Nebraska Administrative Code
Section 179-3-004 - COLIFORM SAMPLING

Current through September 17, 2024

The provisions of 179 NAC 3-004.01 and 3-004.04 are applicable through March 31, 2016. The provisions of 179 NAC 3-004.02, 3-004.03, 3-004.05, 3-004.06, and 3-004.07 are applicable until all required repeat monitoring under 179 NAC 3-004.02 and fecal coliform or E. coli testing under 179 NAC 3-004.05 that was initiated by a total coliform-positive sample taken before April 1, 2016 is completed, as well as analytical method, reporting, recordkeeping, public notification, and consumer confidence report requirements associated with that monitoring and testing. Beginning April 1, 2016, the provisions of 179 NAC 26 are applicable, with systems required to begin regular monitoring at the same frequency as the system-specific frequency required on March 31, 2016.

004.01 Routine Monitoring

3-004.01A The owners of public water systems must collect total coliform samples at sites which are representative of water throughout the distribution systems according to a written sample site plan. These plans are subject to review and revision by the Director. All biological samples must be mailed to the assigned laboratory through the U.S. Postal Service, with the owner paying the postage, unless the Director authorizes other means of transportation. The sample site plan must consist of sampling points at sites scattered throughout various zones of the distribution system. Each plan must provide for at least five sampling sites in each zone and there must be as many zones as the number of routine total coliform samples required each month up to 16 zones. Systems which are required to collect more than 16 samples per month may elect to have more than 16 zones, but it is not required. A map of the area served by the public water system, showing the distribution system and the boundaries of the various zones, labeled numerically, must be included in the plan. A list of all sampling sites, by name and address (or by a readily identifiable location) for each zone must be included with the map and, except for supplies having only one zone, the location of the sites need not be indicated on the map. All zones must be sampled monthly. The actual sites used within each zone must be varied on a scheduled rotation basis. Both the zone number and the site location must be noted on the laboratory report form by the person taking the sample. The owner of each community water systems (CWS) must update the system's sample site plan annually. The Director, at any time, may require a plan be modified as a result of population or system changes which may have rendered an existing plan non-representative.

3-004.01B The owner of a community water system must take total coliform samples at regular time intervals established by the Director. The number of samples required must in no instance be less than as set forth below:

Population Served

Number of Sampling Zones

Minimum # or Samples per Month

Population Served

Minimum # of Sampling Zones

Minimum # of Samples per Month




33, 001-41,000



1, 001-2,500



41, 001-50,000



2, 501-3,300



50, 001-59,000



3, 301-4,100



59, 001-70,000



4, 101-4,900



70, 001-83,000



4, 901-5,800



83, 001-96,000



5, 801-6,700



96, 001-130,000



6, 701-7,600



130, 001-220,000



7, 601-8,500



220, 001-320,000



8, 501-12,900



320, 001-450,000



12, 901-17,200



450, 001-600,000



17, 201-21,500



600, 001-780,000



21, 501-25,000



780, 001-970,000



25, 001-33,000



970, 001-1,230,000



* Minimum Number of Sampling Zones

3-004.01C The owner of a non-community water system must take samples for total coliforms according to a frequency as follows:
1. A non-community water system using only ground water (except ground water under the direct influence of surface water) and serving 1,000 individuals or fewer must sample each calendar quarter that the system provides water to the public.

2. A non-community water system using only ground water (except ground water under the direct influence of surface water) and serving more than 1,000 individuals during any month must sample at the same frequency as a like-sized community water system, as specified in 179 NAC 3-004.01B.

3. The owner of a non-community water system using surface water, in total or in part, must sample at the same frequency as a like-sized community water system, as specified in 179 NAC 3-004.01B, regardless of the number of individuals it serves.

4. The owner of a non-community water system using ground water under the direct influence of surface water, must sample at the same frequency as a like-sized community water system, as specified in 179 NAC 3-004.01B. The owner must sample at this frequency beginning six months after the Director determines that the ground water is under the direct influence of surface water.

3-004.01D The owner of a public water system must collect samples at regular time intervals throughout the month.

3-004.01E The owner of a public water system that uses surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water and does not practice filtration in compliance with 179 NAC 13 must collect at least one sample near the first service connection each day the turbidity level of the source water, measured as specified in 179 NAC 13-007.02B exceeds 1 NTU. The owner must collect this coliform sample within 24 hours of the first exceedance. Sample results from this coliform monitoring must be included in determining compliance with the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C.

3-004.01F Special purpose samples, such as those taken to determine whether disinfection practices are sufficient following pipe placement, replacement, or repair, must not be used to determine compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C. Repeat samples taken pursuant to 179 NAC 3-004.02 are not considered special purpose samples, and must be used to determine compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C.

