Nebraska Administrative Code

Current through September 17, 2024

When an individual requests admission to or continuous residence in a Medicaid-certified nursing facility (NF), the facility must implement the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) as defined in this chapter. An individual who has an indication or diagnosis of serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, or a dual diagnosis may be admitted to a nursing facility (NF) or continue to reside in a nursing facility (NF) only when the individual is determined to be appropriate for nursing facility (NF) services through the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR). The preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) provides the following to an individual with a diagnosis or indication of serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, or a dual diagnosis:

(A) A determination whether the individual has serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, or a dual diagnosis;

(B) A determination whether the level of services provided by a nursing facility (NF) is appropriate to meet the individual's needs; and

(C) A recommendation for services that addresses the individual's needs in a nursing facility (NF) or in an alternative placement.

006.01 PURPOSE OF THE PREADMISSION SCREENING AND RESIDENT REVIEW (PASRR). The purpose of the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) is to:

(A) Determine the appropriateness of nursing facility (NF) care for persons with serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, or a dual diagnosis;

(B) Prevent the placement of individuals with serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, or a dual diagnosis in nursing facilities unless their medical needs clearly indicate that they require the level of care (LOC) provided by a nursing facility (NF);

(C) Coordinate services needs among the health care industry and the mental health and developmental disability systems;

(D) Comply with state and federal requirements mandating an evaluation process that facilitates the nursing facility's (NF) responsibility to provide services and activities to attain and maintain the highest practical physical, mental, and psychosocial wellbeing of each resident; and

(E) Assist with the placement of persons found inappropriate for nursing facility (NF) care into more appropriate, least restrictive services.

006.02 LEVEL I SCREEN. A preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) is required to be submitted to the Department for:

(1) All persons who have requested admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF);

(2) Any request for a first time admission or readmission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF) for a resident who has been treated in an inpatient psychiatric setting or equally intensive service, including the crisis unit, and when the Department contractor has determined that the individual qualifies for such preadmission review per criteria provided in this chapter;

(3) Was previously formally discharged from a nursing facility (NF) and is applying for admission to the same or another Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF);

(4) Was evaluated through the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) Level II process more than 90 days before admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF);

(5) Was screened as a negative Level I but whose placement was delayed longer than 60 days from the previous Level I screen; and

(6) When a status change event occurs as specified below.

006.02(A) STATUS CHANGE. For the purpose of this chapter, the term "status change" references the obligation to complete a new Level I preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation. The status change process is required for all nursing facility (NF) residents who:
(i) Have previously been screened with a negative outcome through the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) process but have been determined to exhibit signs, symptoms, or behaviors suggesting the presence of a diagnosis of serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related conditions;

(ii) Have demonstrated an increase in symptoms or behaviors to the extent that there is a change in mental health or intellectual disability treatment needs;

(iii) Have demonstrated a significant physical status improvement such that they are more likely to respond to special treatment for that condition or may be considered appropriate for a less restrictive placement alternative;

(iv) Have required inpatient psychiatric treatment. A Level II status change is required prior to the individual's readmission to the facility;

(v) Have been approved for nursing facility (NF) stay for a short term period and the individual's stay is expected to exceed the approved time frame; or

(vi) Current condition or treatment is significantly different than described in the resident's current Level I or Level II determination.

006.03 LEVEL I IDENTIFICATION SCREEN OUTCOMES. The Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form must be submitted to the Department prior to an individual's admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF) and under those circumstances specified above. Outcomes are as follows:

(A) Negative screens - Negative Level I screen means the results of a Level I screen that indicate the individual does not require a Level II evaluation;

(B) Positive Level I screen means results of a Level I screen which indicate that an individual falls within federal requirements for a mandatory Level II evaluation;

(C) Questionable screens - In cases where information suggests the possibility of a serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related condition, the referral source must submit medical records information with the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form, as applicable, to clarify the presence or absence of the suspected disorder. When an individual's condition suggests that some but not all criteria are met to qualify as mental illness or intellectual disability or related condition under the criteria provided in this chapter, the Department will exclude the individual from the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) Level II process and will forward notification to the referral source indicating that any later status change suggesting full qualification for such a condition should be forwarded to the Department for consideration of Level II need;

