barriers to access for the disabled as required by federal or state law, regulation or guidance,
* sidewalks, and
* trails.
For the purposes of this rule and regulation, the threshold between the application of 3R standards and other standards (New and Reconstructed or Maintenance) is a function of the extent of work on the base, pavement, bridge, or unpaved road/street. Refer also to Title 428 Chapter 2 Section 003 for additional information regarding the application of Maintenance standards.
* If the surfacing or pavement structure is removed to the base, but the base is not removed, replaced, or strengthened, then 3R standards or better apply. 3R work may include minor repairs to the base, replacing the base at selected safety improvement locations (minor alterations of grades, vertical and horizontal curves), and recycling strategies which incorporate the existing road surfacing or structure into the base.
* If the entire surfacing or the entire pavement is removed and the entire existing base is replaced or an entire new base is placed for the traveled way, then the work is reconstruction, and New and Reconstructed standards apply.
Pavement rehabilitation consists of structural enhancements that extends the service life of an existing pavement and/or improves its load carrying capacity. With respect only to pavement resurfacing, placing 2 inches or less equivalent structure (asphaltic concrete equivalent thickness) of any pavement material would not by itself require the application of 3R standards. Placing more than 2 inches up to and including 6 inches of
* asphaltic concrete equivalent structure of bituminous materials, or
* nominal structure depth for pavement applications of Portland concrete materials requires that 3R standards or better apply.
With respect only to pavement resurfacing, placing less than 6 inches equivalent structure (asphaltic concrete equivalent thickness) of any pavement material would not by itself require the application of New and Reconstructed standards. If more than 6 inches of
* asphaltic concrete equivalent structure of bituminous materials, or
* nominal structure depth for pavement applications of Portland concrete materials is placed, then New and Reconstructed standards shall apply.
For all applications of bituminous materials, including asphalt and recycling strategies, asphaltic concrete equivalent thickness is an abstract number, based on a structural number value, expressing the structural strength of pavement required for given combinations of soil support, traffic loads, terminal serviceability and environments.
3R standards apply to work beyond that described in Maintenance standards but less than New and Reconstructed standards (replacement of an existing bridge or non-buried structure). Rehabilitated bridge work is a 3R strategy which includes replacement of the entire superstructure. However, note that replacement of a timber superstructure with an in-kind timber superstructure, on county roads and municipal streets with a National functional classification of Local and an ADT less than 400 VPD, can be done under Maintenance standards.
Work done under 3R standards (a) to convert a paved road or street to unpaved or (b) on an existing unpaved road or street, is limited to minor adjustments in vertical and/or horizontal alignment, adding or modifying guardrail, 3R work on bridges and non-buried structures, or culvert extensions. Work beyond this scope requires the application of New and Reconstructed standards.
These Minimum Design Standards do not require that a single category of Design Standard be applied to the entire length of a roadway. For example, work on a roadway may include a segment that is mill 2 inches and place 2 inches designed to Maintenance standards, a segment that is mill 4 inches place 4 inches designed to 3R standards and a segment where a bridge, non-buried structure, or culvert being replaced is designed to New and Reconstructed standards.
With regard to work that requires the application of 3R standards; safety conscious design means systematically considering safety improvements, such as geometric, roadside and traffic control improvements, when designing a road or street to 3R standards. Safety is treated as an integral part of design and not as a secondary objective.
With regard to work that requires the application of 3R standards, a cost effective analysis compares costs of implementing, installing, or constructing a safety improvement to its user benefits. User benefits are typically crash cost reductions, which result from an estimated reduction in frequency and/or severity of crashes. A cost effective analysis typically:
* Identifies potential opportunities for safety improvements based on
* A crash history compilation for the work location
* Determining if there is a link between crashes and a design criterion or criteria (e.g. vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, etc.)
* If there is a link, and a significant number and severity of crashes relevant to a design criterion or criteria, and no mitigating factors, then a benefit/cost analysis is performed.
* Identifies design options for the potential safety improvement opportunities and
* Analyzes the cost of implementing, installing, or constructing those design options and any other relevant impacts.
* Costs of a safety improvement may include such items as additional construction, environmental compliance, preliminary engineering, construction engineering, right-of-way acquisition, utilities, contingencies, and estimated costs of delay including maintenance costs to maintain the roadway during the delay as well as the inflation costs associated with the delay. Maintenance costs can be estimated, for example, by using an average of the last five years.
* Estimates user benefits, i.e. crash cost reductions which would result from implementing, installing, or construction of the design options.
The length and complexity of the cost effective analysis will vary depending on existing conditions and the extent of any safety problems.
A constrained situation is a site-specific condition such as terrain, right-of-way, social impact, environmental impacts, and/or cost that may make meeting a design standard impractical.
An urban area consists of those places within boundaries set by the responsible state and local officials having a population of 5,000 or more. Urban Area boundaries are not necessarily the same as corporate limits; they can be outside the corporate limits.
A rural area is any place outside the boundaries of an urban area.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT) - The average of 24-hour traffic counts collected over a number of days greater than one day but less than one year.
