Payment for services to all special needs clients must be
prior authorized by Department staff in the Central Office.
FACILITIES. To establish a Nebraska facility's payment rate for
care of special needs clients:
(A) The
facility must submit Form FA-66, Long Term Care Cost Report, to the Department
for each fiscal year ending June 30. Medicare cost reporting forms may be
substituted when Form FA-66 is not otherwise required to be submitted. Form
FA-66 must be completed in accordance with this chapter, Completion of Form
FA-66, Long Term Care Cost Report, Rates for Nursing Facility Services, as
applicable. Medicare cost reports must be completed in accordance with
Medicare's Provider Reimbursement Manual (HIM15). If the facility provides both
nursing facility services and special needs services, direct accounting, or
cost allocations necessary to distribute costs between the nursing facility and
the special needs unit must be approved by the Department;
(B) The Department shall compute the
allowable cost per day from the most recent State fiscal year Form FA-66 or the
most recent Medicare cost report, as applicable, which will be the basis from
which a prospective rate is negotiated. Payment for fixed costs is limited to
the lower of the individual facility's fixed cost per diem or a maximum per
diem of $54.00 excluding personal property and real estate taxes. Negotiations
may include, but are not limited to, discussion of appropriate inflation or
deflation expectations for the rate period and significant increases or
decreases in the cost of providing services that are not reflected in the
applicable cost report;
(C) If the
facility has no prior cost experience in providing special needs services, the
facility must submit a budget for the provision of the intended service. The
Department must concur that the budgeted cost per day meets a reasonable
expectation of the cost of providing said service, taking into account the cost
per day of similar facilities providing similar services. Budgets will be used
until the facility has at least six months of actual cost experience;
(D) An incentive factor calculated at eight
per cent of allowable costs is added to the allowable costs of proprietary
facilities. An incentive factor calculated at four percent of allowable costs
is added to the allowable costs of other than propriety facilities;
(E) After a rate is agreed upon, the provider
must sign a provider agreement addendum. The addendum originated by the
Department, must include:
(i) The rate and its
applicable dates;
(ii) A
description of the criteria for care; and
(iii) A full description of the services to
be provided under the established per diem as well as any services that are not
provided under the per diem and are billed separately; and
(F) Reimbursement must reflect the facility's
actual reasonable cost of providing services to special needs clients and must
be updated annually using an appropriate inflation
OUT-OF-STATE FACILITIES. The Department pays
out-of-state facilities participating in Medicaid at the rates established by
that state's Medicaid program for nursing facility days, bed hold days and
therapeutic leave days at the time of establishment of the Medicaid provider
agreement. The rates are periodically updated to align with the current and
applicable rates assigned by the out-of-state facility's State Medicaid