Nebraska Administrative Code
Section 482-1-002 - DEFINITIONS
Current through September 17, 2024
The following definitions apply:
002.01 ACTION. Action means the:
002.02 ADVERSE BENEFIT DETERMINATION. An action by a health plan that includes:
002.03 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) 12101 et seq.
002.04 APPEAL. A request for review of an action.
002.05 AUTO-ASSIGNMENT. The process of the enrollment broker automatically assigning a member to a health plan or a primary care provider.
002.06 CAPITATION PAYMENT. A monthly payment by Medicaid to a health plan on behalf of each member of a health plan for the provision of covered services under the contract, regardless of whether any particular member receives services during the period covered by the payment.
002.07 CARVE-OUT. The services not included in the core benefits package of managed care.
002.08 CHOICE COUNSELING. The provision of information available regarding the available health plans and unbiased decision support for selection of a health plan by the enrollment broker for Medicaid members.
002.09 CLAIM. A bill for services, a line item of service, or all services for one client within a bill.
002.10 CLEAN CLAIM. A claim, received by a health plan for adjudication, that requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of the services, or by a third party, in order to be processed and paid by the health plan.
002.11 CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES. A division within the federal Department of Health and Human Services responsible for administering the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance programs.
002.12 CLIENT. An individual receiving benefits under Title XIX or XXI of the Social Security Act, and under Medicaid as defined in the Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC).
002.13 COLD CALL MARKETING. Any unsolicited personal contact by a health plan with a potential member for the purpose of marketing.
002.14 CONTRACT. The legal and binding agreement between the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care and any of the vendors participating in Heritage Health.
002.15 CORE BENEFIT PACKAGE. The minimum package of services to which a member is entitled under the Nebraska Medicaid State Plan and that the health plan must provide to members enrolled in the health plan.
002.16 DEPARTMENT. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
002.17 DESIGNATED SPECIALTY CARE PHYSICIAN. A specialty care physician who has enhanced responsibilities for members with special health care needs, designated upon review and concurrence by the primary care provider (PCP) and the health plan providing the core benefits package.
002.18 DISENROLLMENT. A change in the status of a member from being enrolled with a specific health plan to being enrolled with a different health plan, or a change from being considered mandatory for participation in managed care to being ineligible for participation in managed care.
002.19 EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION. A medical condition, the onset of which is sudden, that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity, (including severe pain), that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in:
002.20 EMERGENCY SERVICES. Covered inpatient and outpatient services that are either furnished by a provider qualified to furnish these services under Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations or the services needed to evaluate or stabilize an emergency medical condition.
002.21 ENCOUNTER DATA. Line-level utilization and expenditure data for services furnished to members through the health plan.
002.22 ENROLLMENT. The process of a member selecting a health plan, whether by an active choice or through auto assignment.
002.23 ENROLLMENT BROKER. A contracted entity responsible for enrollment activities and choice counseling.
002.24 ENROLLMENT FILE. A proprietary data file provide by Medicaid or the enrollment broker to a health plan. The enrollment file is the basis for monthly payments to the health plan.
002.25 ENROLLMENT MONTH. The enrollment period for a member effective the first of the month through the end of the month.
002.26 ENTITY. A generic term used to reference any of the contracted vendors participating in Nebraska's managed care program.
002.27 EXTERNAL QUALITY REVIEW ORGANIZATION. An organization that meets the competence and independence requirements to perform analysis and evaluation of aggregated information on quality, timeliness, and access to the health care services that a health plan furnishes to Medicaid members.
002.28 FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES. Services to prevent or delay pregnancy, including counseling services and patient education, examination and treatment by medical professionals, laboratory examinations and tests, medically approved methods, procedures, pharmaceutical supplies and devices to prevent conception.
002.29 FEE-FOR-SERVICE. Payment of a fee for each service provided to a client who is not enrolled in managed care or for services excluded from the core benefits package.
002.30 GRIEVANCE. An expression of dissatisfaction about any matter other than an adverse benefit determination as defined above. The term also refers to the overall system that includes grievances and appeals handled at the health plan level and access to the Medicaid administrative hearing process.
002.31 HEALTHCARE EFFECTIVENESS DATA AND INFORMATION SET. The most widely used set of standardized performance measures used in the managed care industry, designed to allow reliable comparison of the performance of health plans. The National Committee of Quality Assurance sponsors, supports, and maintains the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set.
002.32 HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. A physician or any of the following: a podiatrist, optometrist, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist, physician's assistant, physical or occupational therapist, therapist assistant, speech-language pathologist, audiologist, registered or practical nurse (including nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, and certified nurse midwife), licensed and certified social worker, registered respiratory therapist, and certified respiratory therapy technician.
