Payments for acute care services are made on a prospective
per discharge basis, except hospitals certified as a critical access hospital.
For inpatient services that are classified into a diagnosis related group, the
total per discharge payment is the sum of the operating cost payment amount;
the capital-related cost payment; and when applicable direct medical education
cost payment; indirect medical education cost payment; and a cost outlier
payment. For inpatient services that are classified into a transplant diagnosis
related group, the total per discharge payment is the sum of the cost-to-charge
ratio payment amount; and when applicable direct medical education cost
hospital diagnosis related group operating cost payment amount for discharges
that are classified into a diagnosis related group is calculated by multiplying
the peer group base payment amount by the applicable national relative weight.
after July 1, 2014, the Department will use the All-Patient Refined Diagnosis
Related Groups classifications. The National Weights published by 3M will be
applied to the all patient refined-diagnosis related groups. The National
Weights are calculated using the nationwide inpatient sample released by the
healthcare cost and utilization project. The Department will annually update
the all patient refined-diagnosis related group grouper and national relative
weights with the most current available version.
PEER GROUP BASE PAYMENT AMOUNTS. Peer group base payment amounts
are used to calculate payments for discharges with a diagnosis related group.
Peer group base payment amounts effective July 1, 2016, are calculated for peer
group 1, 2 and 3 hospitals based on the peer group base payment amounts
effective during state fiscal year 2011, adjusted for budget neutrality,
calculated as follows: peer group 1 base payment amounts, excluding children's
hospitals: multiply the state fiscal year 2011 peer group 1 base payment amount
of $4, 397.00 by the diagnosis related group budget neutrality factor.
Children's hospital peer group 1 base payment amounts: multiply the state
fiscal year 2011 children's hospital peer group 1 base payment amount of $5,
278.00 by the diagnosis related group budget neutrality factor. Peer group 2
base payment amounts: multiply the state fiscal year 2011 peer group 2 base
payment amount of $4, 270.00 by the diagnosis related group budget neutrality
factor. Peer group 3 base payment amounts: multiply the state fiscal year 2011
peer group 3 base payment amount of $4, 044.00 by the diagnosis related group
budget neutrality factor. State fiscal year 2007 Nebraska peer group base
payment amounts are described in this chapter. Peer group base payment amounts
excluding the 0.5% increase for the rate period beginning October 1, 2009 and
ending June 30, 2010, will be increased by.5% for the rate period beginning
July 1, 2010. The peer group base payment amount is subject to annual
adjustment as specified by the Department.
made for approved discharges classified into a diagnosis related group meeting
or exceeding Medicaid criteria for cost outliers for each diagnosis related
group classification. Cost outliers may be subject to medical review.
Discharges qualify as cost outliers when the costs of the service exceed the
outlier threshold. The outlier threshold is the sum of the operating cost
payment amount, the indirect medical education amount, and the capital-related
cost payment amount, plus $30,000 for all neonate and nervous system all
patient refined-diagnosis related groups at severity level 3 and at severity
level 4. For all other all patient refined-diagnosis related groups, the
outlier threshold is the sum of the operating cost payment amount, the indirect
medical education amount, and the capital-related cost payment amount, plus
$51,800. Cost of the discharge is calculated by multiplying the Medicaid
allowed charges by the sum of the hospital specific Medicare operating and
capital outlier cost-to-charge ratios. Additional payment for cost outliers is
80% of the difference between the hospital's cost for the discharge and the
outlier threshold for all discharges except for burn discharges, which will be
paid at 85% of the difference between the hospital's cost for the discharge and
the outlier threshold.
Department will extract from the Center for Medicaid and Medicaid Services
Prospective Payment System Inpatient Pricer Program the hospital-specific
Medicare operating and capital outlier cost-to-charge ratios effective October
1 of the year preceding the start of the Nebraska rate year.
UPDATES. On July 1 of each year, the Department will update the
outlier costs based on the Medicare outlier cost-to-charge ratios effective
October 1 of the previous year.
