The release of livestock from a concentration point shall be
handled by the approved veterinarian who shall insure all such livestock
conform to the requirements of the animal disease control laws and regulations
of this state. The approved veterinarian shall inspect all such livestock prior
to sale, and shall reject or detain at the owner's expense, all such livestock
found or suspected by him to be diseased or exposed to disease. In addition, he
009.01A Perform the collection
of blood samples from all market test animals;
009.01B Perform the official market test on
all blood samples prior to the release of any animal;
009.01C Complete the application and
recording of all eartag numbers, backtag numbers, and test results on the
official test chart;
Promptly mail all blood samples and test charts to the State-Federal
Brucellosis Laboratory;
Issue the following release forms and distribute copies as required thereon:
009.01E1 VS Form 1-27;
009.01E2 Form A-237;
009.01E3 Form A-276B; and
009.01E4 Form A-276A; and
009.01F Furnish the purchaser upon request
with documentation of completed official tests.
Release of
009.02A All market test
cattle offered for sale, bartered, or sold through a market or dealer
concentration point shall at the time received be identified by a backtag
affixed a few inches from midline and just behind either shoulder, and shall be
tested as provided below, except for the following situations:
009.02A1 Cattle consigned or sold directly
from certified brucellosis free herds and accompanied by written proof of such
herd status; Provided, such cattle may be yarded separately to maintain their
identity and status; and Provided further, that the identity and status shall
be maintained until release;
009.02A2 Cattle found to be negative by an
official brucellosis test conducted within thirty (30) days prior to sale;
Provided, that such animals shall have been individually identified by approved
eartag or tattoo and accompanied by an official test record or health
certificate showing the identification and test results of each animal, or
shall have been identified by an approved eartag and backtag within thirty (30)
days prior to sale; and provided further that the identity and negative status
of such animals shall be maintained until release; and
009.02B All untested market test cattle,
except as excluded above, shall move from the dealer concentration point to
immediate slaughter. Backtagged market test cattle sold for shipment to
immediate slaughter shall be released on a Shipper's Declaration (Form
009.02C Backtagged market
test cattle sold for other than immediate slaughter shall be tested negative
for brucellosis by the approved veterinarian prior to release.
009.02D Official Market Testing release
requirements are as follows:
Animals tested at the concentration point at private expense prior to
009.02D1b All tests prior to
sale shall be made in the name of the seller or consignor. Each tested animal
shall be identified by official eartag and backtag. Negative animals from
tested consignments wherein reactors are disclosed shall be either sent to
immediate slaughter with VS Form 1-27 or returned to the farm of origin with
quarantine for official program testing. If reactors are disclosed in
consignments from other states, the entire consignment shall be sold for
immediate slaughter provided, the negative animals may be returned to state of
origin with permission 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 78.
009.02D2a Tests conducted after sale at
private expense on backtagged cattle not sold for immediate slaughter:
009.02D2b The lot of each
purchaser shall be tested in his name, and tested animals shall be individually
identified by official eartag and backtag. Reactors shall be tagged, branded,
and shipped to immediate slaughter. Exposed animals tested negative from the
lot of a seller where any reactor has been disclosed by test shall be sent to
immediate slaughter with VS Form 1-27, and be either "S" branded or moved in
sealed trucks.
Reactors, suspects or exposed animals consigned for sale shall move in commerce
accompanied by a VS Form 1-27. Such animals shall be released only for
immediate slaughter.
009.02F All
market test cattle from Class Band C states shall be brucellosis tested prior
to sale. A negative test within the previous thirty (30) days is acceptable if
the test information is on the health certificate or test chart accompanying
the animals. Cattle released to a farm or ranch shall be quarantined by the
market veterinarian to the farm or ranch. The quarantine shall be released
following a negative test conducted within 45 to 120 days following issuance of
the quarantine. Cattle released to a dealer or another market shall be
accompanied by a health certificate. The health certificate shall state that
the cattle will be quarantined for a retest upon being resold by the market or
dealer. Cattle released to slaughter shall be released on a NSD-12 (Shippers
Release of Swine.
009.03A Feeding and breeding swine may move
through a dealer concentration point, subject to the following requirements:
009.03A1 Such swine, originating in Nebraska,
shall have been confined on the premises of origin for not less than thirty
(30) continuous days preceding the movement through the concentration
009.03A2 Swine infected
with, exposed to, or
suspected of having been exposed to any dangerous,
infectious, contagious, communicable or otherwise transmissible disease shall
be returned to the premises of the owner or moved to immediate slaughter. Swine
affected with atrophic rhinitis or chronic arthritis and all swine originating
in the same consignment, shall be identified by a yellow water resistant
marking over or along the back.
009.03A3 Swine released from a concentration
point shall be confined on the premises of the purchaser for thirty (30) days
separate from all other swine, except when moved directly out of Nebraska
pursuant to the import requirements of the state of destination.
009.03B Slaughter swine, except
garbage-fed swine, may move through a concentration point, subject to the
following requirements:
009.03B1 Native swine
shall be moved directly to slaughter establishment, market, or dealer
concentration point providing for state or federal inspection.
009.03B2 Swine originating in other states
shall follow the import laws and regulations of this state.
009.03C Garbage-fed slaughter
swine shall move to immediate slaughter.
Requirements for Release
of Sheep.
Scabies. Sheep may move from a market or dealer concentration
point, Provided:
009.04A1 They are consigned
for immediate slaughter; or
009.04A2 They originate from a scabies free
area, show no evidence of scabies, and have not been exposed thereto;
009.04A3 They are from a
non-quarantined flock or band in a federally designated scabies infected or
eradication area, and treated within ten (10) days of movement with an approved
pesticide under supervision of an approved veterinarian.
Epididymitis. Breeding bucks shall be individually examined prior
to sale, and shall be free of gross lesions of ram epididymitis.
Contagious Ecthyma (Sore
Mouth). All sheep affected with, or exposed to, contagious ecthyma
shall be immediately removed from the concentration point and returned under
quarantine to the premises of the seller or consignor.