002.33 HEALTH PLAN. A generic term used to reference any of the contracted plans participating in Heritage Health. A healthcare entity that meets the definition of a managed care organization for the provision of the core benefits package.
002.34 HERITAGE HEALTH. Nebraska's Medicaid managed care program.
002.35 INTERIM PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER. A primary care provider designated by the physical health plan when the member's chosen or assigned primary care provider is not available and the duration is only applicable until the member requests a different primary care provider.
002.36 MANAGED CARE ORGANIZATION. An organization that has or is seeking to qualify for a comprehensive risk contract to provide services to managed care enrollees. An entity that has, or is seeking to qualify for a comprehensive risk contract that is:
002.37 MEDICAID. Nebraska's Medicaid program as defined by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 68-901 et. Seq. (the Medical Assistance Act).
002.38 MEDICAL HOME. A community-based primary care setting which provides and coordinates high quality, planned, family-centered: health promotion, acute illness care and chronic condition management.
002.39 MEDICAL NECESSITY. Health care services and supplies which are medically appropriate and:
The fact that the physician has performed or prescribed a procedure or treatment or the fact that it may be the only treatment for a particular injury, sickness, or mental illness does not mean that it is covered by Medicaid. Services and supplies that do not meet the definition of medical necessity set out above are not covered.
002.40 MEMBER. A Medicaid client who is currently enrolled with a specific health plan.
002.41 NEBRASKA MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY SYSTEM. The automated eligibility verification system for use by Medicaid service providers.
002.42 PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOME. An enhanced model of primary care in which a patient establishes an ongoing relationship with a primary care provider and a primary care provider-directed team of health care providers. This team coordinates all aspects of a patient's physical and mental health care needs, including prevention and wellness, acute care and chronic care, across the health care system in order to improve access and health outcomes in a cost effective manner.
002.43 PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN TRANSFER. A change in a client's assignment from one establishes an ongoing relationship with a primary care provider to another primary care provider.
002.44 PEER REVIEW ORGANIZATION. An organization under contract with Medicaid to perform a review of health care practitioners of services ordered or furnished by other practitioners in the same professional fields.
002.45 PER MEMBER PER MONTH. The basis of capitation payment for a health plan.
002.46 PREPAID AMBULATORY HEALTH PLAN. An entity as defined in 42 CFR 438.2 that:
002.47 PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER. A medical professional chosen by the member or assigned to provide primary care services. Provider types that can be primary care providers are licensed medical doctors or doctors of osteopathy from any of the following practice areas: general practice, family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology. Primary care providers may also include advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants when practicing under the supervision of a physician specializing in family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, or obstetrics/gynecology who also qualifies as a primary care provider under the health plans.
002.48 PRIMARY CARE SERVICES. All health and laboratory services customarily furnished by or through a general practitioner, family physician, internal medicine physician, obstetrician/gynecologist, or pediatrician, to the extent the furnishing of those services is legally authorized in the State in which the practitioner furnishes them.
002.49 PROVIDER. Any individual or entity that is engaged in the delivery of health care services under agreement with Medicaid and is legally authorized to do so by the State in which it delivers the services.
002.50 PROVIDER AGREEMENT. Any written agreement between the provider and Medicaid, for the purpose of enrolling as a Medicaid provider, or between the health plan and the provider for the purpose of participating in Heritage Health.
002.51 RESTRICTED SERVICES. A method used by Medicaid to provide safeguards when a client has been determined to be abusing or inappropriately utilizing services provided by Medicaid or a health plan.
002.52 RETURNED CLAIM. A claim that has not been adjudicated because it has a material defect or impropriety.
002.53 RISK CONTRACT. A contract under which the contractor:
002.54 SUBCONTRACT. Any written agreement between the health plan and another party to fulfill the requirements of title 482 of the NAC, except provider agreements as defined above.
002.55 SYSTEM CUT OFF. The last day in which data must be entered into the Medicaid eligibility system in order for changes to be effective the first of the next month.
002.56 THIRD PARTY RESOURCE. Any individual, entity, or program that is, or may be liable to pay all or part of the cost of medical services furnished to a client.
002.57 VALUE-ADDED SERVICES. Those services a health plan provides in addition to a service covered under a contract because the health plan has determined that the health status and quality of life for the member will be the same or better using the value-added health service as it would be using the covered service.
002.58 WAIVER OF ENROLLMENT. A change in the status of a member from being considered mandatory for participation in managed care to being not mandatory for participation in managed care.