Direct Medical Education payments effective October 1, 2009 are based on
Nebraska hospital-specific direct medical education payment rates effective
during state fiscal year 2007 with the following adjustments: Estimate state
fiscal year 2007 direct medical education payments for in-state teaching
hospitals by applying state fiscal year 2007 direct medical education payment
rates to state fiscal year 2007 Nebraska Medicaid inpatient fee-for-service
paid claims data. Include all patient refined-diagnosis related group
discharges except psychiatric, rehabilitation and Medicaid Capitated Plans
discharges. Divide the estimated state fiscal year 2007 direct medical
education payments for each hospital by each hospital's number of intern and
resident full time equivalents effective in the Medicare system on October 1,
2006. Multiply the state fiscal year 2007 direct medical education payment per
intern and resident full time equivalent by each hospital's number of intern
and resident full time equivalents effective in the Medicare inpatient system
on October 1, 2008. Divide the direct medical education payments adjusted for
full time equivalents effective October 1, 2008 by each hospital's number of
state fiscal year 2007 claims. Multiply the direct medical education payment
rates by the stable diagnosis related group budget neutrality factor. On July
1st of each year, the Department will update direct medical education payment
rates by replacing each hospital's intern and resident full time equivalents
effective in the Medicare inpatient system on October 1, 2008, as described in
step 3 of this subsection, with each hospital's intern and resident full time
equivalents effective in the Medicare inpatient system on October 1 of the
previous year. The direct medical education payment amount will be increased by
0.5% effective October 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. This rate increase will
not be carried forward in subsequent years. The direct medical education
payment amount, excluding the 0.5% increase effective October 1, 2009 through
June 30, 2009, will be increased by.5% for the rate period beginning July 1,
2010. The direct medical education payment amount is subject to annual
adjustment as specified by the Department.
MEDICAL EDUCATION COST PAYMENTS. Hospitals qualify for indirect
medical education payments when they receive a direct medical education payment
from Medicaid, and qualify for indirect medical education payments from
Medicare. Recognition of indirect medical education costs incurred by hospitals
are an add-on calculated by multiplying an indirect medial education factor by
the operating cost payment amount. The indirect medical education factor is the
Medicare inpatient prospective payment system operating indirect medial
education factor effective October 1 of the year preceding the beginning of the
Nebraska rate year. The operating indirect medical education factor shall be
determined using data extracted from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Services Prospective Payment System Inpatient Pricer Program using the
following formula: Number of interns and residents divided by available beds;
plus 1; to the power of 0.405; minus 1; multiplied by 1.35.
calculate annual MCO Direct Medical Education payments and managed care
organization indirect medical education payments for services provided by
Medicaid capitated plans from discharge data provided by the managed care
organization. Managed care organization direct medical education payments will
be equal to the number of managed care organization discharges times the
fee-for service direct medical education payment per discharge in effect for
the rate year July 1 through June 30. Managed care organization indirect
medical education payments will be equal to the number of managed care
organization discharges times the managed care organization indirect medical
education payment per discharge. The indirect medical education payment per
discharge is calculated as follows. Subtotal each teaching hospital's
fee-for-service inpatient acute indirect medical education prior year payments.
Subtotal each teaching hospital's fee-for-service inpatient covered prior state
fiscal year charges. Divide each teaching hospital's indirect medical education
payments, by covered prior state fiscal year charges. Multiply this ratio times
the covered charges in managed care organization paid claims in the base year.
Divide this amount by the number of managed care organization paid claims in
the base year.
Capital-related cost payments for the building and fixtures portion of
capital-related costs are paid on a per discharge basis. Per discharge amounts
are calculated by multiplying the capital per diem cost by the statewide
average length-of-stay for the diagnosis related group. Capital-related payment
per diem amounts effective July 1, 2009 are calculated for Peer Group 1, 2 and
3 hospitals based on the capital-related payment per diem amounts effective
during state fiscal year 2007, adjusted for budget neutrality, as follows: Peer
Group 1 Capital-Related Payment Per Diem Amounts: Multiply the state fiscal
year 2007 Peer Group 1 Capital-related payment per diem amount of $ 36.00 by
the Stable diagnosis related group budget neutrality factor. Peer Group 2
Capital-Related Payment Per Diem Amounts: Multiply the state fiscal year 2007
Peer Group 2 Capital-related payment per diem amount of $ 31.00 by the stable
diagnosis related group budget neutrality factor. Peer Group 3 Capital-Related
Payment Per Diem Amounts: Multiply the state fiscal year 2007 Peer Group 3
Capital-related payment per diem amount of $ 18.00 by the Stable diagnosis
related group budget neutrality factor. Capital Related Per Diem Amounts are
subject to annual adjustments as specified by the Department.
