Nebraska Administrative Code
Chapter 5 - Tourist-Oriented Directional Sign (TODS) Panels
Section 411-5-005 - ACTIVITY PLAQUES
Current through September 17, 2024
005.01 Each activity shall be limited to one Activity plaque for each direction of travel to that activity on the conventional road.
005.02 The content of the legend shall be limited to the identification of the activity, the distance to the activity, and the directional arrow. Legends shall not contain promotional advertising.
005.03 Times of operation may be included in the legend only if deemed to be necessary for the convenience of the motorist. This determination shall be made by the Department and shall be final. When times of operation are allowed, they must be incorporated into the two lines of legend.
005.04 Nationally approved symbols for services may be incorporated as alternates to word messages. Standard General Service symbols (section 2H), and white Recreational and Cultural Interest Area symbols (section 2D), as displayed in the MUTCD, may be used to indicate a general class of business.
005.05 Logos for specific businesses may also be used. The logo shall be reproduced in the colors and general shape consistent with customary use, and any integral legend shall be in proportionate size. No logos shall be permitted that resemble official traffic control devices in any manner.
005.06 When symbols or logos are used, they must be contained entirely within the border of the Activity plaque. If used with a word legend, the symbol or logo shall be placed to the left of the word legend. Activity plaques shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with specifications that will be made available to the applicant by the Department or Agent.
005.07 Design