(D) Exempted hospital discharges and categorical determination - Requests for exemptions or categorical decisions must include supportive documentation. Both the exempted hospital discharge provision and the categorical determination options allow the individual to be admitted to a nursing facility (NF) without requiring performance of an on-site Level II evaluation. The options are indicated on the Nebraska Categorical Determinations and Exemptions form which offer either short term or categorical approvals, based upon certain presenting circumstances. Short term options allow for only brief admission, whereby further contact must be made with the Department to initiate re-screening through the Level I and arrangements for the Level II if the individual's stay is expected to exceed the approved time frame; and

(E) Positive Level I Screen - The reviewing agent will request medical records information which sufficiently supports that the individual meets criteria for a preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation as indicated in this chapter. If the individual is identified as potentially having an intellectual disability or related condition, the Level I review agency will additionally request information regarding whether the presence of intellectual disability has been clinically diagnosed through psychological testing.

006.04 TRANSFERS. A nursing facility (NF) to nursing facility (NF) transfer does not require the completion of a new Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form or the completion of a new Level II preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation if the transferring facility has completed the appropriate preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) screening. The discharging facility must send a copy of the most recent Level I or II, as applicable, screening information to the admitting facility at the time of transfer. The Level II determination applies to nursing facility (NF) services and is not facility-specific. The only exception is for a nursing facility (NF) that is providing specialized services approved through a current Level II determination. If the client transfers to another nursing facility (NF) and the same specialized service cannot be provided, these determinations may not be transferred from one facility to another.


006.05(A) IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. An individual is considered to have a serious mental illness (SMI) and requires a Level II preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation if the individual meets all three of the following three indicators:
(1) Diagnosis indicator: The individual has a psychiatric diagnosis which, by accepted clinical standards, is determined to be a serious and persistent psychiatric condition, diagnosable under the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The mental disorder must be characterized as likely to lead to a chronic disability but cannot be a primary psychiatric diagnosis of dementia or a related disorder. For the purpose of this definition, Alzheimer's and organic disorders are considered related disorders to dementia. If dementia or a related disorder co-exists with a serious and persistent serious mental illness which is not a dementia, the dementia or related disorder must be predominant and progressive to exempt the co-occurring psychiatric condition from this indicator;

(2) Impairment and behavior indicators: Within the past six months, the psychiatric disorder has resulted in functional limitations in one or more of the following major life activities on a continuing or intermittent basis:
(a) Serious difficulty interacting appropriately and communicating effectively with other persons. Examples of such difficulty may include but are not limited to, possible history of altercations, evictions, firing, fear of strangers, avoidance of interpersonal relationships, and social isolation;

(b) Serious difficulty in sustaining focused attention for a sufficient period to complete tasks for which they should be medically capable. Examples of such difficulty may include but are not limited to concentration difficulties, inability to complete simple tasks within an established time period, frequent errors related to task completion, or need for assistance in completion of tasks; or

(c) Serious difficulty adapting to typical changes in circumstances. Examples of such difficulty may include but are not limited to agitation, exacerbated signs and symptoms of the psychiatric condition, withdrawal from the situation, or need for intervention by the mental health or judicial system.

(3) Duration of recent treatment: The treatment history indicates that the individual has experienced at least one of the following:
(a) Psychiatric treatment more intensive than outpatient care once within the past two years for a nursing facility (NF) resident or more than once in the past two years for a nursing facility (NF) applicant;

(b) Within the last two years, due to the mental disorder, experienced a major episode of significant disruption to the normal living situation, for which supportive services were required to maintain functioning at home or in a residential treatment environment, or which resulted in intervention by housing or law enforcement officials. For the purpose of this definition, major episodes of significant disruption may include an involuntary psychiatric hospitalization, suicidal attempts or gestures, 1:1 monitoring, or other issues which are safety-related or involved; or

(c) Within the past two years, residence in a psychiatric hospital which required a period of hospitalization greater than that which is typically required for acute stabilization.

