Nebraska Administrative Code
Section 178-5-005 - Utility Systems

Current through September 17, 2024

005.01 Water Supply

005.01A General Requirements: An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water shall be provided to each mobile home lot. The collection, treatment, storage, and distribution systems of all mobile home parks with fifteen or more service connections or which regularly serve twenty-five or more individuals, shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with all provisions of the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act, Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 71, Article 53 and of the Regulations Governing Public Water Supply Systems, Title 179, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 2. The collection, treatment, storage, and distribution systems of all mobile home parks with less than fifteen service connections and which serve less than twenty-five (25) individuals shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations Governing a Private Water Well, Title 178, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 9.

Where an approved public water supply of satisfactory quantity, quality, and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and its supply used exclusively. Where an approved public water supply system is not available within a reasonable distance for extension to a mobile home development.-a private water supply system shall be developed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations Governing a Private Water Well, Title 178, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 9.

005.01B The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 150 gallons per day per mobile home site. The water supply system shall be capable of delivering a minimum sustained flow of 5 gallons per minute per mobile home site.

005.01C The water supply system shall deliver water to each mobile home lot at normal operating pressures of 20 to 80 lbs. per square inch.

005.01D Every mobile home stand shall be provided with an individual branch water service pipe and riser pipe. The riser pipe shall be at least three-quarters of an inch in diameter and extend at least four inches vertically above ground elevation unless it is shielded by a riser above ground elevation or unless it is shielded by a riser protector encasement extending above grade and fitted with a lid.

005.01E The water supply riser pipe shall be located within 4 feet ( 1.22 m) of the mobile home stand, and a minimum of 10 feet ( 3.50 m) from the sewer drain inlet.

005.01F Water service lines, valves, and riser pipes shall be installed and protected from damage by freezing, ground movement, vehicles or other damage sources. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the riser pipe.

005.01G A shutoff valve shall be provided on the water-riser pipe serving each mobile home site. The shutoff valve shall be protected and shall be listed for backflow protection (listed by I.A.M.P.O. - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, N.S.F. - National Sanitation Foundation, or other comparable organization with similar Standards). Heat tapes, when used for protection of plumbing components against freezing, shall be of the listed type (listed by U.L. - Underwriter Laboratories, C.S.A. -Canadian Standards Association, or other comparable organization with similar Standards).

005.01H Mobile homes shall be connected to the water riser pipe with flexible metal tubing not less than the size of the mobile home water supply inlet (3/4 in., 19 mm.).

005.02 Sanitary Sewer System

005.02A General Requirements: Facilities shall be provided and properly maintained for the collection and disposal, or treatment and disposal, of sewage from all mobile homes, service buildings, and other facilities. Where a public sever system is available all plumbing fixtures, building severs, and mobile home park sewers shall be connected thereto. If a public sever system is not available, a private sewage disposal facility meeting Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and applicable local sewage disposal requirements shall be installed and all plumbing fixtures, building severs, and mobile home park severs connected thereto. Sewage shall not be deposited upon the surface of the ground.

005.02B Detailed plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Nebraska Department of Health for review and approval, as outlined in Section 003, prior to the construction of a newly built sewage disposal facility or the alteration to an existing system.

005.02C Sewage collection lines shall be laid in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or ground movement and shall be separated from any pressurized drinking-water supply line by a horizontal distance of 10 feet.

005.02D The sewer lines shall be constructed in compliance with the applicable municipal or county plumbing code. In the absence of a local plumbing code, all sever lines shall be constructed in compliance with the National Plumbing Code of 1955.

005.02E Sewers shall be at a grade sufficient to ensure a mean velocity of 2 feet per second when flowing full. The system shall be designed for a minimum flow rate of at least 200 gallons per day per mobile home lot.

005.02F Each mobile home lot shall be provided with a sewer branch line and riser pipe at least 4 in. in diameter. The branch shall be installed with a slope of at least 1/4 in. per linear foot and shall be trapped when all fixtures in the mobile home are not trapped and vented. The branch line shall terminate at a riser pipe of at least four (4) inches in diameter, which extends vertically four (4) inches above ground elevation.

005.02G The sewer service connection shall be equipped with standard screw, ring, or clamp-type fittings or adapters so that water-tight, and air-tight, connections can be obtained at the mobile home drain outlet and sever riser pipe. The connection shall be of approved semi-rigid, noncollapsible, corrosion-resistant pipe having a smooth interior surface and an inside diameter of not less than 3 inches. Each mobile home shall be connected to the site sever inlet by means of a drain connector consisting of pipe Schedule 40, meeting the standards of the UPC (1991), (Table A-Plumbing Material Standards, which is attached hereto marked attachment 8 and made a part hereof by reference), appropriate fittings and connectors, and shall be not less in size than the mobile home drain outlet. The fitting connected to the inlet shall be a directional fitting to discharge into the sever inlet. A listed flexible connector may be used at each end of the pipe (listed by I.A.M.P.O. or N.S.F. or other comparable organization with similar Standards). Mobile homes with drain outlets less than three (3) inches inside diameter shall be connected with reducers and screw or camp type fittings.

005.02H The sewer drainage inlet shall be positioned within four (4) feet of the mobile home stand and a minimum of ten (10) feet from the water riser.

005.02I When a mobile home does not occupy the mobile home stand, the sever riser pipe shall be capped with an airtight cap or plug.

005.03 Electrical System

All electrical installations in mobile home parks including mobile home accessory buildings or structures and electrical wiring fixtures and equipment installed in a building other than a mobile home in a mobile home community, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the NEBRASKA ELECTRICAL CODE, adopted by the Nebraska State Electrical Board under section 81-2104, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943.

