Administrative Rules of Montana
Department 24 - LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Subchapter 24.126.21 - Renewals and Continuing Education
Current through Register Vol. 24, December 20, 2024
(1) Each active licensee must complete 12 continuing education (CE) hours annually on or before the renewal date, September 1, subject to random audit. The CE requirement does not apply until the licensee's first full year of licensure. Each licensee is responsible to select continuing education in compliance with this rule.
(2) Only two of the 12 hours in (1) may be in the philosophy of chiropractic or practice management.
(3) CE hours do not accumulate or carry over to following years.
(4) The board and department do not preapprove CE programs unless they are provided by one of the following entities:
(5) To be eligible to receive credit for continuing education, including from preapproved programs in (4), a CE program must:
(6) CE programs that primarily promote, sell, or offer goods, products, or services to the profession or that primarily focus on personal growth or general well-being do not qualify for credit.
(7) A "CE program" means:
(8) The licensee must maintain and make available for audit, certification of completion of the CE program, including course description, outline, agenda, or syllabi for two years from the date of CE program. Certification must include the following information:
(9) Licensees must affirm their understanding of the CE requirement on their renewal forms.
(10) The department, with respect to CE audits, shall decide the percentage to audit based on a statistically relevant sample of the total number of licensees and the compliance rate of past audits.
(11) The department may grant a request to waive a licensee's CE requirement based on extraordinary circumstances such as medical issues or disability, family or personal emergency, or natural disaster or catastrophic event.
AUTH: 37-1-131, 37-1-319, MCA; IMP: 37-1-131, 37-1-141, 37-1-306, 37-1-319, 37-1-321, MCA