Administrative Rules of Montana
Department 24 - LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Chapter 24.301 - BUILDING CODES
Subchapter 24.301.2 - Local Government Enforcement
Current through Register Vol. 24, December 20, 2024
(1) If the department determines a city, county, or town code enforcement program is not in compliance with the applicable statutes or rules it shall give the city, county, or town notice of such noncompliance and may allow a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed six months, for the city, county, or town to come into compliance or have the noncompliant code enforcement program decertified.
(2) A city, county, or town may voluntarily decertify all or part of its code enforcement program upon a 90-day written notice to the department, unless the department otherwise accepts a lesser notice or the public health, safety and welfare is at risk.
(3) If a city, county, or town's code enforcement program is decertified, either involuntarily or voluntarily, in whole or in part, the city, county, or town shall be obligated to complete inspecting all construction projects started with permits issued under the city, county, or town's program, unless the department otherwise consents or determines that the public health, safety or welfare is at risk.
AUTH: 50-60-203, 50-60-302, MCA IMP: 50-60-302, MCA