006.05(A)(i) INDICATORS. In addition to the criteria listed in above, the following indicators may be considered evidence of a serious mental illness:
(1) The individual has a history of a serious mental illness;

(2) There is presenting evidence of a serious mental illness which includes possible disturbances in orientation, affect, or mood, and the primary psychiatric condition is not dementia, Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder. "Primary" means that the symptoms of the dementia supersede symptoms of any co-occurring psychiatric condition; and

(3) The individual has been prescribed a psychoactive medication on a regular basis, expressly for the indicators identified above.

006.05(A)(ii) DEMENTIA, ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE, OR RELATED DISORDER. An individual is considered not to require a preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) Level II psychiatric evaluation if dementia or a related disorder can be ranked as primary over any additional co-occurring psychiatric disorders, where present, and the dementing condition meets established clinical standards specified in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. In circumstances of dementia which co-occurs with other physical conditions but is said to be the primary psychiatric disorder, the facility must make a reasonable effort to provide documentation to the Department that the dementing condition is primary. If one of two psychiatric disorders is dementia, Alzheimer's disease, or a related disorder and the other psychiatric disorder is a serious mental illness, the Level II evaluation will be required if the facility cannot provide sufficient data to support a clear clinical ranking of primary dementia. For purposes of preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR), the neurological examination may be completed by a medical doctor. The physician's findings must be clearly substantiated and must focus on a physical examination and a psychological examination including mental status and cognitive functioning. Although a neurological examination on its own may corroborate a diagnosis of dementia, these examinations are not determinative alone. Other factors may be considered.

006.05(B) IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY OR A RELATED CONDITION. An individual is considered to have an intellectual Disability or a related condition and requires a Level II evaluation if the individual meets any of the following criteria:
(1) Suspicion or diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID): An individual is considered to have intellectual disability if he or she has a level of intellectual disability as described in the American Association on Mental Deficiency's Manual or Classification in Mental Deficiency (1983). Intellectual Disability refers to significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period; or

(2) Suspicion or presence of a Related Condition or Developmental Disability: Related condition is defined as a severe, chronic disability whose condition is:
(a) Attributable to cerebral palsy or epilepsy; or any other condition, other than mental illness (MI), found to be closely related to intellectual disability (ID) because the condition results in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of a person with intellectual disability (ID) and requires treatment or services similar to those required for such persons;

(b) Manifested before the person reached age 22;

(c) Likely to continue indefinitely;

(d) Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
(i) Self-care;

(ii) Understanding and use of language;

(iii) Learning;

(iv) Mobility;

(v) Self-direction; or

(vi) Capacity for independent living.

006.05(B)(i) NO KNOWN DIAGNOSIS. In the absence of a known diagnosis of intellectual disability or a related condition, a suspicion or history of treatment by an agency serving individuals with such conditions should trigger the housing or receiving facility to contact the Department for a determination of need for Level II evaluation under the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) program.

006.06 NEGATIVE SCREENS. If a client does not require a Level II evaluation and is admitted to the nursing facility (NF), the facility must retain a copy of the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form in the resident's permanent nursing facility (NF) record.

006.06(A) MEDICAID PAYMENT. If a Medicaid-eligible client does not require a Level II evaluation and is admitted to the nursing facility (NF), Medicaid payment for nursing facility (NF) services can begin no earlier than the date of the Level I preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) screen is completed.

006.07 CATEGORICAL DETERMINATIONS AND EXEMPTIONS. If the results of a Level I screen, based on current medical documentation, indicate that an individual has a diagnosis or an indication of serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, and meets one of the following conditions, the individual qualifies for a categorical determination, or an exempted hospital stay and does not require an on-site Level II evaluation prior to nursing facility (NF) admission. Admission to the nursing facility (NF) for an individual qualifying under a categorical determination or extended hospital stay may proceed only after approval is provided by Department. Options include:

(1) Categorical emergency seven day - The individual is being admitted pending further assessment in an emergency situation requiring protective services for a period not to exceed seven calendar days. Before admission can occur, documentation or verbal description of emergency need must be provided to, and approval must be secured by the Department. The Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and Categorical Determination and Exemptions form must be submitted along with the above. If it is determined that the individual's stay in the nursing facility (NF) will continue beyond the approved seven-day time frame, the receiving facility must contact the Department as soon as the determination is made that continued stay will be required and no later than the seventh calendar day following admission, in order to arrange an on-site Level II evaluation;

(2) Categorical respite 30 day - The individual is being admitted to provide respite care for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days for in-home caregivers to whom the individual is expected to return. Before admission can occur, documentation supporting the need for respite services placement must be provided along with the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and Categorical Determination and Exemptions form to the Department. If it is determined that the individual's stay in the nursing facility (NF) will continue beyond the approved 30-day time frame, the receiving facility must contact the Department as soon as the determination is made that continued stay will be required and no later than the 30th calendar day following admission, in order to arrange an on-site Level II evaluation;

(3) Categorical progressed dementia with intellectual disability or related condition: The individual has intellectual disability or a related condition along with a co-occurring diagnosis of progressed dementia, Alzheimer's disease or related disorder. Both of the following must also be present: The diagnosis of dementia, Alzheimer's disease or related disorder must be considered the primary diagnosis and the individual must be considered to be in the advanced stages of this condition and no longer able to meaningfully participate in or benefit from a program of specialized services. Before admission can occur, medical records information which supports that the individual qualifies under this criterion must be provided to the Department or contractor along with Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and Categorical Determination and Exemptions form;

(4) Categorical serious medical - The individual's medical condition renders him or her unable to benefit from a plan of specialized services and clearly meets criteria for nursing facility (NF) care. Applicable conditions include: coma, ventilator dependence, brain stem injury, or end-stage medical condition. In order to qualify, medical records information which support that the individual qualifies under this criterion must be provided along with Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and the Categorical Determination and Exemptions form to the Department before the individual's admission can occur; or

(5) Exempted hospital discharge - Federal regulations also offer an exemption from the Level II preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) process for individuals with serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related conditions who are being discharged from the hospital to the nursing facility (NF) for a nursing facility (NF) stay which is expected to not exceed 30 calendar days. The hospital must complete the Categorical Determinations and Exemptions form with a physician's certification to indicate necessity. Qualifying criteria for the exempted hospital discharge exemption are as follows:
(a) The individual meets criteria for serious mental illness or intellectual disability or a related condition as described in this chapter;

(b) The individual is being admitted to a nursing facility (NF) directly from a hospital after receiving acute inpatient medical care at the hospital, excluding inpatient psychiatric care;

(c) The individual requires nursing facility (NF) services for the condition for which they received care; and

(d) The individual's attending physician has certified on the hospital discharge orders or the nursing facility (NF) admission orders that admission to the nursing facility (NF) is likely to require less than 30 days of nursing facility (NF) services.

(6) 60 day convalescent option: The 60 day convalescent option is an allowable categorical exemption for an individual with a serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related condition. To qualify, the individual must require nursing facility level of care (NF LOC) following hospitalization from an acute physical illness and does not meet all of the criteria for an exempted hospital discharge exemption as defined above.
006.07(A) DOCUMENTATION OF CATEGORICAL DETERMINATIONS AND EXEMPTED HOSPITAL DISCHARGE. The facility must submit the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and Categorical Determination and Exemptions form with documentation supporting the request to the Department before admission for an individual with serious mental illness, intellectual disability, or a related condition may occur.

006.07(B) STAY BEYOND SPECIFIED LIMITS. If the individual with serious mental illness, intellectual disability, or a related condition qualified for a categorical determination or an exempted hospital discharge which involved a time limited admission, the Department must be contacted if the stay is expected to exceed the approved time frame and no later than the conclusion of the approved time frame in order to arrange an on-site subsequent Level II evaluation. The facility must coordinate such a contact through submission of an updated Level I preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) to the Department. The on-site Level II evaluation will be completed by the fifth business day from the Level II referral date. Medicaid payment is not allowed beyond the specified time limits if a Level I status change is not completed and sent to the Department prior to the conclusion of the time frame.