RELATED GROUP PAYMENTS. Transplant discharges, identified as
discharges that are classified to a transplant diagnosis related group, are
paid a transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratio payment and, if
applicable, a direct medical education payment. Transplant diagnosis related
group discharges do not receive separate cost outlier payments, independent
medical examination cost payments or capital-related cost payments.
related group cost-to-charge ratio payments are calculated by multiplying the
hospital-specific transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratio by
Medicaid allowed claim charges. Transplant diagnosis related group
cost-to-charge ratio are calculated as follows: Extract from the centers for
Medicare and Medicaid services prospective payment system Inpatient pricer
program for each hospital the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system
operating and capital outlier cost to charge effective October 1 of the year
preceding the beginning of the Nebraska rate year. For rates effective October
1, 2009, the Department will extract the outlier cost-to-charge ratio in effect
for the Medicare system on October 1, 2008; sum the operating and capital
outlier cost-to-charge ratio; multiply the sum of the operating and capital
outlier cost-to-charge ratios by the transplant diagnosis related group budget
neutrality factor. On July 1 of each year, the Department will update the
Transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratios based on the
percentage change in Medicare outlier cost-to-charge ratios effective October 1
of the two previous years, before budget neutrality adjustments. Effective July
1, 2011, the transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratios will be
reduced by 2.5%. Effective July 1, 2012, the transplant diagnosis related group
cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by 1.54%. Effective July 1, 2013, the
transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by
2.25%. Effective July 1, 2014, the transplant diagnosis related group
cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by 2.25%. Effective July 1, 2015, the
transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by
2%. Effective July 1, 2016, the transplant diagnosis related group
cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by 2%. Effective July 31, 2019, the
transplant diagnosis related group cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by
2%. Effective July 1, 2020, the transplant diagnosis related group
cost-to-charge ratios will be increased by 2%.
Transplant diagnosis related group direct medical education payments are
calculated using the same methodology described in subsection this chapter,
with the exception that in step 4, direct medical education per discharge
payment amounts are adjusted by the transplant diagnosis related group budget
neutrality factor. On July 1st of each year, the
Department will update transplant direct medical education payment per
discharge rates as described in this regulation. On July
1st of each year, the Department will update
transplant diagnosis related group direct medical education payment per
discharge rates as described in this chapter.
FACTORS. Peer Group Base Payment Amounts, are multiplied by budget
neutrality factors, determined as follows:
SIMULATION ANALYSIS. The Department will develop a fiscal
simulation analysis using Medicaid inpatient fee-for-service paid claims data
from state fiscal year 2011. The fiscal simulation analysis includes discharges
grouped into a diagnosis related group and excludes all psychiatric,
rehabilitation and transplant discharges. In the fiscal simulation analysis,
the Department will apply all rate year payment rates before budget neutrality
adjustments to the claims data and simulate payments.
NEUTRALITY FACTORS. The Department will set budget neutrality
factors in fiscal simulation analysis such that simulated payments are equal to
the claims data reported payments, inflated by Peer Group Base Payment Amount
increases approved by the Department from the end of the claims data period to
the rate year. For rates effective July 1, 2014, the Department will inflate
the state fiscal year 2011 base rates by 61.05%.
PAYMENT LIMIT. Facilities in Peer Groups 1, 2, and 3 are subject
to an upper payment limit for all cost reporting periods ending after January
1, 2001. For each cost reporting period, Medicaid payment for inpatient
hospital services shall not exceed 110% of Medicaid cost. Medicaid cost shall
be the calculated sum of Medicaid allowable inpatient routine and ancillary
service costs. Medicaid routine service costs are calculated by allocating
total hospital routine service costs for each applicable routine service cost
center Medicaid inpatient ancillary service costs are calculated by multiplying
an overall ancillary cost-to-charge ratio times the applicable Medicaid program
inpatient ancillary charges. The overall ancillary cost-to-charge ratio is
calculated by dividing the sum of the costs of all ancillary and outpatient
service cost centers by the sum of the charges for all ancillary and outpatient
service cost centers. Payments shall include all operating cost payments,
capital related cost payments, direct medical education cost payments, indirect
medical education cost payments, cost outlier payments, and all payments
received from other sources for hospital care provided to Medicaid eligible
patients. Payment under Medicaid shall constitute reimbursements under this
subsection for days of service that occurred during the cost reporting period.
