Nebraska Administrative Code
Section 178-24-002 - DEFINITIONS
Current through September 17, 2024
Definitions set out in Neb. Rev. Stats. §2432 to 71-2324 and the following apply to this chapter.
002.01 ABSORPTION FIELD. A series of trenches containing coarse aggregate gravel or crushed stone into which a perforated or open joint pipe is placed. Discharge from a septic tank is distributed through these pipes into the trenches and the surrounding soil.
002.02 AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. The heating and air-conditioning system.
002.03 ALKALINE. A solution with a potential hydrogen (pH) greater than 7.0, or a basic, non-acidic solution.
002.04 ASBESTOS. Asbestiform varieties of chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite.
002.05 BACKGROUND CONCENTRATION. The level of a chemical substance collected from environmental media that is naturally occurring, or is not associated with methamphetamine production at a site, or is less than existing State regulatory or risk-based standards, or both.
002.06 CERTIFIED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGER (CHMM). An individual who has been certified by and is in good standing with the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management as a certified hazardous materials manager (CHMM).
002.07 CHAIN OF CUSTODY (COC). A procedure used to document each person that has had possession or control of an environmental sample from its collection to analysis.
002.08 CHEMICAL OF POTENTIAL CONCERN (COPC). An element or compound collected from environmental media that is being assessed to determine if it is a health concern for humans in contact with it. Chemicals of potential concern may include reagents and products used in the manufacturing and production of methamphetamine, including, but not limited to methamphetamine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of its isomers.
002.09 CONFIRMATION SAMPLING. Verifying by on-site or laboratory analysis, or both, that the concentration of a chemical of concern is below a State regulatory or risk-based standard, or both, by collecting samples of environmental media.
002.10 CONTAMINANT. A chemical of potential concern present at a site in environmental media that is present above State regulatory and risk-based standards.
002.11 CONTAMINATION. The presence of a chemical or chemicals of potential concern at a site in environmental media that is present above State regulatory or risk-based standards, or both.
002.12 COOKING AREA. The specific location within a structure where methamphetamine was prepared.
002.13 DECONTAMINATION. To treat or remove a contaminant, or contaminants to reduce concentrations below State regulatory or risk-based standards, whichever is the most conservative.
002.14 DECONTAMINATION CONSULTANT. A certified hazardous materials manager (CHMM) or an individual with experience in environmental site assessment and decontamination whose work-plan is approved by a certified hazardous materials manager (CHMM).
002.15 EMULSIFIER. Emulsifier is An additive that promotes the formation of a stable mixture or emulsion of ingredients that do not normally bind together, for example, oil and water. An emulsifier is a type of surfactant.
002.16 ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA OR MEDIUM. Soil, air, water, or substances collected from wiping indoor surfaces, countertops or flooring.
002.17 HIGH-EFFICIENCY PARTICULATE AIR (HEPA). A filtering system which includes a specially constructed filter membrane capable of capturing 99.97% of particles, typically as small as 0.3 microns or 300 nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3).
002.18 IMMUNOASSAY. A laboratory technique that makes use of the binding between an antigen and its homologous antibody in order to identify and quantify a substance.
002.19 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT LEVEL C. Personal protective equipment to that includes disposable outerwear that is hooded and poly-coated to protect against the permeation of liquids and gases, that is ASTM F1001 certified; a full-face or half-mask with air purifying combination respirators for particulates, gases and vapors, that is approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health; 2 pairs of chemical-resistant gloves both inner and outer; and chemical resistant boots. Personal protective equipment is designed to prevent or minimize ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact exposure to contaminants.
002.20 PHENYL-2-PROPANONE (P2P). A method used to manufacture and produce methamphetamine. Phenyl-2-propanone is a chemical precursor of methamphetamine.
002.21 PHOTO IONIZATION DETECTOR. A portable gas detector used to identify the presence of volatile organic compounds, toxic and combustible gases.
002.22 POROUS. Surfaces at a site, countertops, flooring, drywall and fabrics which may be susceptible to permeation by liquids, gases or powders.
002.23 POTENTIAL HYDROGEN (pH). A measure, on a scale from 0 to 14, of the acidity, (less than 7.0), or alkalinity, (greater than 7.0), of a solution where 7.0 is considered neutral.
002.24 PRECURSOR. A chemical or compound that precedes the formation of the final chemical or compound in a sequence of chemical reactions.
002.25 PROPER DISPOSAL. The discarding of precursors, reagents, contaminated environmental media, and other items found at the site according to applicable regulations.
002.26 PROPERTY OWNER OR OWNERS. The owner or owners of record, who is or are the title-holder or holders of the property as shown in county records.
002.27 REAGENT. A chemical substance used to produce a chemical reaction to detect, measure or produce other substances.
002.28 RISK-BASED STANDARD. A concentration of a chemical substance that is not to be exceeded in a particular environmental medium or at a site, or both, in order to reduce the potential for adverse health effects as a result of exposure.
002.29 SEPTIC SYSTEM. A domestic wastewater treatment system, consisting of a septic tank and a soil absorption system. Waste is piped directly from the structure into the system where bacteria decompose the waste, sludge settles to the bottom of the tank, and the treated effluent flows out into the soil absorption field through drainage pipes.
002.30 SHARPS. Hypodermic needles.
002.31 SITE. An enclosed area of any property or portion intended for human habitation or use that has been used for the manufacturing and production of methamphetamine that has been contaminated by chemicals of potential concern.
002.32 SOLVENT. A substance, water or another liquid that is capable of dissolving or dispersing one or more other substances.
002.33 SURFACTANT. A chemical that reduces surface tension at the interface between oil and water molecules, keeping the mixture from separating into layers.
002.34 VENTILATION SYSTEM. Any system within a structure that is designed to vent indoor air to the outdoors.
002.35 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Chemicals that typically have high vapor pressures and can evaporate easily at ambient or room temperature.
002.36 WIPE KIT. Sterile gauze pads, filter papers, solvents, templates, gloves and other items used to test for methamphetamine at the site.