(A) For a general anesthesia or deep sedation permit or for a moderate sedation permit, each location must have the following:
(i) An operating room large enough to accommodate a patient on a table or in an operating chair and to allow an operating team consisting of at least 3 individuals to freely move about the patient;
(ii) An operating table or chair which permits a patient to be positioned so the operating team can maintain an airway, quickly alter a patient's position in an emergency and provide a firm platform for the management of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR);
(iii) A lighting system which permits evaluation of a patient's skin and mucosal color and a backup lighting system which is battery powered or on-site generator powered and of an intensity to permit completion of any operation underway at the time of a general power failure;
(iv) Suction equipment which permits aspiration of the oral and pharyngeal cavities. A backup suction device must be available;
(v) An oxygen delivery system with full face masks and connectors that is capable of delivering 100% oxygen to a patient under positive pressure, together with a backup system;
(vi) A recovery area that has oxygen, lighting, suction, and electrical outlets. The recovery area can be the operating room. A member of the staff must be able to observe the patient at all times during the recovery period;
(vii) Ancillary equipment, which includes the following:
(1) Laryngoscope complete with selection of blades and spare batteries and bulb;
(2) Endotracheal tubes and connectors;
(3) Oral airways;
(4) Endotracheal tube forceps;
(5) Pulse oximeter;
(6) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitor (general anesthesia or deep sedation and either (6) or (7) for moderate sedation);
(7) Precordial stethoscope (general anesthesia or deep sedation and either (6) or (7) for moderate sedation; and
(8) Electrocardiogram (EKG) (general anesthesia and deep sedation only);
(viii) Drugs with current dates available for treatment of the following medical emergencies:
(1) Laryngospasm and myocardial infarction (general anesthesia or deep sedation only);
(2) Bronchospasm;
(3) Angina pectoris;
(4) Hypotension;
(5) Hypertension;
(6) Cardiac arrest (general anesthesia or deep sedation only);
(7) Convulsions; and
(8) Respiratory arrest;
(ix) Drugs for the reversal of anesthesia or sedation agents; and
(x) Written procedures for the following:
(1) Preoperative evaluation of patients:
(2) Management of medical at-risk patients;
(3) Technique and method of administration of general anesthesia or deep sedation or moderate sedation, as applicable; and
(4) Management of emergencies; and
(B) For a minimal sedation permit, each location must:
(i) Have an operating room large enough to accommodate a patient on a table or in an operating chair and to permit an operating team consisting of at least 2 individuals to freely move about the patient;
(ii) An oxygen delivery system with full face masks and connectors that is capable of delivering 100% oxygen to a patient under positive pressure, together with a backup system;
(iii) A recovery area that has oxygen, lighting, suction, and electrical outlets. The recovery area can be the operating room. A member of the staff must be able to observe the patient at all times during the recovery period;
(iv)Meet the requirements of this chapter and have oral pharyngeal airway(s), sphygmomanometer, pulse oximeter and a stethoscope; and
(v) Written procedures for the following:
(1) Preoperative evaluation of patients;
(2) Management of medical at-risk patients; and
(3) Management of emergencies.