Authority to
No person or company shall construct, or cause to be
constructed, any line for the transmission of electric current in excess of
fifteen thousand (15,000) volts, if the proposed line is within one-quarter
(.25) mile of any existing electrical or communication line of any person or
corporation, or signal line of any railroad, without filing an application with
the Commission and having same granted, unless allowed under Section
002.06C of this
chapter. If the proposed line is within five hundred feet (500') of an
electrical or communication line of any person or corporation, or signal line
of any railroad, and the voltage exceeds seven hundred (700) volts, application
to construct the same shall also be made to the Commission, except that no
application shall be required for any line not exceeding fifteen thousand
(15,000)volts which does not exceed six hundred sixty feet (660') in length,
and which is more than seventy-five feet (75') from any existing electrical or
communication line of any person or corporation, or signal line of any
railroad. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any line or lines
within the limits of any incorporated city or village. Application shall be
made to increase the voltage of an existing line if the proposed conversion
meets the criteria stated for new construction as provided in this section. An
application is necessary for any construction, alteration or modification to
any overhead wire or cable, the height of which is greater than five feet (5')
above the elevation of any airport, landing field or landing strip, which has
been approved and licensed by the Department of Aeronautics, for each five
hundred feet (500') of the distance that such construction is, or will be,
situated from the nearest boundary of such airport.
One copy of the route map, designated as Exhibit A, and one
copy of the engineering specifications, designated as Exhibit B, shall be
attached to the application. The applicant shall file with the Commission two
additional copies of Exhibits A and B along with the originals of all waivers
002.02A Exhibit A, Route
Map: Exhibit A shall be drawn on a scale of not less than one inch (1") to the
mile and show the counties, townships, ranges, and sections through which the
proposed transmission lines are to be constructed, together with all cities and
villages, if any, within one-quarter (.25) mile of the proposed transmission
line. All existing electrical and communication lines or railroad signal lines
within the respective distances described in Subsection 002.01 and their owners
or operators shall be shown and designated by a clear and definite legend. The
owner or operator shall be indicated by a number placed in a circle adjacent to
the respective line, and the post office addresses of these utilities shall be
included in the legend. All airports, landing fields, and landing strips,
approved and licensed by the Department of Aeronautics at the time of
application, shall be shown and the name of each owner or operator with the
post office address included in the legend if the construction height is
greater than five (5') feet above the elevation of such airports, landing
fields, or landing strips for each five hundred feet (500') of the distance
that such construction is, or will be situated, from the nearest boundary of
such airports, landing fields, or landing strips. Exhibit A shall have an
identification number or other identification insignia and shall also show the
name and address of applicant and give such additional data as the application
may require. It must show the length, phase, number of wires and voltage of
each piece of line proposed to be constructed, which shall be drawn accurately
to scale. The route map shall extend at least one-quarter (.25) mile beyond all
proposed construction.
Exhibit B, Engineering Specifications; Overhead
Construction: Exhibit B shall contain the following information:
002.02B1 Applicant's file number or specific
Identification number from Exhibit A.
002.02B3 Name and address of the
002.02B4 A general
description of the line applied for, including length, number of phases, number
of wires (phase, ground and/or shield), voltage, location (county), system
connection, grounding information, and a description of any double or
underbuilt circuits.
Poles: Kind of material, pole height, treatment,
strength, and number of structures per mile.
Anchors and
Guys: Size, type and strength.
Cross Arms:
Material, size and strength.
Pins and
Brackets: Type, size strength.
Size, material, breaking strength, arrangement, spacing and span lengths (both
average and maximum).
Insulators: Type, nominal voltage, dry flashover,
material and number of units per string.
Construction: A description of any special types of construction
002.02B12 A general
description of all lines to be removed.
002.02B13 Conformity with state laws, the
National Electrical Safety Code, and the rules and regulations of this
002.02B14 Date,
engineer and address.
Exhibit B, Engineering
Specifications; Underground Construction: Exhibit B shall contain
the following information:
Applicant's file number or specific designation.
002.02C2 Identification number from Exhibit
002.02C3 Name and address of the
002.02C4 A general
description of the line applied for, including length, number of phases,
voltage, county and grounding information.
Size, material and type.
Conductor Insulation: Thickness, type, material and
voltage rating.
Cable Terminations: Size, type and voltage
Miscellaneous: Cable depth, riser pole cable
protection, fault protection and description of any special type of
construction used.