FACILITY UPPER PAYMENT LIMIT. Facilities will be subject to a
preliminary and a final reconciliation of Medicaid payments to allowable
Medicaid costs. A preliminary reconciliation will be made within six months
following receipt by the Department of the facility's cost report. A
reconciliation will be made within 6 months following receipt by the Department
of the facilities settled cost report. Facilities will be notified when either
the preliminary or final reconciliation indicates that the facility received
Medicaid payments in excess of 110% of Medicaid costs. The Department will
identify the cost reporting time period for Medicaid payments, Medicaid costs,
and the amount of overpayment that is due the Department. Facilities will have
90 days to make refunds to the Department, when notified that an overpayment
has occurred.
TRANSFERS. When a patient is transferred to or from
another hospital, the Department shall make a transfer payment to the
transferring hospital if the initial admission is determined to be medically
necessary. For hospital inpatient services reimbursed on a prospective
discharge basis, the transfer payment is calculated based on the average daily
rate of the transferring hospital's payment for each day the patient remains in
that hospital, up to 100 % of the full diagnosis related group payment. The
average daily rate is calculated as the full diagnosis related group payment,
which is the sum of the operating cost payment amount, capital-related cost
payment, and if applicable, direct medical education cost payment, divided by
the statewide average length-of-stay for the related diagnosis related group.
For hospitals receiving a transferred patient, payment is the full diagnosis
related group payment and, if applicable, cost outlier payment.
AFTER OUTPATIENT SERVICES. A patient may be admitted to the
hospital as an inpatient after receiving hospital outpatient services. When a
patient is admitted as an inpatient within three calendar days of the day that
the hospital outpatient services were provided, all hospital outpatient
services related to the principal diagnosis are considered inpatient services
for billing and payment purposes. The day of the admission as an inpatient is
the first day of the inpatient hospitalization.
READMISSIONS. Medicaid adopts Medicare peer review
organization regulations to control increased admissions or reduced services.
All Medicaid patients readmitted as an inpatient within 31 days will be
reviewed by the Department or its designee. Payment may be denied if either
admissions or discharges are performed without medical justification as
determined medical review.
LONG-STAY PATIENTS. Medicaid's payment for hospital inpatient
services is made upon the patient's discharge from the hospital. Occasionally,
a patient may have an extremely long stay, in which partial reimbursement to
the hospital may be necessary. A hospital may request an interim payment if the
patient has been hospitalized 60 days and is expected to remain hospitalized an
additional 60 days. To request an interim payment, the hospital shall send a
completed Form HCFA-1450, UB-92, for the hospital days for which the interim
payment is being requested with an attestation by the attending physician that
the patient has been hospitalized a minimum of 60 days and is expected to
remain hospitalized a minimum of an additional 60 days. The hospital shall send
the request for interim payment to the Department of Health and Human Services
Finance and Support. The hospital will be notified in writing if the request
for interim payment is denied.
payment is made for long-stay patients, the hospital shall submit a final
billing for payment upon discharge of the patient. The date of admission for
the final billing must be the date the patient was admitted to the hospital as
an inpatient. The statement from and to dates must be the date the patient was
admitted to the hospital through the date the patient was discharged. The total
charges must be all charges incurred during the hospitalization. Payment for
the entire hospitalization will be calculated at the same rate as all
prospective discharge payments. The final payment will be reduced by the amount
of the interim payment.
NON-PHYSICIAN ANESTHETIST FEES. Hospitals which meet the Medicare
exception for payment of certified registered nurse anesthetist fees as a
pass-through by Medicare will be paid for certified registered nurse
anesthetist fees in addition to their prospective per discharge payment. The
additional payment will equal 85% of the hospital's costs for certified
registered nurse anesthetist services. Costs will be calculated using the
hospital's specific anesthesia cost-to-charge ratio. Certified registered nurse
anesthetist fees must be billed using revenue code 964 - Professional Fees
Anesthetist on the HCFA-1450, UB-92, claim form.