Heavy trucks consist of buses, single-unit trucks, combination trucks, and recreational vehicles. The term "truck" often references these vehicles as well, so often the terms are interchangeable. The term does not refer to light trucks such as pick-ups. For traffic-classification purposes, trucks are normally defined as those vehicles having manufacturer's gross vehicle weight (GVW) ratings of 4,000 kilogram [9,000 pounds] or more and having dual tires on at least one rear axle. The percent (%) of heavy trucks (%HT) expresses heavy trucks as a percentage of all traffic on a highway, road or street.
The roadway is the portion of a road or street including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided road or street has separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions.
A base consists of all layers directly or sequentially underneath the roadway surface including layers such as foundation course and subgrade.
The traveled way is the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and bicycle lanes.
A through travel lane is a portion of the traveled way designated for movement of vehicles in one direction or for shared use.
An auxiliary lane is the portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way for speed change, turning, weaving, truck climbing, maneuvering of entering and leaving traffic, and other purposes supplementary to through-traffic movement. Examples of auxiliary lanes include bicycle lanes, turn bays, extended length right-turn lanes, and bus lanes.
A shoulder is the portion of the roadway adjacent to the non-curbed traveled way or an auxiliary lane that accommodates stopped vehicles, emergency use and lateral support of subbase, base and surface courses.
The nominal shoulder width is the shoulder width value presented in the minimum standards tables.
A curbed section is a roadway with a curb placed adjacent to the outside (right) edge of the traveled way or to an auxiliary lane. Curbs serve any or all of the following purposes: drainage control, roadway edge delineation, right-of-way reduction, aesthetics, delineation of pedestrian walkways, reduction of maintenance operations, and assistance in orderly roadside development. A curb, by definition, incorporates a raised or vertical element.
A non-curbed section is a roadway with a shoulder placed adjacent to the outside (right) edge of the traveled way, or to an auxiliary lane. When designing to high speeds (50 MPH and greater), a section with curb placed at the outside (right) edge of the shoulder (typically for drainage) is considered, in effect, a non-curbed section for purposes of determining the Horizontal Clear Zone area.
A tangent is a straight line that touches a horizontal or vertical curve at a single point.
Roadside is the right-of-way area outside the traveled way. (See also 001.03A6k.)
A structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may also include multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening.
A closed conduit used to convey water from one area to another, usually from one side of a road or street to the other side.
A non-buried structure is a structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water or a trail, having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, an opening measured along the center of the roadway of 20 feet or less, and has 2 feet or less of fill or pavement material placed on top of the structure. Examples include concrete, steel and timber structures, concrete slab structures, culverts, corrugated metal pipes, etc.
A low water stream crossing shall be defined as a stream crossing structure that is designed and constructed so that it shall convey the normal stream flow below the driving surface, but normally will be overtopped by floods at least once annually.
A ford is a shallow place where a river, creek or stream may be crossed by a vehicle. A ford is mostly a natural phenomenon, in contrast to a low water stream crossing, which is a bridge, non-buried structure or culvert that allows crossing a river, creek or stream when water is low.
Design speed is a selected speed used to determine the various geometric features of the roadway. The assumed design speed should be a logical one with respect to the topography, anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use, and the functional classification of the road or street.
Lane width is the width of through travel lanes, auxiliary lanes, ramps, and turning roadways. It does not include bicycle lanes, shoulders, curbs, or on-street parking areas.
Shoulder width is the width of the portion of the roadway adjacent to a non-curbed traveled way for accommodation of stopped or disabled vehicles, maneuvering area for avoiding crashes, emergency use, enforcement use, lateral support of the base and surface courses and other uses.
Horizontal alignment refers to the horizontal curvature of the roadway, i.e. the route of the road consisting of a series of horizontal tangents and curves.
Superelevation is the rotation of the pavement on the approach to and through a horizontal curve. It is intended to assist the driver by counteracting the lateral acceleration produced by tracking the curve.
The adopted design criteria specify a minimum radius for the selected design speed, which is calculated from the maximum rate of superelevation and the side friction factor. Horizontal alignment influences another primary controlling criterion, stopping sight distance.
Vertical alignment refers to the vertical curvature and grade of the roadway. The roadway profile is the vertical aspect of the road, including crest ("hill") and sag ("valley") curves, and the straight grade lines connecting them. Vertical curves create a gradual transition between different grades which is essential for the safe and efficient operation of a roadway. The lengths of both crest and sag vertical curves influence another controlling criterion, stopping sight distance.
K is a measure of curvature calculated or measured by the length of a vertical curve divided by the algebraic difference of the grades on either side of the vertical curve. K values represent the horizontal distance along which a 1% change in grade occurs on a vertical curve.
Grade is the rate of change of the vertical alignment, i.e. the slope or "steepness" of a roadway.
Stopping sight distance is the distance needed for drivers to see an object on the roadway ahead and bring their vehicles to a safe stop before colliding with the object. The distances are derived for various design speeds based on assumptions for driver reaction time, the braking ability of most vehicles under wet pavement conditions, and the friction provided by most pavement surfaces, assuming good tires. Stopping sight distance is influenced by both vertical and horizontal alignment. A roadway designed to criteria employs a horizontal and vertical alignment and a cross section that provides at least the minimum stopping sight distance through the entire facility.
Cross slope is the slope of a lane or shoulder transverse to the centerline of the roadway.
