Nebraska Administrative Code
Title 350 - Nebraska Department of Revenue, Property Assessment Division
Chapter 18 - Community Development Project Regulations
Section 350-18-002 - DEFINITIONS
Current through September 17, 2024
002.01 Redevelopment Authority
Redevelopment Authority shall mean a public body corporate and politic, exercising public and essential governmental functions and having all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Community Development Law.
002.02 Limited Redevelopment Authority shall mean a redevelopment authority created for the purpose of only one single specific limited pilot project.
002.03 City
City shall mean any city or incorporated village in the state.
002.04 Public body
Public body shall mean the state, county, township, board, commission, authority, district, or other political subdivision or public body of the state.
002.05 Governing body or local governing body
Governing body or local governing body shall mean the city council, board of trustees, or other legislative body charged with governing the municipality.
002.06 Area of operation
Area of operation shall mean and include all real property within the corporate limits of a city and such land outside the city as may come under the purview of Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 18-2123.
002.07 Substandard area
Substandard area shall mean an area as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 18-2103(10) and generally refers to an area in which there are buildings and structures that are detrimental to public safety and health.
002.08 Blighted area
Blighted area shall mean an area as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 18-2103(11) and generally refers to an area with high unemployment, the average age of buildings and structures is over forty years, majority of the land is unimproved, lower than city average per capita income and the area has had either stable or decreasing population.
002.09 Redevelopment project
Redevelopment project shall mean a project as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 18-2103(12) and generally refers to any work or undertaking in a substandard or blighted area, including clearing the area through demolition of existing buildings, structures, or improvements and to make available through the leasing, or selling of the land to developers for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial or other uses.
002.10 Redevelopment plan
Redevelopment plan shall mean a plan as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 18-2103(13) and generally refers to a plan showing the boundaries of the redevelopment area, proposed land uses, population densities, land and building intensities within the area after development, statement of changes effecting zoning, streets and building codes and other ordinances, site plan for the area, and a statement as to the kind and number of public facilities and utilities needed to support the area.
002.11 Redeveloper
Redeveloper shall mean any person, partnership, or public or private corporation or agency which shall enter or propose to enter into a redevelopment contract.
002.12 Redevelopment contract
Redevelopment contract shall mean a contract entered into between an authority and a redeveloper for the redevelopment of an area in conformity with a redevelopment plan.
002.13 Real property for the purpose of this regulation
Real property for the purpose of this regulation shall mean all lands, including improvements and fixtures thereon, and property of any nature appurtenant thereto, or used in connection therewith, and every estate, interest and right, legal or equitable, therein, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage, or otherwise, and the indebtedness secured by such liens.
002.14 Community redevelopment area
Community redevelopment area shall mean a substandard and blighted area which the community redevelopment authority designates as appropriate for a renewal project.
002.15 Redevelopment project valuation, also known as the base value, shall mean the assessed valuation on the taxable real property in a redevelopment project last certified to the political subdivisions in the year prior to the effective date of the provision authorizing the dividing of ad valorem tax pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. Sections 18-2103(21) and 18-2147.
002.16 Redevelopment project excess valuation
Redevelopment project excess valuation shall mean the total assessed valuation on the real property in a redevelopment project for the current year less the redevelopment project base valuation.