(A) PPO 750 Plan and PPO 1250 Plan.
1. Network:
A. Preferred formulary generic drug
copayment: Ten dol-lars ($10) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; twenty
dollars ($20) for up to a sixty- (60-) day supply; and thirty dollars ($30) for
up to a ninety- (90-) day supply for a generic drug on the formulary;
B. Preferred formulary brand drug copayment:
Forty dollars ($40) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; eighty dollars
($80) for up to a sixty- (60-) day supply; and one hundred twenty dollars
($120) for up to a ninety- (90-) day supply for a brand drug on the
C. Non-preferred
formulary drug and approved excluded drug copayment: One hundred dollars ($100)
for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; two hundred dollars ($200) for up to
a sixty- (60-) day supply; and three hundred dollars ($300) for up to a ninety-
(90-) day supply for a drug not on the formulary;
D. Specialty drug copayment: Seventy-five
dollars ($75) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply for a specialty drug on
the formulary;
E. Diabetic drug (as
designated as such by the PBM) copayment: fifty percent (50%) of the applicable
network copayment;
F. Ninety- (90-)
day supply of prescriptions may be filled through the pharmacy benefit
manager's (PBM's) home delivery program or at select retail pharmacies, as
designated by the PBM.
G. Home
delivery programs.
(I) Maintenance
prescriptions may be filled through the PBM's home delivery program.
(II) Specialty drugs are covered only through
the specialty home delivery network for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply
unless the PBM has determined that the specialty drug is eligible for up to a
ninety- (90-) day supply. All specialty prescriptions must be filled through
the PBM's specialty pharmacy, unless the prescription is identified by the PBM
as emergent. The first fill of a specialty prescription identified to be
emergent, may be filled through a retail pharmacy.
(a) Specialty split-fill program-The
specialty split-fill program applies to select specialty drugs as determined by
the PBM. For the first three (3) months, members will be shipped a
fifteen-(15-) day supply and charged a prorated copayment. If the member is
able to continue with the medication, the remaining supply will be shipped and
the member will be charged the remaining portion of the copayment. Starting
with the fourth month, an up to thirty-one-(31-) day supply will be shipped if
the member continues on treatment.
(III) Prescriptions filled through home
delivery programs have the following copayments:
(a) Preferred formulary generic drug
copayments: Ten dollars ($10) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; twenty
dollars ($20) for up to a sixty- (60-) day supply; and twenty-five dollars
($25) for up to a ninety- (90-) day supply for a generic drug on the
(b) Preferred formulary
brand drug copayments: Forty dollars ($40) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day
supply; eighty dollars ($80) for up to a sixty- (60-) day supply; and one
hundred dollars ($100) for up to a ninety- (90-) day supply for a brand drug on
the formulary;
(c) Non-preferred
formulary drug and approved excluded drug copayments: One hundred dollars
($100) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; two hundred dollars ($200) for
up to a sixty-(60-) day supply; and two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for up to
a ninety- (90-) day supply for a drug not on the formulary;
(d) Specialty drug copayment: Seventy-five
dollars ($75) for up to a thirty-one- (31-) day supply; one hundred fifty
($150) for up to sixty (60-) day supply; and two hundred twenty-five ($225) for
up to ninety- (90-) day supply for a specialty drug on the formulary;
H. Diabetic drug (as
designated as such by the PBM) copayment: fifty percent (50%) of the applicable
network copayment;
I. Only one (1)
copayment is charged if a combination of different manufactured dosage amounts
must be dispensed in order to fill a prescribed single dosage amount;
J. The copayment for a compound drug is
based on the primary drug in the compound. The primary drug in a compound is
the most expensive prescription drug in the mix. If any ingredient in the
compound is excluded by the plan, the compound will be denied;
K. If the copayment amount is more than the
cost of the drug, the member is only responsible for the cost of the
L. If the physician allows
for generic substitution and the member chooses a brand-name drug, the member
is responsible for the generic copayment and the cost difference between the
brandname and generic drug which shall not apply to the out-of-pocket
M. Preferred select brand
drugs, as determined by the PBM: Ten dollars ($10) for up to a thirty-one-
(31-) day supply; twenty dollars ($20) for up to a sixty- (60-) day supply; and
twenty-five dollars ($25) for up to a ninety- (90-) day supply; and
N. Prescription drugs and prescribed
over-the-counter drugs as recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force (categories A and B) and, for women, by the Health Resources and Services
Administration are covered at one hundred percent (100%) when filled at a
network pharmacy. The following are also covered at one hundred percent (100%)
when filled at a network pharmacy:
(I) Vaccine
recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention;
(II) Prescribed preferred diabetic test
strips and lancets; and
(III) One
(1) preferred glucometer.
2. Non-network: If a member chooses to use a
non-network pharmacy for non-specialty prescriptions, s/he will be required to
pay the full cost of the prescription and then file a claim with the PBM. The
PBM will reimburse the cost of the drug based on the network discounted amount
as determined by the PBM, less the applicable network copayment.
3. Out-of-pocket maximum.
A. Network and non-network out-of-pocket
maximums are separate.
B. The
family out-of-pocket maximum is an aggregate of applicable charges received by
all covered family members of the plan. Any combination of covered family
member applicable charges may be used to meet the family out-of-pocket maximum.
Applicable charges received by one (1) family member may only meet the
individual out-of-pocket maximum amount.
C. Network individual-four thousand one
hundred fifty dollars ($4,150).
Network family-eight thousand three hundred dollars ($8,300).
E. Non-network-no maximum.