Nebraska Administrative Code
Section 392-1-001 - DEFINITIONS
Current through September 17, 2024
For use within the Child Care Subsidy Program, the following definitions apply:
001.01 APPLICANT. An individual applying for child care subsidy benefits.
001.02 APPLICATION. The action by which the individual indicates the desire to receive assistance by submission of an application.
001.03 APPLICATION SIGNATURE. Applications may be signed in writing, telephonically, or by electronic signature.
001.04 CHILD CARE. The provision of care:
001.05 CHILD CARE CENTER. A facility licensed to provide child care for 13 or more children.
001.06 CHILD CARE PROGRAM. A licensed child care center, a licensed family child care home I & II, a caretaker who provides care for a child in the child's home, a relative who provides care solely for a related child, or a license exempt child care home.
001.07 CHILD CARE PROVIDER. An individual or agency that has:
001.08 CURRENT FAMILY. Those individuals and family members who are current recipients of an Aid to Dependent Children grant and those individuals whose needs were taken into account in determining the needs of Aid to Dependent Children recipients. This includes families where one or more members are not included in the Aid to Dependent Children unit because of receipt of Supplemental Security or Assistance to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled.
001.09 EARNED INCOME. Earned income is money received from wages, tips, salaries, commissions, self-employment, or items of need received in lieu of wages.
001.10 FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME I. A licensed child care operation in the provider's place of residence which serves at least four but no more than eight children at any one time. A Family Child Care Home I provider may be approved to serve no more than two additional school-aged children during non-school hours.
001.11 FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME II. A licensed child care operation either in the provider's place of residence or a site other than the residence, serving 12 or fewer children at any one time.
001.12 HOMELESSNESS. As defined by Subtitle Vll-B of the McKinney-Vento Act.
001.13 INFANT. A child age zere six weeks to 18 months.
001.14 IN-HOME CHILD CARE. Care provided to a child in the child's own home.
001.15 IN-KIND INCOME. In-kind income is any non-monetary consideration received by an individual in place of income for services provided or as payment of an obligation and is not considered.
001.16 IRREGULAR INCOME. Irregular income is small, unpredictable income, earned or unearned, which varies in amount from month to month, not computable, or which is received at irregular intervals. This may be due to irregular employment, but even when an individual works regularly, the income may be irregular because of factors such as seasonal increases or decreases in employment and earnings.
001.17 INTENTIONAL PROGRAM VIOLATION. Any action by an individual to intentionally:
001.18 LICENSE-EXEMPT FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME. A provider who is providing care in the provider's own home, serving a maximum of three children from different families, or six children from one family.
001.19 LOW INCOME FAMILY. A family unit whose income is within 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
001.20 LOW INCOME SLIDING FEE FAMILY. A family whose income exceeds 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level but is equal to or less than 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
001.21 PRESCHOOLER. A child age 36 months to school-age.
001.22 PROVIDER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. A nine-digit Federal Identification (FID) Number or a nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN).
001.23 RECIPIENT. An individual who has applied for and been approved to receive subsidy benefits for child care.
001.24 RELATIVE. Grandparent(s), great grandparent(s), step-grandparents, sibling(s) or step-siblings, aunt(s), and uncle(s).
001.25 SERVICE PROVIDER ENROLLMENT FORM. A legally binding document describing the service(s) to be provided, the agreed-upon unit(s), and the unit rate(s) for each provider. The responsibilities of the provider are stated in the enrollment form.
001.26 SCHOOL-AGED CHILD. A child who attends kindergarten or above.
001.27 SLIDING FEE. A monthly out of pocket expense based on a percentage of the household's gross income for all of the household's children enrolled in the subsidy program.
001.28 SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD. A child will be considered to be special needs if the child's independence, self-sufficiency, and safety is dependent on others and requires extra supervision, care, or assistance in the child care setting due to the following behavioral, emotional, or physical conditions:
001.29 TEMPORARY CHANGE. Is a change in need for child care service not exceeding three months.
001.30 TRANSITIONAL CHILD CARE FAMILY. A family whose income upon redetermination exceeds 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Level but is less than 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
001.31 TODDLER. A child age 18 months to 36 months.
001.32 WITHOUT REGARD TO INCOME FAMILY. A family who requires emergency Child Protective Services or requires Child Protective Family Services.