Vertical clearance refers to the height above the roadway surface to the nearest edge of a structure at underpasses, or at pedestrian, bicycle and overhead signstructures.
Clear bridge width is the total width of all lanes and shoulders on the bridge, measured between points on the bridge rail, curb, or other vertical elements that project the farthest onto the roadway.
Structural capacity is the load-carrying capacity of a bridge or structure.
Horizontal Clear Zone is an unobstructed, traversable area provided beyond the edge of traveled way for the recovery of errant vehicles. It includes shoulders and auxiliary lanes unless the auxiliary lane functions like a through travel lane.
Bold Font - Requires Relaxation of Standards if Requirement is Not Met.
1 |
A value in the table is a minimum value unless otherwise expressed as a range or a maximum value. If any value cannot be met, a relaxation of standards request is required; the request must be granted by the Board in order to use the proposed value in lieu of the standard value. |
2 |
Rural Area design standards shall be used for New and Reconstructed roads and streets when the anticipated posted speed limit is greater than or equal to 50 MPH. |
3 |
Urban Area design standards may be used in lieu of Rural Area design standards in residential and commercial areas lying outside urban area boundaries. This may be particularly appropriate for cities of the second class, villages, Sanitary and Improvement Districts and for areas within the municipal zoning jurisdiction. It is not permissible to use Urban Area design standards and Rural Area design standards for the same segment of road or street. Scenic-Recreation-Internal County Roads. Minimum design standards within the recreational area shall be consistent with the established speed limits, the topography and use of the facility. Design may be to either urban or rural standards depending on terrain conditions. |
4 |
County roads and municipal streets with a National functional classification of Other Principal Arterial or higher shall use applicable State Highway Standards. |
5 |
The design of a road or street must meet the standards of the functional classification to which it is assigned. NDOR must be consulted to establish a functional classification that will apply to a new road or street. NDOR must also be consulted for any proposed work, project or changed circumstance that may cause the road or street to no longer fit the existing functional classification. (See also Neb. Rev. Stat. § 39-2112.) |
6 |
Resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation (3R) work has the fundamental principle of utilizing safety conscious design in order to extend the life of the transportation asset. This requires, in reference to "existing," i.e. existing design features, in the tables, a cost effective analysis (except as indicated in notes 12 and 13). If user benefits are greater than the cost of implementing, installing, or constructing the safety improvement, then the scope of work shall include the safety improvement. |
Traffic Volume, Current and Future. |
For average daily traffic (ADT) fewer than 750 vehicles per day (VPD), the traffic volume for the year of the anticipated completion of work shall be used as a minimum. |
7 |
For ADT of 750 VPD and greater, or for any road or street on the National Highway System (National functional classification of Other Principal Arterial or higher), the ADT shall be based on the anticipated completion of work as follows: |
* For New and Reconstructed work, a minimum of 20 years |
* For 3R work, 10 years for asphaltic pavement strategies and 20 years for Portland cement pavement strategies. |
Design Speed for New and Reconstructed standards shall be at least equal to or greater than the anticipated posted speed limit. The anticipated speed limit shall be used if the speed limit is to be adjusted following construction. If no speed limit is posted, the statutory speed limit shall be used. (See Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 60-6,186 and 60-6,190.) |
8 |
Urban Area design standards tables provide values for only the highest and lowest design speeds for New and Reconstructed work. Rural Areas and Scenic-Recreation design standards tables, not including Minimum Maintenance or Remote Residential, provide New and Reconstructed minimum values for unpaved roads (50 MPH) and for paved roads (55 MPH); (see notes 10, 12, 13, and 14 for design speed exceptions). All design criteria which are a function of design speed (horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, grade, and stopping sight distance) must be based on the formula or values in the 2011 edition of AASHTO's "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" for selected design speeds not shown. |
Scenic-Recreation-Internal County Roads. Minimum design speed permissible is 20 MPH. Values for design criteria based on design speed may be lower than minimum (or higher than maximum) values in the table, consistent with the selected design speed. |
9 |
Lane Width for lanes adjacent to a curb shall be measured from the gutter line. For this standard, the gutter line shall be the point 1 ft. inside the back of the curb. Values in the tables apply to through travel lanes, and to auxiliary lanes exclusive of bicycle lanes and parking lanes. |
For purposes of these standards, road or street paint striping shall not be used to determine lane width. |
Sandhills Soils New and Reconstructed Work. Some roads located in "Sandhills" soils may require paving because of the light, granular nature of the soils. For such roads with a National functional classification of Local or Minor Collector, (excluding roads with a State functional classification of Minimum Maintenance and Remote Residential) and an ADT fewer than 50 VPD (250 VPD for roads with a State functional classification of Scenic-Recreation) designed and built to Rural Area standards: |
10 |
* The minimum design speed for New and Reconstructed work shall be 50 MPH. (See notes 12, 13 and 14 for exceptions.) |
* It is permissible to build a shared 12 ft. wide paved surface or crushed aggregate surfacing of any type, approximately centered in a full two-lane cross section; all other minimum standards criteria apply including minimum clear bridge widths. |
Shoulder Width. The shoulder width values in the tables are for non-divided roads and streets only. Non-curbed divided roads and streets shall have the following minimum shoulder widths. |
11 |
* New and Reconstructed: 8 ft. total with 4 ft. paved outside (right) shoulder. 4 ft. paved inside (left) shoulder for High Speed (50 MPH or greater) or 2 ft. paved for Low Speed (Less than 50 mph). |