006.07(C) MEDICAID PAYMENT. If the documentation supports the categorical determination or exemption, Medicaid payment can begin no earlier than the date the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) is completed. If the documentation does not support the categorical determination, a Level II evaluation must be initiated immediately. Medicaid payment can begin no earlier than the date of the Level II determination.

006.08 INDIVIDUALS WHO REQUIRE A LEVEL II EVALUATION. Following the first time identification when an individual requires a Level II evaluation, the Department will notify the individual or their legal representative that they have an indication or diagnosis of serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related condition and are being referred for a Level II evaluation. The nursing facility (NF), hospital, or other party must submit the signed release of information to the Department prior to conducting the Level II evaluation. If the Department determines that additional information is required to determine whether the individual has a condition warranting a Level II preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation, the referring source must submit requested information to the Department by the request deadline. Failure to provide requested information by the request deadline may result in a cancelled preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) determination review. Subsequently, a new Level I preadmission screening and resident review will be required to be submitted for review. The nursing facility (NF) retains a copy of the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Level I form and the Release of Information form in the resident's permanent file.

006.08(A) MEDICAID PAYMENT. If a Medicaid-eligible client requires a Level II evaluation and is admitted to the nursing facility (NF), Medicaid payment for nursing facility (NF) services can begin no earlier than the date of the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) final determination. If the initial Level II determination approval was time limited, continued payment will be allowed provided that a status change preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) is submitted to the Department or its agent and the individual is determined to meet nursing facility (NF) preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) placement criteria no later than the expiration date of the initial Level II evaluation.

006.08(B) ADMISSION TO A NEBRASKA FACILITY FROM ANOTHER STATE. The nursing facility (NF) must notify the Department of potential admissions and must complete the Nebraska Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) form and, as applicable, the Categorical Determinations and Exemptions form prior to the individual's admission to a Nebraska Medicaid-certified nursing facility (NF). If the individual is determined by the Department to require a Level II evaluation, the Level II determination must be completed before the applicant may be transferred to the Nebraska facility. In circumstances where the Department is unable to arrange an on-site evaluation in the transferring individual's home state, the Department must request medical records information to make document-based determination of need for nursing facility (NF) and need for specialized services, if indicated. If unable to make a determination of nursing facility (NF) need based upon Medicaid nursing facility level of care (NF LOC) criteria, Medicaid coverage for nursing facility (NF) services for the individual will be denied.

006.08(C) ADMISSION OF NEBRASKA RESIDENTS TO OUT-OF-STATE FACILITIES. If an individual is transferring from the State of Nebraska to an out-of-state Medicaid-certified nursing facility (NF), the preadmission process including the Level II evaluation, if required, must be completed before the individual leaves the state.

006.09 LEVEL II EVALUATION. The Level II evaluation process determines:

(1) Whether the individual has serious mental illness or intellectual disability or related condition as defined by federal regulations and as defined within this chapter;

(2) Whether the level of services provided by a nursing facility (NF) or another institutional placement is appropriate to meet the individual's needs; and

(3) For applicants determined to require nursing facility (NF) placement and for all evaluated nursing facility (NF) residents services which are required to meet the evaluated individual's needs are the responsibility of the receiving or retaining facility, except for specialized services, which are the responsibility of the State.

006.09(A) RETURNING FROM RECEIVING INTENSIVE TREATMENT SERVICES FOR SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. If an individual is returning to a nursing facility (NF) from receiving intensive treatment services for serious mental illness, a new Level I screen is required to determine further screening requirements. If the Level I screen indicates that the individual meets serious mental illness criteria as indicated in this chapter, a Level II summary of findings report must be issued. The summary may be based upon a document-based review of the psychiatric facility's medical records, if an on-site Level II assessment was performed within the 90-day period and current documentation supports that the individual is sufficiently stable. An on-site evaluation is required if an on-site Level II has not been performed within the prior 90-day period or if the documentation does not sufficiently indicate adequate psychiatric stabilization.

006.09(B) FACILITY ACTION. For each individual who requires a Level II evaluation, the nursing facility (NF), hospital, or other party must obtain medical records information. The referring source must submit the information to the Department so that a determination of Level II need can be made.

