All information required under Neb. Rev. Stat. 46-678 must be
compiled and submitted in loose-leaf binder(s) with maximum dimensions of 11
inches by 11 inches by 4 inches. Maps, plans and drawings must be of a size
sufficient to clearly depict the subject matter, but must be folded to
dimensions not to exceed 11 inches by 11 inches. The review area for each
application must be a minimum one-mile radius (aerial extent) around the well
site. If the applicant desires to submit its application in an electronic
format and/or in dimensions other than described previously it may do so only
if granted permission by the Department in advance. The application must
consist of all items requested on the application form provided by the
Department. The form may be found on the Department's website and in the
Department's offices.
001.01 Completed
application form.
001.02 Hydrologic
Evaluation Report. The hydrologic evaluation shall include but not be limited
001.02(A) A detailed description of each
well proposed to be included under this permit. The description shall include
the intended depth, screen and casing size, pump capacity, description of
location, applicable well registration numbers, control and management area
permit numbers.
001.02(B) A
narrative evaluating the geologic and hydrologic conditions of the well site
and review area.
001.02(C) Proposed
operating data criteria.
A list of other relevant permits.
001.02(E) Well driller's logs from test holes
and production wells and electric logs, if available, in tabular or graphical
001.02(F) Pumping test data,
if available.
001.02(G) A table
depicting proposed rates of withdrawal and anticipated drawdown in the project
wells as a function of both time and distance from the project wells.
001.02(H) A narrative describing alternate
sources of accessible surface and ground water and reasons for choosing the
proposed source.
001.02(I) Maps, plans or
drawings showing:
001.02(I)(i). Location of
project wells and project facilities including pipelines, pumping stations,
treatment plants, wastewater disposal sites or other facilities.
001.02(l)(ii). Location of use.
001.02(l)(iii). Location of other wells
within the review area.
. Location of surface water rights within the review
001.02(l)(v). A water table
001.02(l)(vi). The geologic
structure of the review area.
001.02(l)(vii). Hydrologic conditions in the
review area.
ANALYSIS. The economic analysis shall include:
001.03(A). The economic benefit of the
applicant's proposed use.
001.03(B). The economic benefits of existing
uses of surface or ground water in the area of the applicant's proposed use and
any transfer.
discuss the environmental impacts of the project.
ANALYSIS. This analysis shall discuss the possible social benefits
and detriments of the project.