* 3R: 6 ft. total with 4 ft. paved outside (right) shoulder. For the inside (left) shoulder, the existing shoulder width may be used. |
For purposes of these standards, road or street paint striping shall not be used to determine shoulder width. |
Horizontal Alignment, Superelevation. |
For 3R work, there is no requirement to perform a cost effective analysis (see Note 6) if the road has an ADT fewer than 750 VPD. |
For New and Reconstructed work designed and built to Urban Area standards with a National functional classification of Local, and a design speed of 30 MPH or less, the minimum horizontal radius may be reduced to 100 ft. |
12 |
For New and Reconstructed values in the Rural Area standards tables ( 001.03I, 001.03J, 001.03M, and 001.03N) if the criteria below cannot be met in constrained situations, they may be reduced as needed but to no less than the values shown below. This applies only to unpaved roads or roads required to be paved because of Sandhills soils (see Note 10), National functional classifications Local or Minor Collector, and ADT fewer than 50 VPD (250 VPD for roads with State functional classification of Scenic-Recreation). This note does not apply to roads with a State functional classification of Minimum Maintenance or Remote Residential. |
* 40 MPH design speed basis for horizontal alignment (444 ft. radius for superelevation emax 8%). |
* 305 ft. stopping sight distance (40 MPH design speed). |
Vertical Alignment, Stopping Sight Distance. |
For 3R work, there is no requirement to perform a cost effective analysis (see Note 6) if the road has an ADT fewer than 1,500 VPD. |
13 |
For New and Reconstructed values in the Rural Area standards tables ( 001.03I, 001.03J, 001.03M, and 001.03N) if the criteria below cannot be met in constrained situations, they may be reduced as needed but to no less than a 40 MPH design speed and the values shown below. This applies only to unpaved roads or roads required to be paved because of Sandhills soils (see Note 10), National functional classifications Local or Minor Collector, and ADT fewer than 50 VPD (250 VPD for roads with State functional classification of Scenic-Recreation). This note does not apply to roads with a State functional classification of Minimum Maintenance or Remote Residential. |
* 44 crest curve K value. |
* 64 sag curve K value. |
* 305 ft. stopping sight distance. |
Grade. |
For roads and streets of any functional classification, grades for short tangent lengths (500 ft. or less) may be 1% steeper than values in the tables. For roads and streets with ADT fewer than 400 VPD and with a National functional classification of Major Collector, Minor Collector or Local, grades for short tangent lengths (500 ft. or less) may be 2% steeper than values shown in the tables. |
14 |
For New and Reconstructed values in the Rural Area standards tables ( 001.03I, 001.03J, 001.03M, and 001.03N) if the criteria below cannot be met in constrained situations, they may be increased as needed but to no more than the values shown below. This applies only to unpaved roads or roads required to be paved because of Sandhills soils (see Note 10), National functional classifications Local or Minor Collector, and ADT fewer than 50 VPD (250 VPD for roads with State functional classification of Scenic-Recreation). This note does not apply to roads with a State functional classification of Minimum Maintenance or Remote Residential. |
* 10% maximum grade for 40 MPH design speed, 9% maximum grade for 45 MPH design speed. |
* 2% steeper than the maximum grade for short tangent lengths (500 ft. or less) |
Cross Slope in these standards refers to the typical cross slope of the roadway and does not govern superelevated roadway sections. |
15 |
On new or reconstructed paved roads and streets where there are more than two lanes inclined in the same direction, the cross slope may be increased by 0.5% to 1% for each additional lane, up to a maximum of 3%. |
A 2 ft. turf shoulder adjacent to a paved surface may be at the same slope as the paved surface. |
For unpaved roads, lane cross slope in the middle of the range for New and Reconstructed standards is desirable. Shoulder and lane cross slopes may be exceeded in front of curb inlet locations. |
Horizontal Clear Zone. This area, measured from the edge of traveled way (EOTW) and/or from the back-of-curb (BOC), may have crashworthy or break-away obstacles and shall be free of non-shielded obstacles except the following: |
a) In all areas: Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts, bridges, roadway lighting, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, and traffic control devices. Additional items in Urban Areas or where Urban Area design standards are allowed per these standards: trash cans, parking meters/facilities, handrails, concrete barrier, and barrier curb. |
b) Other obstacles if it is determined through an engineering study by a qualified person based upon a benefit/cost analysis that the cost to remove or treat such obstacles exceeds the benefits from such removal or treatment. The level and type of qualifications depends on the task at hand; statutory and regulatory requirements, including the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) adopted pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-6,118, and the Nebraska Engineers and Architects Regulation Act, should also be considered. |
16 |
Values for horizontal clear zone width for non-curbed sections in the tables do not account for horizontal curvature or foreslopes steeper than 1V:4H. Only foreslopes 1V:4H and flatter can be credited toward the required horizontal clear zone width. For slopes steeper than 1V:3H, refer to paragraph (b) above. |
For curbed sections on low speed (45 MPH and less) roads and streets using Rural Area or Scenic-Recreation standards, the horizontal clear zone is 2 ft. from the back-of-curb or 6 ft. from the edge of traveled way, whichever is farther from the edge of traveled way. |
For purposes of these standards, road or street paint striping shall not be used to determine horizontal clear width. |
Outside of the horizontal clear zone area it is expressly understood that the following non-exclusive list of items will be present within the roadside environment: |
Traffic signal poles, railroad signals, railroad tracks, bridge rails, ditches, driveways, intersections, bike/pedestrian paths, earth dikes, curbs, raised islands, guardrails, median barriers, crash cushions, drainage inlets, drainage flumes, culverts, bridges, roadway lighting, erosion control devices, fire hydrants, traffic control devices, trash cans, parking meters/facilities, handrails, concrete barrier, barrier curb, trash receptacles, drainage facilities, wetlands, bodies of water, utility facilities, trees, vegetation, mailboxes, and critical and non-recoverable slopes. |
