Current through September 17, 2024
004.01 A project for construction,
rehabilitation, relocation or modification of a highway-rail grade separation
structure may be considered by the Department after completion of a Grade
Separation Study.
004.02 Grade
separation studies may include, but are not limited to the following factors
and considerations:
004.02A Train
004.02B Vehicle
004.02C Crossing
004.02D Accident
004.02E Nearby
004.02F Adjacent
004.02G Sight
004.02H School locations
and school bus routes.
Hospital locations.
004.02J Police
and fire stations.
004.02K Project
004.02M Pedestrian
traffic patterns.
004.02N Project
structure profile showing touchdown to touchdown.
004.02O Need for any additional right of way
and any relocation expenses.
004.02P Effect of the location of the
structure on the community.
Roadway approach speed.
Roadway approach angle.
Local support and funding.
Railroad support and funding.
004.03 Based upon the study and availability
of funding, the Department shall determine whether the location is eligible for
expenditure of State or Federal grade separation funds.
004.04 Funding of new grade separation
structures shall require completion of the following process:
004.04A The Department shall identify
potential locations for new grade separation structures based upon exposure
factor, crash costs, elimination of vehicular delay and other appropriate
factors. A minimum exposure factor of 50,000 for a single crossing shall be
required for identification as a potential location. The Department may, in its
sole discretion, waive the 50,000 exposure factor requirement when justified
based upon the combined exposure factor, crash costs and elimination of
vehicular delay at multiple crossings in a corridor.
004.04B The Department shall select locations
for a Preliminary New Grade Separation Study to be completed by the Department
or the political subdivision. The Preliminary New Grade Separation Study shall
include a review of reasonable alternative locations for the grade separation
structure, associated closures and other improvements to crossings within the
corridor considering the applicable factors from the list set forth in Section
004.04B1 If a political subdivision
requests a Grade Separation Study for a crossing on the State Highway System,
the Department, political subdivision and railroad company or railroad track
owner or both shall complete an Agreement for Cost Sharing and Closures
associated with the construction of the grade separation prior to the study
being performed.
004.04B2 When a
political subdivision completes a Grade Separation Study of a crossing not
located on the State Highway System, to be constructed using state or federal
funding, the Department, political subdivision and railroad company or railroad
track owner or both shall complete an Agreement for Cost Sharing and Closures
associated with the construction of the grade separation, prior to the
construction of the grade separation structure. The political subdivision is
responsible for the costs of the study and for the cost of preliminary and
final design of any grade separation structure to be constructed.
004.04C Locations for which a
Preliminary New Grade Separation Study has been completed may be selected by
the Department for a Detailed New Grade Separation Study which shall consider
the applicable factors from the list set forth in section 004.02 in greater
004.04D Locations for which
projects have previously been considered and deemed by the Department to be
physically or practically not feasible, or locations that were studied
previously and for which a potential project was rejected by the political
subdivision, may be eliminated from consideration at any time during this
004.05 A new
grade separation project will require closing a minimum of two public at-grade
crossings: one at or near the location of the structure and one or more others
as selected and approved by the Department and the political subdivision.
004.05A Exceptions to the conditions of
004.05 may be granted only upon a finding of unique or unusual circumstances by
the Director or Deputy Director-Engineering of the Nebraska Department of
004.06 The
feasibility of a railroad-pedestrian grade separation structure within the
community will be considered based upon need and an agreement between the
political subdivision and the Department.