Nebraska Administrative Code
Chapter 1 - GENERAL
- Section 128-1-001 - Purpose, scope, and applicability
- Section 128-1-002 - Availability of information; confidentiality of information
- Section 128-1-003 - References
- Section 128-1-004
- Section 128-1-005 - Aboveground tank
- Section 128-1-006 - Active life
- Section 128-1-007 - Active portion
- Section 128-1-008 - Acute Hazardous Waste
- Section 128-1-009 - Ancillary equipment
- Section 128-1-010 - Aquifer
- Section 128-1-011 - ASTM
- Section 128-1-012 - Authorized representative
- Section 128-1-013 - Boiler
- Section 128-1-014 - Carbon regeneration unit
- Section 128-1-015 - Cathode ray tube or CRT
- Section 128-1-016 - Certification
- Section 128-1-017 - CFR
- Section 128-1-018 - Closed portion
- Section 128-1-019 - Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Facility
- Section 128-1-020 - Component
- Section 128-1-021 - Conditionally exempt small quantity generator
- Section 128-1-022 - Confined aquifer
- Section 128-1-023 - Contained
- Section 128-1-024 - Container
- Section 128-1-025 - Containment Building
- Section 128-1-026 - Contingency plan
- Section 128-1-027 - Corrective action management unit or CAMU
- Section 128-1-028 - Corrosion expert
- Section 128-1-029 - Council
- Section 128-1-030 - CRT collector
- Section 128-1-031 - CRT exporter
- Section 128-1-032 - CRT glass manufacturer
- Section 128-1-033 - CRT processing
- Section 128-1-034 - DEQ/EPA hazardous waste number or waste code
- Section 128-1-035 - DEQ/EPA identification number
- Section 128-1-036 - Department or DEQ
- Section 128-1-037 - Designated facility
- Section 128-1-038 - Dike
- Section 128-1-039 - Dioxins and furans (D/F)
- Section 128-1-040 - Director
- Section 128-1-041 - Discharge
- Section 128-1-042 - Disposal
- Section 128-1-043 - Disposal facility
- Section 128-1-044 - DOT
- Section 128-1-045 - Drip pad
- Section 128-1-046 - Elementary neutralization unit
- Section 128-1-047 - EPA
- Section 128-1-048 - Equivalent method
- Section 128-1-049 - Existing hazardous waste management (HWM) facility or existing facility
- Section 128-1-050 - Existing portion
- Section 128-1-051 - Existing tank system or existing component
- Section 128-1-052 - Facility
- Section 128-1-053 - Federal Act or RCRA
- Section 128-1-054 - Federal agency
- Section 128-1-055 - Federal, State and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical construction
- Section 128-1-056 - Final closure
- Section 128-1-057 - Food-chain crops
- Section 128-1-058 - Free liquids
- Section 128-1-059 - Freeboard
- Section 128-1-060 - Generator
- Section 128-1-061 - Groundwater
- Section 128-1-062 - Hazardous waste
- Section 128-1-063 - Hazardous secondary material
- Section 128-1-064 - Hazardous secondary material generator
- Section 128-1-065 - Hazardous waste constituent
- Section 128-1-066 - Hazardous waste management
- Section 128-1-067 - Hazardous waste management unit
- Section 128-1-068 - In operation
- Section 128-1-069 - Inactive portion
- Section 128-1-070 - Incinerator
- Section 128-1-071 - Incompatible waste
- Section 128-1-072 - Individual generation site
- Section 128-1-073 - Industrial furnace
- Section 128-1-074 - Infrared incinerator
- Section 128-1-075 - Inground tank
- Section 128-1-076 - Injection well
- Section 128-1-077 - Inner liner
- Section 128-1-078 - Installation inspector
- Section 128-1-079 - Intermediate facility
- Section 128-1-080 - International shipment
- Section 128-1-081 - Land-based unit
- Section 128-1-082 - Landfill
- Section 128-1-083 - Landfill cell
- Section 128-1-084 - Land treatment facility
- Section 128-1-085 - Large quantity generator
- Section 128-1-086 - Leachate
- Section 128-1-087 - Leak-detection system
- Section 128-1-088 - Liner
- Section 128-1-089 - Manifest
- Section 128-1-090 - Manifest tracking number
- Section 128-1-091 - Mining overburden returned to the mine site
- Section 128-1-092 - Miscellaneous unit
- Section 128-1-093 - Movement
- Section 128-1-094 - New hazardous waste management facility or new facility
- Section 128-1-095 - New tank system or new tank component
- Section 128-1-096 - No free liquids
- Section 128-1-097 - On ground tank
- Section 128-1-098 - On-site
- Section 128-1-099 - Open burning
- Section 128-1-100 - Operator
- Section 128-1-101 - Owner
- Section 128-1-102 - Partial closure
- Section 128-1-103 - Person
- Section 128-1-104 - Personnel or facility personnel
- Section 128-1-105 - Pile
- Section 128-1-106 - Plasma arc incinerator
- Section 128-1-107 - Point source
- Section 128-1-108 - Publicly owned treatment works or POTW
- Section 128-1-109 - Qualified Ground-Water Scientist
- Section 128-1-110 - Remanufacturing
- Section 128-1-111 - Remediation waste
- Section 128-1-112 - Remediation waste management site
- Section 128-1-113 - Replacement unit
- Section 128-1-114 - Representative sample
- Section 128-1-115 - Run-off
- Section 128-1-116 - Run-on
- Section 128-1-117 - Saturated zone or zone of saturation
- Section 128-1-118 - Sludge
- Section 128-1-119 - Sludge dryer
- Section 128-1-120 - Small quantity generator
- Section 128-1-121 - Solvent-contaminated wipe
- Section 128-1-122 - Sorbent
- Section 128-1-123 - Staging pile
- Section 128-1-124 - State Act
- Section 128-1-125 - Storage
- Section 128-1-126 - Sump
- Section 128-1-127 - Surface impoundment or impoundment or impoundment
- Section 128-1-128 - Tank
- Section 128-1-129 - Tank system
- Section 128-1-130 - TEQ
- Section 128-1-131 - Thermal treatment
- Section 128-1-132 - Totally enclosed treatment facility
- Section 128-1-133 - Transfer facility
- Section 128-1-134 - Transport vehicle
- Section 128-1-135 - Transportation
- Section 128-1-136 - Transporter
- Section 128-1-137 - Treatability study
- Section 128-1-138 - Treatment
- Section 128-1-139 - Treatment zone
- Section 128-1-140 - Underground injection
- Section 128-1-141 - Underground tank
- Section 128-1-142 - Unfit-for-use tank system
- Section 128-1-143 - United States
- Section 128-1-144 - Universal waste
- Section 128-1-145 - Unsaturated zone or zone of aeration
- Section 128-1-146 - Uppermost aquifer
- Section 128-1-147 - Used oil
- Section 128-1-148 - Vessel
- Section 128-1-149 - Wastewater treatment unit
- Section 128-1-150 - Water (bulk shipment)
- Section 128-1-151 - Water Table
- Section 128-1-152 - Well
- Section 128-1-153 - Wipe
- Section 128-1-154 - Zone of engineering control
Current through September 17, 2024
Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-1505(13)
Legal Citation: Title 128, Chapter 1, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Nebraska may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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