17 |
Vertical Clearance shall be provided over the entire roadway width. Minimum vertical clearances at underpasses are provided in the tables. The minimum vertical clearance to pedestrian, bicycle and overhead sign structures shall be at least 1 ft. greater than the values in the tables. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-6,289 should be considered when building a new overhead structure or when doing 3R work on or under the structure. |
Clear Bridge Width applies to bridges and non-buried structures 4 ft. and longer, measured along the center of the roadway, on county roads, municipal streets, and scenic-recreation county roads. |
Minimum clear bridge width shall be calculated according to A through H below if noted as such in the tables and in no case shall a New and Reconstructed value be less than the value shown in the table. For the purpose of this standard, traveled way width and shoulder width are the planned widths. |
A. Approach traveled way width plus shoulder widths B. Approach traveled way width plus 4 ft. (each side) C. Approach traveled way width plus 3 ft. (each side) D. Approach traveled way width plus 2 ft. (each side) E. Approach traveled way width plus 1.5 ft. (each side) F. Approach traveled way width plus 1 ft. (each side) G. Approach traveled way width plus 0.5 ft. (each side) H. Approach traveled way width |
3R clear bridge widths may be less than shown in the tables, except for roads and streets with a National functional classification of Other Principal Arterial or higher, if |
18 |
* Clear bridge width is calculated according to A through H and * Minimum 3R lane width standards are met and * Clear bridge width is equal to or greater than the traveled way width. |
For a roadway with paved shoulders, the sum of the traveled way and paved shoulder widths shall be used as the minimum clear bridge width if it exceeds the value in the table or the calculated value (A through H). |
For rehabilitated bridges (Section 001.03A1c and 001.03A1d3) it is desirable to use the New and Reconstructed clear bridge widths. |
Clear bridge width for an existing bridge or non-buried structure shall meet or exceed minimum 3R standards if the approach roadway; traveled way or paved shoulders are widened or reconstructed on either side. The roadway width for an existing buried non-bridge-size culvert shall meet or exceed minimum 3R standards if the approach roadway is widened or reconstructed on either side. |
Auto gates shall be not less than eighteen feet in length (perpendicular to the roadway alignment) when located upon an established graded road (reference Neb. Rev. Stat. § 39-1814 ). |
Structural Capacity for work on bridges, culverts and non-buried structures are as follows: |
* New and Reconstructed: HL93 design loading. |
19 |
* 3R: Original design loading or, if unknown, use HS15 design loading. |
* Cannot be load posted after the work is complete except: |
* 3R work on roads with a National functional classification of Local with ADT fewer than 400 VPD. |
* Work done under Maintenance standards. |
20 |
Timber bridges. The scope of work done under Maintenance standards on county roads and municipal streets with a National functional classification of Local and an ADT fewer than 400 VPD includes replacement of the entire timber superstructure with an in-kind timber superstructure. In-kind, in this context, means the same or similar materials and dimensions (length and clear bridge width). |
21 |
Low water stream crossings or fords may be built on county roads with ADT fewer than 50 VPD and with a State functional classification of Local or Minimum Maintenance, provided the road is not the only access to an occupied dwelling. New low water stream crossings or fords shall not be built on county roads with a State functional classification of Local (ADT of 50 VPD and greater), Other Arterial, Collector, Remote Residential or Scenic-Recreation. All proposed construction, reconstruction or 3R work on a low water stream crossing or ford shall be submitted to the Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards for review prior to the start of work or construction in accordance with the rules and regulations for relaxation of standards. |
22 |
For roads with ADT fewer than 400 VPD, where Rural Area standards apply, the roadway and roadside within the limits of the work on either side of a reconstructed or replacement bridge, non-buried structure, culvert, low water stream crossing or ford shall meet standards as defined in this regulation; however, the following need to meet New and Reconstructed standards only if (a) there is a significant crash history related to its respective criterion and (b) a cost effective analysis shows that user benefits are greater than the cost of meeting New and Reconstructed standards: lane width, shoulder width, horizontal curve radius, superelevation, K values, grade, stopping sight distance and horizontal clear zone. |
National Functional Classification: Minor Arterial State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
30 MPH (45 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
11 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
[GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750, < 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
Curbed Sections: Not Applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 4 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 5 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
Paved: emax = 4% Unpaved: emax = 6% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
Paved DS 30 MPH: 250 ft. DS 45 MPH: 711 ft. |
Existing |
Unpaved DS 30 MPH: 231 ft. DS 45 MPH: 643 ft. |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 30 MPH: 19 DS 45 MPH: 61 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 30 MPH: 37 DS 45 MPH:79 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 30 MPH 8% Level, 9% Rolling DS 45 MPH 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 30 MPH: 200 ft. DS 45 MPH: 360 ft. |
Existing |
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 3% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) BOC = Back-of-curb EOTW = Edge of Traveled Way |
Sections |
Width |
Curbed |
2 ft. from BOC or 6 ft. from EOTW, whichever is greater from EOTW |
Existing |
Non-Curbed: |
8 ft. |
Vertical Clearance |
16 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width Curbed Sections |