004.02 Repeat Monitoring

3-004.02A If a routine sample is total coliform-positive, the owner of the public water system must collect a set of repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified of the positive result. A system which is required to collect more than one routine sample per month must have no fewer than three repeat samples collected for each total coliform-positive sample found. A system which is required to collect one routine sample per month or fewer must have no fewer than four repeat samples collected for each total coliform-positive sample found. The Director may extend the 24-hour limit on a case-by-case basis if the owner has a logistical problem in collecting the repeat samples within the 24 hours that is beyond his/her control. In the case of an extension, the Director must specify how much time the owner has to collect the repeat samples.

3-004.02B The system owner must collect at least one repeat sample from the sampling tap where the original total coliform-positive sample was taken, and at least one repeat sample at a tap within five service connections upstream and at least one repeat sample at a tap within five service connections downstream of the original sampling site. The fourth repeat sample, if required by 179 NAC 3-004.02A, must be collected within five service connections upstream or downstream of the original sampling site. If a total coliform-positive sample is at the end of the distribution system, or one away from the end of the distribution system, the Director may waive the requirement to collect at least one repeat sample upstream or downstream of the original sampling site.

3-004.02C The owner must collect all repeat samples on the same day, except that an owner of a system with a single service connection may collect the required set of repeat samples over a four-day period.

3-004.02D If one or more repeat samples in the set is total coliform-positive, the owner of the public water system must collect an additional set of repeat samples in the manner specified in 179 NAC 3-004.02A to 3-004.02C. The owner must repeat this process until either total coliforms are not detected in one complete set of repeat samples or the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C has been exceeded and the Director determines that no additional repeat samples are required.

3-004.02E If a system which is required to collect fewer than five routine samples per month has one or more total coliform-positive samples and the Director does not invalidate the sample(s) under 179 NAC 3-004.03, the owner must collect at least five routine samples during the next month the system provides water to the public, except that the Director may waive this requirement if the conditions of 179 NAC 3-004.02E1 or 3-004.02E2 are met. The Director will not waive the requirement for a system to collect repeat samples in 179 NAC 3-004.02A to 3-004.02D.
3-004.02E1 The Director may waive the requirement to collect five routine samples the next month the system provides water to the public if the Director or an agent approved by the Director performs a site visit before the end of the next month the system provides water to the public. Although a sanitary survey need not be performed, the site visit must be sufficiently detailed to allow the Director to determine whether additional monitoring and/or any corrective action is needed. The Director will not approve an employee of the system owner to perform this site visit, even if the employee is an agent approved by the Director to perform sanitary surveys.

3-004.02E2 The Director may waive the requirement to collect five routine samples the next month the system provides water to the public if the Director has determined why the sample was total coliform-positive and establishes that the owner of the system will correct the problem before the end of the next month the system serves water to the public. In this case, the Director must document this decision to waive the following month's additional monitoring requirement in writing, have it approved and signed by the supervisor of the Director's authorized representative who recommends such a decision, and make this document available to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the public. The written documentation must describe the specific cause of the total coliform-positive sample and what action the system has taken and/or will take to correct this problem. The Director will not waive the requirement to collect five routine samples the next month the system provides water to the public solely on the grounds that all repeat samples are total coliform-negative. If the requirement to collect five routine samples the next month is waived under 179 NAC 3-004.02E2, the system owner must still take at last one additional routine sample before the end of the next month the system serves water to the public and use it to determine compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C.

3-004.02E3 The Director will consider the waiver of the requirement to collect five routine samples the next month only upon receipt of a request in writing from the system owner. The waiver will not be considered until after the repeat samples required in 179 NAC 3-004.02A to 3-004.02D have been collected and the results reported to the Director. The waiver will not be granted if any of the repeat samples are coliform-positive, unless all positive samples have been invalidated under 179 NAC 3-004.03, or if a similar waiver has been granted within the six months previous to the date of the collection of the initial coliform positive sample.

3-004.02F Results of all routine and repeat samples not invalidated by the Director must be included in determining compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C.

004.03 Invalidation of Total Coliform Samples

A total coliform-positive sample invalidated under 179 NAC 3-004.03 does not count towards meeting the minimum monitoring requirements of 179 NAC 3-004.01. If a total coliform-positive sample is invalidated under 179 NAC 3-004.03, the system owner must collect another sample from the same zone as the original sample to meet monitoring requirements.

3-004.03A The Director may invalidate a total coliform-positive sample only if one or more of the following conditions are met:
1. The laboratory establishes that improper sample analysis caused the total coliform-positive result.

2. The Director, on the basis of the results of repeat samples collected as required by 179 NAC 3-004.02A to 3-004.02D determines that the total coliform-positive sample resulted from a domestic or other non-distribution system plumbing problem. The Director will not invalidate a sample on the basis of repeat sample results unless all repeat sample(s) collected at the same tap as the original total coliform-positive sample are also total coliform-positive, and all repeat samples collected within five service connections of the original tap are total coliform-negative (e.g., the Director will not invalidate a total coliform-positive sample on the basis of repeat samples if all the repeat samples are total coliform-negative or if the public water system has only one service connection).