However, in no case shall a mobile home park in existence and operation on July 10, 1976, be required to comply with any electrical system standards as a condition of licensure. This part applies to electrical distribution systems in mobile home parks. It does not apply to the electrical systems of mobile homes.

005.04 Fuel Supply

Each mobile home park shall comply with the following specifications.

005.04A Mobile Home Park Gas Systems
005.04A1 General. Gas equipment and installations within a mobile home park shall be designed and constructed in accordance with these regulations and with chapter 5 of ANSI A 225.1 NFPA501A, "Manufactured Home Installation" 1982 which is marked attachment 4, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and the Standard for Storage and Handling of Liquified Petroleum Gases, (NFPA No. 581989) which is marked attachment 5, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

005.04A2 Required Gas Supply. The minimum hourly volume of gas required at each mobile home lot outlet or any section of the mobile home park gas piping system shall be calculated as shown below.


No. of Mobile BTU Per Hour Per
Home Sites Mobile Home Site
1 125,000
2 117,000
3 104,000
4 96,000
5 92,060
6 87,000
7 83,000
8 81,000
9 79,000
10 77,000
11-20 66,000
21-30 62,000
31-40 58,000
41-60 55,000
Over 60 50,000

005.04A3 Installation. Underground piping shall be buried a sufficient depth (18" minimum) or covered in a manner so as to protect the piping from physical damage when it passes through flower beds, shrub beds, and other such cultivated areas.

Gas piping shall not be installed underground beneath a mobile home stand unless it is installed in an open-ended gas-tight conduit designed to withstand the superimposed loads. The conduit shall extend into a normally usable and accessible portion of the building and, at the point where the conduit terminates in the building, the space between the conduit and the gas piping shall be sealed to prevent the possible entrance of any gas leakage. If the end sealing is of a type that will retain the full pressure of the pipe, the conduit shall be designed for the same pressure as the pipe. The conduit shall extend at least 4 inches outside the building, be vented above grade to the outside, and be installed so as to prevent the entrance of water and insects. Gas piping installed underground within mobile home parks shall comply with ** 3.1 to 3.1.7, 3.6 to 3.6.4, and 3.7 to 3.16 of Part 3 and all of Part 4 of THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (NFPA No. 54- 1988, ANSI z 223.1 -1988). Parts 3 and 4 of THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (NFPA NO. 54- 1988, ANSI z 223.1-1988) is marked attachment 6, attached hereto and incorporated by reference.

The gas supply to the mobile home shall be located within 4 feet ( 1.22 m) of the mobile home stand.

Exception: The above requirements do not apply to gas supply connections for mobile homes located on an all-weather wood or concrete or concrete block foundation system, or on a foundation constructed in accordance with the local building code or, in the absence of a local code, with a recognized model building code.

All underground fuel gas piping systems shall comply with the requirements of chapter 5 of ANSI A 225.1 NFPA 501A, Manufactured Home Installations, 1982.

005.04A4 System Shutoff Valve. A readily accessible and identified shutoff valve controlling the flow of gas to the entire gas piping system shall be installed near to the point of connection to the natural gas service piping or supply connection of the liquefied petroleum gas container.

005.04A5 Lot Shutoff Valve. Each mobile home lot shall have an accessible, listed gas shutoff valve installed. Such valve shall not be located under a mobile home. Whenever the mobile home lot outlet is not in use, the shutoff valve shall be plugged or capped to prevent accidental discharge.

005.04A6 Gas Connector. Each gas supply connector shall be:
(1) Listed for outside mobile home use by American Gas Association. Canadian Gas Association, or other comparable organization with similar standards;

(2) Installed with sufficient flexibility to prevent bending or breakage by load shift. Flexibility shall be provided by the use of bends, loops, or offsets, (acceptable methods are illustrated in attachment 3);

(3) Not more than 6 feet ( 1.83m) in length; and

(4) Have a capacity rating adequate to supply the connected load. Exception: All gas supply connections for mobile homes located on an all-weather wood or concrete or concrete block foundation system or on a foundation constructed in accordance with the local building code or, in the absence of a local code, with a recognized model building code.

005.04A7 Protection From Physical Damage. All gas outlet risers, regulators, meters, valves or other exposed equipment shall be protected from physical damage by vehicles or other causes.

005.04A8 Maximum Pressure Permitted. Gas supplied into the mobile home shall not exceed 1/2 pound per square inch gauge or 14 inches water-column.

005.04B Mobile Home Park Oil Supply Systems
005.04B1 General. Oil-burning equipment and installations within a mobile home park shall be designed and constructed in accordance with all the provisions, except S 3-8, of chapter 2 and chapter 3 of the STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT (N.F.P.A. No. 31 1987). The STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT (N.F.P.A. No. 31 1987), is marked attachment 7 and attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

005.04B2 Oil Supply. The following three methods of supplying oil to an individual mobile home site are permitted:

Supply from an outside underground tank (see 005.04B 3).

Supply from a centralized oil distribution system designed and installed in accordance with accepted engineering practice and in compliance with Section 3-8 of the STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT (N.F.P.A. No. 31 1987;) adopted by reference in section 005.04B 1 above.

Supply from an outside above ground tank (see 005.04B 3).

005.04B3 Recommended Minimum Oil Supply Tank Size. Oil supply tanks shall have a minimum capacity equal to 20 percent of the average annual oil consumption. Except for areas with mild winters (less than 1,800 degree days), 60 gallon ICC-5 shipping containers (drums) are not recommended.

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