25 ft. (E) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 23 ft. (G) ADT < 400 VPD: 21 ft. (G) |
Clear Bridge Width Non-Curbed Sections |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 38 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 34 ft. (A) ADT < 400 VPD: 30 ft. (A) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT 750 - 3,999 VPD: 26 ft. (D) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 24 ft. (D) ADT < 400 VPD: 22 ft. (F) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Major Collector State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
30 MPH (45 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
[GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750, < 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
Curbed Sections: Not Applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 5 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
Paved: emax = 4% Unpaved: emax = 6% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
Paved DS 30 MPH: 250 ft. DS 45 MPH: 711 ft. |
Existing |
Unpaved DS 30 MPH: 231 ft. DS 45 MPH: 643 ft. |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 30 MPH: 19 DS 45 MPH: 61 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 30 MPH: 37 DS 45 MPH:79 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 30 MPH: 9% Level, 11% Rolling DS 45 MPH: 8% Level, 9% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 30 MPH: 200 ft. DS 45 MPH: 360 ft. |
Existing |
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 3% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) BOC = Back-of-curb EOTW = Edge of Traveled Way |
Sections |
Width |
Curbed: |
2 ft. from BOC or 6 ft. from EOTW, whichever is greater from EOTW |
Existing |
ADT, |
Non-Curbed: |
8 ft. |
< 50 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width Curbed Sections |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 25 ft. (E) ADT < 400 VPD: 23 ft. (E) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 23 ft. (G) ADT < 400 VPD: 21 ft. (G) |
Clear Bridge Width Non-Curbed Sections |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 38 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT 1,500 - 3,999 VPD: 26 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,499 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Minor Collector State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
25 MPH (45 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
[GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750, < 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
Curbed Sections: Not Applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 5 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
Paved: emax = 4% Unpaved: emax = 6% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
Paved DS 25 MPH: 154 ft. DS 45 MPH: 711 ft. |
Existing |
Unpaved DS 25 MPH: 144 ft. DS 45 MPH: 643 ft. |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 25 MPH: 12 DS 45 MPH: 61 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 25 MPH: 26 DS 45 MPH: 79 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 25 MPH: 9% Level, 12% Rolling DS 45 MPH: 8% Level, 9% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 25 MPH: 155 ft. DS 45 MPH: 360 ft. |
Existing |
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Critena |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved 1 5% to 3% Unpaved 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved 2% to 6% Aggregate 4% to 6% Turf 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Honzontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Sections |
Width |
Existing |
Curbed |
2 ft from BOC or 6 ft from EOTW, whichever is greater from EOTW |
BOC = Back-of-curb EOTW = Edge of Traveled Way |
ADT, |
Non-Curbed |
>400 |
8ft |
<400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14 5 ft (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width Curbed Sections |
ADT > 400 VPD: 25 ft. (E) ADT < 400 VPD: 23 ft. (E) |
ADT > 400 VPD: 23 ft. (G) ADT < 400 VPD: 21 ft. (G) |
Clear Bridge Width Non-Curbed Sections |
ADT > 2,000 VPD: 38 ft. (A) ADT 400 -1,999 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT > 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 26 ft. (D) ADT 750 -1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93(Note19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
25 MPH (45 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
[GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 750, < 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
Curbed Sections: Not Applicable ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 5 ft. ADT < 2,000 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
Paved: emax = 4% Unpaved: emax = 6% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
Paved DS 25 MPH: 154 ft. DS 45 MPH: 711 ft. |
Existing |
Unpaved DS 25 MPH: 144 ft. DS 45 MPH: 643 ft. |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 25 MPH: 12 DS 45 MPH: 61 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 25 MPH: 26 DS 45 MPH: 79 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 25 MPH: 9% Level, 12% Rolling DS 45 MPH: 8% Level, 9% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 25 MPH: 155 ft. DS 45 MPH: 360 ft. |
Existing |
Urban Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 3% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Sections |
Width |
Existing |
Curbed: |
2 ft. from BOC or 6 ft. from EOTW, whichever is greater from EOTW |
BOC = Back-of-curb EOTW = Edge of Traveled Way |
ADT, |
Non-Curbed: |
8 ft. |
< 400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width Curbed Sections |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 25 ft. (E) ADT < 400 VPD: 23 ft. (E) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 23 ft. (G) ADT < 400 VPD: 21 ft. (G) |
Clear Bridge Width Non-Curbed Sections |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 38 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 26 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Minor Arterial State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 400 VPD: 12 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 11 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
12 ft. |
750 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
12 ft. |
750 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 4 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 4% Level, 5% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 4% Level, 5% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Width, ft. DS 50/55 MPH |
Horizontal Clear Zone |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
Existing |
20/22 |
24/26 |
(Note 16) |
1,500 - 5,999 |
16/20 |
20/24 |