002.02C9 A
general description of all lines to be removed.
002.02C10 Conformity with state laws, the
National Electrical Safety Code, and the rules and regulations of this
002.02C11 Date,
engineer and address.
Filing Fee:
Each application for authority to construct, operate and
maintain an electric transmission line shall be accompanied by the applicable
filing fee according to the schedule found in Chapter 1, Rules of Commission
Procedure. Applications may be submitted for more than one line; however, the
proper fee shall be assessed on a per line basis.
If the line has not been built in its entirety in accordance
with the Commission's authorization, a supplemental application should be made
to the Commission covering any and all changes in routing of the line, voltage,
and design. Any road side changes should also be included in the supplemental
application since Commission authorizations are limited to a particular side of
the road or section line. A filing fee per the schedule found in Chapter 1,
Rules of Commission Procedure, is required for all supplemental
Delayed Application:
A line extension carrying over seven hundred (700) volts,
not to exceed one-half (.50) mile in length, may be built from an existing
transmission line prior to obtaining approval of said extension by the
Commission, if all owners or operators of electrical, communication, or
railroad signal lines located within the appropriate distance and the
Department of Aeronautics, if required, consent to such construction. Within
thirty (30) days following the construction of such extension, an application
shall be made for construction of such extension and shall be referred to as a
delayed application. All provisions of law relating to transmission line
applications, notices, hearings and orders shall apply to such delayed
application. Neither the fact that the line extension has been built, nor the
consent thereto given by owners or operators of other lines shall affect, in
any way, the conclusion or authority of the Commission, or the rights of anyone
to protest against the application. If it is finally determined that the
application should be denied, the owner or operator shall remove the line
extension. When filing a delayed application, the applicant shall include a
completion notice and proper filing fee with the application.
Notice and
Hearing Not Required: Where agreements with the owners
or operators of electrical, communication, or railroad signal lines existing
within the respective distances described in Subsection 002.01 from the
proposed construction, are filed with the Commission and the Commission finds
that the application, Exhibit A, and Exhibit B attached thereto, conforms with
the laws of Nebraska, and the regulations of the Commission, the application
may be granted without a Commission hearing. Such consenting agreement shall be
in writing, shall show the name and address of the utility involved, the name
and address of the individual signing it, the date of its execution, and shall
be filed by the applicant with the Commission.
Required: If a filed application does not meet the requirements of
002.06A, the
Commission will notify, by mail, certified or registered, all owners or
operators of existing lines named by applicant in Exhibit A and such other
persons as the Commission shall designate to appear at a public hearing at a
time and place to be fixed by the Commission for hearing such application. An
appropriate order will be entered.
Application Not Required
(60 Day Notice): Proposed construction, operation and maintenance
of an electrical transmission line may be undertaken without application to the
Commission pursuant to Section ' 75-720 R.R.S., 1943, if the company:
002.06C1 Gives notice of the proposed
construction by certified mail to the Commission and all persons or
corporations which own or operate electrical, communication, or railroad signal
lines located within the respective distances described in Subsection 002.01;
002.06C2 The notice provides
the information required in Exhibits A and B outlined in Subsections
002.02B, and
002.02C, the
physical configuration, length of parallel of and proposed separation from the
lines of the noticed parties.
002.06C2a Such
construction, operation and maintenance shall not begin until sixty (60) days
from the date notice was received by all parties identified in Subsection
002.06C 1, unless signed agreements waiving rights to object are received.
Copies of these agreements shall be filed with the Commission. If any airport,
landing field or landing strip, which has been approved and licensed by the
Department of Aeronautics, is within the distance described in Subsection
002.01 from the proposed construction, this method of filing may not be
Any person, corporation, association, or company who, or
which, has been authorized by the Commission to construct, operate and maintain
an electric transmission line having a voltage of over seven hundred (700)
volts shall file a completion notice with the Commission as soon as the
proposed line is constructed and ready to be energized. A completion notice
shall be in the form listed on the following page.
Delay In
Construction: If an electric transmission line construction
authorized by order of the Commission has not been entirely completed within
twenty-four (24) months from the date of the order, and if the time for
construction has not been extended by order of the Commission, the
authorization for the portion of line not completed shall be cancelled
forthwith. An application for an extension of time will be considered by the
Commission upon a request from applicant showing good cause for such