006.09(C) MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATOR ACTION. For each individual with an indication or diagnosis of serious mental illness, the evaluator must complete a comprehensive review, which contains medical, functional, and psychosocial information. The on-site evaluation and the final validation and Summary of Findings Report must be completed by the third business day of the referral for an evaluation by the Level I screening agency to the on-site evaluator. Following completion of the on-site evaluation, evaluative data will be reviewed and countersigned by a board-eligible or board-certified psychiatrist who will validate whether the individual has a serious mental illness, summarize the medical and social history, provide recommendations to meet the service needs, and provide recommendations regarding placement needs. The final Level II determination must be completed by the fifth business day from the date of the Level II referral.

006.09(D) INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY OR RELATED CONDITION EVALUATOR ACTION. For each individual with an indication of intellectual disability or a related condition, the evaluator will complete the on-site evaluation. The on-site evaluation and the final determination and Summary of Findings Report will be completed by the fifth business day of the referral. Intellectual testing will be administered to establish a diagnosis if:
(1) Lack of social-historical information from a third party knowledgeable of the individual;

(2) The individual is not currently or has not received services from a community-based developmental disability (DD) provider;

(3) The individual is not currently or was not placed in an intermediate care facility for individuals with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD); or

(4) No indication of previous intelligence quotient (IQ) testing is available.

006.09(D)(i) INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (IQ) TESTING. Intelligence quotient (IQ) testing will only be performed as a last resort to substantiate an intellectual disability or related condition diagnosis.

006.09(D)(ii) ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR. Adaptive behavior will always be assessed.

006.09(D)(iii) PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION REPORT. The psychological evaluation report must include the following information:
(1) Type of tests administered to determine intelligence quotient (IQ) score and adaptive behavior functioning;

(2) Test scores;

(3) Interpretation of the findings;

(4) Recommendation;

(5) Diagnosis;

(6) Discussion of any other diagnosis and tests used to substantiate these findings; and

(7) Summary of adaptive and functional levels.

006.09(D)(iv) PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION PROFESSIONALS. The psychological evaluation must be completed by licensed or certified professionals who meet one of the following criteria:
(a) A licensed psychologist;

(b) A licensed and certified clinical psychologist;

(c) A certified psychologist (Master of Science) in a clinical setting - a psychological evaluation completed by certified psychologist must be countersigned by a licensed and certified clinical psychologist;

(d) A certified counselor (Master of Arts) - a certified counselor can only complete psychological evaluations as specified by the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health's Bureau of Examining Board.

006.09(D)(iv)(1) LICENSE AND CERTIFICATION. All licensure and certifications must be current and approved according to the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health requirements.

006.09(D)(iv)(2) QUALIFIED INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY PROFESSIONAL. Medical, functionality and psychosocial information will be obtained by a qualified intellectual disability professional (QIDP). This protocol identifies the extent to which the individual's status compares with each of the following skill deficits typically associated with individuals with intellectual disability or related conditions:
(a) Ability to accomplish most self-care needs;

(b) Ability to comprehend simple commands;

(c) Ability to communicate most needs and wants;

(d) Ability to perform a task without systematic long term supervision or support;

(e) Ability to learn new skills without intensive, consistent training;

(f) Ability to apply skills learned in a training situation to other settings without intensive, consistent training;

(g) Ability to demonstrate behavior appropriate to the time, situation, or place without direct supervision;

(h) Demonstration of severe maladaptive behaviors which place the individual or others in jeopardy to health and safety;

(i) Ability or extreme difficulty in making decisions requiring informed consent;

(j) Other skill deficits or specialized training needs which necessitate the availability of trained intellectual disability (ID) personnel, 24 hours per day, to teach the individual functional skills; and

(k) Ability to commute independently.

006.09(E) PARTICIPATION IN THE LEVEL II EVALUATION. The mental health or qualified intellectual disability professional (QIDP) evaluator must contact the retaining facility to coordinate the time and date of the on-site evaluation and to assure that the release of information form has been completed and signed as required. If the individual has a legal representative, the facility must notify the legal representative of the scheduled assessment time and date and invite him or her to participate. The family also must receive notification from the facility of the pending evaluation and be allowed to participate, if available, with consent from the individual or their legal representative.