750 - 1,499 |
14/16 |
16/20 |
< 750 |
10/12 |
12/14 |
Vertical Clearance |
16 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (A) ADT < 400 VPD: 30 ft. (A) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 26 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT < 400 VPD: 22 ft. (F) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Major Collector State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. (11 ft.) |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 50 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 50 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Width, ft. DS 50/55 MPH |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
Existing |
20/22 |
24/26 |
1,500 - 5,999 |
16/20 |
20/24 |
750 - 1,499 |
14/16 |
16/20 |
250 - 749 |
10/12 |
12/14 |
50 - 249 |
8/10 |
10/12 |
< 50 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 32 ft. (B) ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 26 ft. (F) ADT 750 - 1,499 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Minor Collector State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Notes 8, 12, 13) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. (11 ft.) |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 50 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 50 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Notes 12, 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Width, ft. |
DS 50/55 MPH |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
20/22 |
24/26 |
1,500 - 5,999 |
16/20 |
20/24 |
750 - 1,499 |
14/16 |
16/20 |
400 - 749 |
10/12 |
12/14 |
< 400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 30 ft. (B) ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Notes 8, 12, 13) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 50 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 50 VPD: 3 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 8% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Notes 12, 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Width, ft. DS 50/55 MPH |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
Existing |
20/22 |
24/26 |
1,500 - 5,999 |
16/20 |
20/24 |
750 - 1,499 |
14/16 |
16/20 |
400 - 749 |
10/12 |
12/14 |
< 400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 38 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Minor Arterial State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 1,500 VPD: 12 ft. ADT < 1,499 VPD: 11 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
12 ft. |
750 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
12 ft. |
750 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
12 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
12 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
11 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 4 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 4% Level, 5% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 4% Level, 5% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Width, ft. DS 50/55 MPH |
Existing |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
10/14 |
14/18 |
400 - 1,999 |
8/10 |
10/14 |
< 400 |
6/8 |
8/12 |
Vertical Clearance |
16 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 36 ft. (A) ADT 750 - 1,499 VPD: 34 ft. (A) ADT < 750 VPD: 30 ft. (A) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 26 ft. (F) ADT 750 - 1,499 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Major Collector State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Note 8) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. (11 ft.) |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 2 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Note 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Note 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Width, ft. |
Existing |
DS 50/55 MPH |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
10/14 |
14/18 |
400 - 1,999 |
8/10 |
10/14 |
250-399 |
6/8 |
8/12 |
< 250 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 30 ft. (B) ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Minor Collector State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Notes 8, 12, 13) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. 11 ft.) |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 2 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Notes 12, 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Width, ft. |
DS 50/55 MPH |
Existing |
(VPD) |
1V:6H |
Existing |
10/14 |
Existing |
400 - 1,999 |
8/10 |
10/14 |
< 400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
Clear Bridge Width |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 30 ft. (B) ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT <400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Scenic-Recreation-Local, Collector or Other Arterial
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Design Speed (DS) (Notes 8, 12, 13) |
50 MPH (55 MPH) |
Posted Speed Limit |
Lane Width (Note 9) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 12 ft. ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 11 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 10 ft. |
ADT (VPD), %HT |
Paved |
Unpaved |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
12 ft. |
11 ft. |
2,000 - 3,999, < 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
750 - 1,999 |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 10% |
11 ft. |
11 ft. |
400 - 749, < 10% |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
< 400 |
10 ft. |
10 ft. |
Shoulder Width (Note 11) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 8 ft. ADT 1,500 - 1,999 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 400 - 1,499 VPD: 4 ft. ADT < 400 VPD: 2 ft. |
Paved Traveled Way: ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 6 ft. ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 3 ft. ADT < 750 VPD: 2 ft. Unpaved Traveled Way: Existing |
Horizontal Alignment |
(Note 12) |
(Note 12) |
Superelevation (maximum) |
emax = 8% |
Existing |
Radius (based on emax) |
DS 50 MPH: 758 ft. DS 55 MPH: 960 ft. |
Existing |
Vertical Alignment |
(Note 13) |
(Note 13) |
Crest K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 84 DS 55 MPH: 114 |
Existing |
Sag K Value |
DS 50 MPH: 96 DS 55 MPH: 115 |
Existing |
Grade (maximum) (Note 14) |
DS 55 MPH: 6% Level, 7% Rolling DS 50 MPH: 6% Level, 8% Rolling |
Existing |
Stopping Sight Distance (Notes 12, 13) |
DS 50 MPH: 425 ft. DS 55 MPH: 495 ft. |
Existing |
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
Design Criteria |
New and Reconstructed (Notes 10, 22) |
3R (Note 6) |
Cross Slope (Note 15) |
Lane |
Paved: 1.5% to 2% Unpaved: 2% to 6% |
Existing |