3. The Director has substantial grounds to believe that a total coliform-positive result is due to a circumstance or condition which does not reflect water quality in the distribution system. In this case, the system owner must still collect all repeat samples required under 179 NAC 3-004.02A to 3-004.02D and use them to determine compliance with the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C. To invalidate a total coliform-positive sample under 179 NAC 3-004.03A item 3, the decision with the rationale for the decision must be documented in writing and approved and signed by the Director's authorized representative. The Director must make this document available to EPA and the public. The written documentation must state the specific cause of the total coliform- positive sample, and what action the system has taken or will take to correct this problem. The Director will not invalidate a total coliform-positive sample solely on the grounds that all repeat samples are total coliform-negative.

4. The Director will consider invalidation of a coliform-positive sample under 179 NAC 3-004.03 only upon receipt of a request in writing from the owner of the public water system from which the coliform-positive sample was collected. Such sample will not be invalidated if any of the repeat samples collected at locations other than that of the coliform-positive sample are coliform-positive. No coliform-positive sample will be invalidated if any of the most recent six samples collected from the system were coliform-positive.

3-004.03B A laboratory must invalidate a total coliform sample (unless total coliforms are detected) if the sample produces a turbid culture in the absence of gas production using an analytical method where gas formation is examined (e.g., the Multiple-Tube-Fermentation Technique), produces a turbid culture in the absence of an acid reaction in the Presence-Absence (P-A) Coliform Test, or exhibits confluent growth or produces colonies too numerous to count with an analytical method using a membrane filter (e.g., Membrane Filter Technique). If a laboratory invalidates a sample because of such interference, the system owner must collect another sample from the same location as the original sample within 24 hours of being notified of the interference problem, and have it analyzed for the presence of total coliforms. The system owner must continue to re-sample within 24 hours and have the samples analyzed until a valid result is obtained. The Director may waive the 24-hour time limit on a case-by-case basis.

004.04 Sanitary Surveys

3-004.04A Public water systems which do not collect five or more routine samples per month must undergo an initial sanitary survey by June 29, 1994, for community public water systems and June 29, 1999, for non-community systems. Thereafter, systems must undergo another sanitary survey every five years, except that non-community water systems using only disinfected ground water and wells which have been constructed in accordance with and continue to meet the siting requirements of 179 NAC 7, must undergo subsequent sanitary surveys at least every ten years after the initial sanitary survey.

3-004.04B Sanitary surveys must be performed by Department personnel or an agent approved by the Department. The system is responsible for ensuring the survey takes place.

3-004.04C Sanitary surveys conducted by the Department under 179 NAC 8-004 may be used to meet the sanitary survey requirements of 179 NAC 3-004.04.

004.05 Fecal Coliforms/ Escherichia coli (E. coli) Testing

3-004.05A If any routine or repeat sample is total coliform-positive, that total coliform-positive culture medium must be analyzed to determine if fecal coliforms are present, except that E. coli may be tested for in lieu of fecal coliforms. If fecal coliforms or E. coli are present in samples analyzed by a laboratory other than the Department Laboratory, the system owner must notify the Director by the end of the day when the system owner is notified of the test result, unless the system owner is notified of the result after the Director's office is closed, in which case the system owner must notify the Director before the end of the next business day.

3-004.05B The Director has the discretion to allow the owner of a public water system, on a case-by-case basis, to forgo fecal coliform or E. coli testing on a total coliform-positive sample if the owner assumes that the total coliform-positive sample is fecal-coliform-positive or E. coli-positive. Accordingly, the owner must notify the Director as specified in 179 NAC 3-004.05A and the provisions of 179 NAC 2-002.04C2 apply.

004.06 Analytical Methodology

3-004.06A The standard sample volume required for total coliform analysis, regardless of analytical method used, is 100 ml.

3-004.06B Public water systems need only determine the presence or absence of total coliforms; a determination of total coliform density is not required.

3-004.06C Public water systems must conduct total coliform analyses in accordance with one of the analytical methods in 40 CFR 141.21(f)(5).

3-004.06D Public water systems must conduct fecal coliform analysis in accordance with 40 CFR 141.21(f)(5).

3-004.06E Public water systems must conduct analysis of Escherichia coli in accordance with one of the analytical methods found in 40 CFR 141.21(f)(6) and 141.21(f)(7).

004.07 Response to Violation

3-004.07A A public water system which has exceeded the MCL for total coliforms in 179 NAC 2-002.04C must report the violation to the Department no later than the end of the next business day after it learns of the violation, and notify the public in accordance with 179 NAC 4.

3-004.07B A public water system which has failed to comply with a coliform monitoring requirement, including the sanitary survey requirement, must report the monitoring violation to the Department within ten days after the system discovers the violation, and notify the public in accordance with 179 NAC 4.

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