006.09(F) PRE-EXISTING DATA. Relevant evaluative data collected prior to the Level II evaluation may be used if the data is considered accurate and reflects the current functional status of the individual. To supplement existing data, the mental health reviewer or qualified intellectual disability professional (QIDP) must gather additional information necessary to assess proper placement and treatment.

006.10 HALTING THE LEVEL II EVALUATION. If, at any time during the Level II evaluation, it is found that the individual does not meet criteria for serious mental illness or intellectual disability or a related condition, the Level II evaluation must be halted and admission to the nursing facility (NF) can proceed according to standard procedures for admission. A halted Level II preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation means that a nursing facility level of care (NF LOC) was not determined. If the individual's status changes, later suggesting the presence of serious mental illness or intellectual disability or a related condition, the Level I must be resubmitted to the Department as a status change.

006.11 FINAL DETERMINATION CRITERIA. The Department or contractor must use the following criteria to make the final determination for each individual who requires a Level II evaluation.

006.11(A) APPROPRIATE FOR NURSING FACILITY (NF) SERVICES. An individual with serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, is considered appropriate for Nursing Facility services if it is determined through a Level II evaluation that:
(i) Nursing needs are primary and may include treatment and monitoring of the individual's medical needs, a protective structured environment, assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), nursing supervision, and monitoring to avoid further deterioration or complications;

(ii) Nursing needs outweigh the individual's capacity for living in a less restrictive setting and require technical or professional nursing supervision on a 24-hour basis;

(iii) Mental health needs do not require specialized services but may require mental health services as part of the overall plan of care, to include but not limited to services such as medication monitoring, counseling and therapy, consultations with a psychiatrist; or

(iv) Intellectual disability or related condition needs do not require intensive treatment services but may require intellectual disability or related condition services as part of the overall plan of care, to include but not limited to services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, and social or recreational activities.

006.11(B) INAPPROPRIATE FOR NURSING FACILITY (NF) SERVICES. An individual with serious mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition, is considered inappropriate for nursing facility (NF) services if it is determined through a Level II evaluation that they do not require nursing facility (NF) services but do require:
(i) Inpatient psychiatric treatment or equally intensive services;

(ii) Mental health, intellectual disability or developmentally disabled services at a level which is defined in this chapter as intensive treatment services; or

(iii) Alternative services.

006.12 NOTIFICATION OF FINAL DETERMINATION. The Department or its agent must make a final determination after reviewing the information obtained from the Level II evaluation and provide a Summary of Findings report indicating the results of the Level II evaluation. The nursing facility (NF) must incorporate all recommendations included in the Summary of Findings into the resident's plan of care and update facility records with current diagnosis and other information resulting from the evaluation.

006.13 CHOICE. Individuals who have resided in a nursing facility (NF) for 30 continuous months may elect continued nursing facility (NF) residence if the preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) evaluation determines that nursing facility (NF) care is inappropriate but specialized services, which can be provided by the State in the nursing facility (NF), as needed. The 30 months of continuous residence is calculated back from the first preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) determination which found that the individual was not in need of nursing facility (NF) care. The initial choice provision and alternative placement options must be explained as appropriate. If the individual chooses to remain in the nursing facility (NF) under the choice provision, the nursing facility (NF) is required to incorporate the care recommendations into the overall plan of care as with any other individual who requires the Level II evaluation. Subsequent decisions of the choice option will be explained in written form to the individual or legal representative and will include a toll-free number if further explanation is needed or if the individual or legal representative chooses to reevaluate that option. Inquiries for further placement option discussion will be referred to the community-based developmental disability service provider (CBDDSP) or the behavioral health regions (BHR) by the Department or its agent for an on-site discussion. The choice stays with the individual until their status changes, including a change in determination from inappropriate for nursing facility (NF) care to appropriate for nursing facility (NF) care, a denial of specialized services, or if the individual leaves the nursing facility (NF). When a new admission occurs, a new Level II determination will be made.

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