Shoulder |
Paved: 2% to 6% Aggregate: 4% to 6% Turf: 6% to 8% |
Existing |
Horizontal Clear Zone (Note 16) |
Width, ft. |
Existing |
DS 50/55 MPH |
1V:6H |
1V:4H |
10/14 |
14/18 |
400 - 1,999 |
8/10 |
10/14 |
< 400 |
Nominal Shoulder Width |
Vertical Clearance |
14.5 ft. (Note 17) |
Existing |
Bridges (Notes 18, 20, 21) |
(letters within parentheses refer to formulas in Note 18) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 2,000 VPD: 40 ft. (A) ADT 400 - 1,999 VPD: 28 ft. (C) ADT < 400 VPD: 24 ft. (D) |
ADT [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO] 4,000 VPD: 30 ft. (C) ADT 2,000 - 3,999 VPD: 28 ft. (D) ADT 750 - 1,999 VPD: 24 ft. (F) ADT 400 - 749 VPD: 22 ft. (H) ADT < 400 VPD: 20 ft. (H) |
Clear Bridge Width |
Structural Capacity |
HL93 (Note 19) |
(Note 19) |
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Local or Minimum Maintenance
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Minimum Maintenance
Rural Areas (Note 1) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
RESTRICTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION All proposed construction, reconstruction or 3R work on a segment of road functionally classified as Minimum Maintenance shall be submitted to the Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards for review prior to the start of work or construction in accordance with the rules and regulations for relaxation of standards. However, any work (other than low water stream crossings and fords) that meets or exceeds National Local functional classification Rural Area standards does not require a relaxation of standards. NEW AND RECONSTRUCTED MINIMUM DESIGN SPEED The minimum design speed for New and Reconstructed work shall be 35 MPH. NEW AND REPLACEMENT STRUCTURES New and reconstructed bridge, non-buried structure and culvert Design Loading: HL93. NEW AND RECONSTRUCTED MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE The minimum vertical clearance at underpasses shall be 14.5 ft. (See Note 17 for further requirements and other information.) REPLACEMENT STRUCTURES (Notes 19, 21, 20) Any defective bridge or culvert or other such structure on, in, over, or under the roadway may be removed and not replaced in order to protect the public safety. Structures to be built or rebuilt will only be those that are determined by the county board to be essential for the public safety or for the present or future transportation needs of the county. Removed structures may be replaced by a ford or low water stream crossing that will permit crossing in dry weather and is intended to convey water across the roadway rather than carrying the water under the roadway. These fords shall be so constructed that they shall not constrict the passage of water across the roadway thereby causing water to back up on the adjacent properties during normally expected rainfalls. These fords may have hard surfacing placed to facilitate passage of vehicles through the waterway. The County proposal for new or replacement structures (which do not meet or exceed National Local functional classification Rural Area standards), low water stream crossings and fords shall be submitted to the Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards for review prior to the start of work or construction in accordance with the rules and regulations for relaxation of standards. SIGNING OF MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ROADS The installation of signs shall be at the beginning and end of minimum maintenance routes and at any other public access along the route. In the event the minimum maintenance route exceeds five (5) miles in length with no intermediate public access then a minimum maintenance sign shall be installed at an interval not to exceed five (5) miles. The signs shall provide warning to the public that a lower level of maintenance exists for the designated segment of roadway than is normal for that county; they indicate a lower maintenance level and communicate if the road is a through route or has no exit where it terminates at a property line and not a connecting public road. Signs shall conform to the requirements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) adopted pursuant to Chapter 60, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-6,118. |
National Functional Classification: Local State Functional Classification: Remote Residential
Rural Areas (Notes 1, 7 and 8) |
Functional Classification (Note 5) |
RESTRICTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION If a county wants to construct a new segment, extend, reconstruct or do 3R work on an existing segment, or reclassify an existing non-surfaced road segment or an existing one-lane road segment with inadequate sight distance, the county proposal for design and construction, reconstruction or 3R work shall be submitted to the Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards for review prior to the start of work or construction in accordance with the rules and regulations for relaxation of standards. However, if the work meets or exceeds National Local functional classification Rural Area standards, a relaxation of standards request is not required. NEW AND RECONSTRUCTED MINIMUM DESIGN SPEED The minimum design speed for New and Reconstructed work shall be 35 MPH. MINIMUM SURFACING WIDTH AND TYPE One 12 ft. wide paved surface or crushed aggregate surfacing of any type will be allowed where sight distance is adequate to warn motorist of oncoming traffic. Refer to the 2001 edition of AASHTO "Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads (ADT[LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 400)" for information on sight distance. NEW AND REPLACEMENT STRUCTURES (Note 21) New and reconstructed bridge, non-buried structure and culvert Design Loading: HL93. New construction of low water stream crossings and fords shall not be permitted on county roads functionally classified Remote Residential. Continuation of and maintenance of existing low water stream crossings and fords working satisfactorily will be permitted. NEW AND RECONSTRUCTED MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE The minimum vertical clearance at underpasses shall be 14.5 ft. (See Note 17 for further requirements and other information.) SIGNING OF REMOTE RESIDENTIAL ROADS The County shall install and maintain, at entry points to Remote Residential Roads, appropriate signs to adequately warn members of the public that they are traveling on a one-lane road. Such signs shall conform to the requirements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) adopted pursuant to Chapter 60, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 60-6,118. |